Is the Shaggy Long Legs really a kiwi? I have played through Pikmin 3 and saw nothing that would suggest this.
Mr. Alexfc, where are the linkies to this creature's name, eh?
Captain JPMRocks, at your service. (talk) 16:27, July 23, 2013 (UTC)
Look up "pikmin 3 beginners guide" on youtube. Or you could look up "pikmin 3 review Ginx". Click the first option on both searches.
Page ProblemEdit
There's a problem that I don't know how to fix. At the beginning, It says [ [Category: Arachnorbs]] (pardon the spaces). Can someone remove it that knows how. I can't find it while editing the page in source mode, but in visual, when hovering over the infobox enemy template, it seems to be at the bottom... StuperStar (talk) 20:30, July 23, 2013 (UTC)