Idea ideasEdit
Sometimes I struggle to come up with ideas for polls. That's when it occurred to me: there are some topics and categories that spur all sorts of ideas. Maybe if I listed them all, it would help me and others get the creative gears spinning. So I present a list of ideas for poll ideas. I encourage others to contribute too.
- Questions about people enjoying or not enjoying their purchases
- (e.g. Did you think the DLC was priced right?)
- Questions about difficulty opinions
- (e.g. How difficult do you find game X? Do you think Pikmin Y is balanced?)
- What is your favorite out of a specific group
- (e.g. Out of a certain family, characters in a specific game, areas in DLC)
- Questions about completion status
- (e.g. Have you completed X game with no deaths? Have you 100%'d game Y?)
- Questions about ways to play
- (e.g. type of controls, what options are enabled)
- Questions about how often niche features are used
Recyclable pollsEdit
I'm not yet sure how to add this to the protocol, but I think that some polls can and should be re-submitted every once in a while. This is because the answers to these polls can change with time, and it'd be interesting for us to keep a record of how they change. Plus, some of these are so meaningful for Pikmin fans that it's nice to give a voting chance to users who didn't get to vote the first time. For the time being, I'll list such polls here, but feel free to argue or add your own.
- What games do you own?
- What has been your favorite April Fool's Day joke so far?
- What is your favorite game?
- What is your favorite Pikmin type?