Forum:Pikmin favorites
He we will list or favorite things in the pikmin games. list your favorite in this format:
- Pikmin:...-Why:...
- Capitan:...-Why:...
- Enemy:...-Why:...
- Area:...-Why:...
- Ship:...-Why:...
- Bose:...-Why:...
Replace "..." with your answer. Bulbmin count as pikmin and areas that have changed between games count as different. Here are my favorites :
- Pikmin:Yellow-Why:Ther ears are awesome and yellow is my color
- Capitan:Presented-Why:He is the comic releaf
- Enemy:Puffstole-Why:Waddles in a funny way has awsome abillaty
- Area:Forest of hope-Why:Very serial calming geart scenery and map deasine
- Ship:SS Dolphin-Why:Looks best the new ship is anoing
- Bose:Armored canon betel-Why:Massive and can spit boulders