Greetings. I am here thanks to a series of events far too complicated to delve into right now. But if you really want to know, scroll down.

Anyway, the first Pikmin was a game by Dad played to me when I was 4 years old. I loved all the little colours and enemies when I was a kid. When I was 7, I played through and beat the Titan Dweevil in Pikmin 2 at release. I never got 100%. After Pikmin 3 was revealed, I played through Pikmin 2 from the start again and got every treasure in the game.

So I guess you could say, I've been waiting 13 years for this game. And I'm dang excited about it.

Pikmin Ideas

Everyone seems to have some, so I will too.


After being gone for longer than expected, Hocotatatian and Koppaian Rescue Teams are sent to PNF-404. However in a blubbering accident, the Drake and the Rescue Ship collide and Olimar, Louie, Brittany, Charlie, Alph and the rescuers are flung in all directions. The main character in this game is the chief of the rescue team, Trail. Alph, Brittany and Charlie become playable when found.

New Pikmin

  • Thorned Pikmin
    • These Pikmin are green, and their leaves or petals are spiky. The sprout and arms have small spikes sticking out.
    • They can destroy Thorned Walls and unwrap Bramble from something.
    • They are immune to Acid sprayed by various sources.
  • Shiny Pikmin
    • These Pikmin come in a metallic silver colour. Their bodies are extremely reflective and very light.
    • They can walk across strong light and are immune to blinding light.
    • They can reflect light beams to activate certain things.

The Series of Events That Were Too Elaborate to go into

  • I became Moderator on a popular forum
  • I met JPMRocks, a fellow Pikmin fan.
  • I added him on Miiverse
  • He asked me to help out so I did.