"And now your garden grows. And if the fragrence is not to your liking... well, you cannot pull the flowers, for they have thorns. Thorns that make you sleep. Deadly thorns." - Unknown

This link leads to a Pikmin Resource Pack for Minecraft. It's no where near complete, and has quite a few sounds that are not mine (They belong to SnowSong on the MCF). You can play it if you want, but don't distribute. I have dubbed it: PikSong.


I am JPMRocks7, but I also go by Jpmrocks, JPM, and JPM "Crocodile" Rocks. I love the Pikmin Series a lot. I own every Pikmin game thus far, including Gamecube and Wii Versions for Pikmin 1 and 2, and Pikmin 3 for WiiU. I also own Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Nintendo Land, both, as I call them, Pikmin side games.

My greatest accomplishments are as follows:

  • I did a no-death run of Pikmin on my first try
  • I got a platinum medal for the co-op version of Tropical Wilds by myself.

Well with that said, my best Pikmin Records are listed below.

Now then,

Captains, Dismissed!

Pikmin Records

Story Mode

Ship Parts Found: 30/30 Parts

Time taken to Beat Story: 15/30 Days

Surviving Pikmin: 706

Total Pikmin Lost: 299

Total Pikmin Ever Sprouted: 2663

Challenge Mode

The Impact Site: 159

The Forest of Hope: 247

The Forest Naval: 236

The Distant Spring: 224

The Final Trial: 193

Pikmin 2 Records

Story Mode

10,000 Poko Debt Payoff

Total Play Time: 8:28 Hours

Time Taken: 13 Days

Pikmin Born: 740

Reds Born: 177

Yellows Born: 168

Blues Born: 253

Whites Born: 30

Purples Born: 40

Total Pikmin Lost: 103

Pikmin Lost in Battle: 92

Pikmin Left Behind: 0

Pikmin Lost to Fire: 0

Pikmin Lost to Water: 0

Pikmin Lost to Electricity: 0

Pikmin Lost to Explosions: 0

Pikmin Lost to Poison: 0

Collecting All 201 Treasures

Total Play Time: 16:18 Hours

Time Taken: 21 Days

Pikmin Born: 740

Reds Born: 316

Yellows Born: 254

Blues Born: 436

Whites Born: 70

Purples Born: 120

Total Pikmin Lost: 310

Pikmin Lost in Battle: 264

Pikmin Left Behind: 0

Pikmin Lost to Fire: 0

Pikmin Lost to Water: 1

Pikmin Lost to Electricity: 17

Pikmin Lost to Explosions: 23

Pikmin Lost to Poison: 1

Challenge Mode

Caverns Completed: 30/30

Caverns With Pink Flowers: 17/30

Pikmin 3 Records

Story Mode

Fruit Recovered: 66/66

Clear Time: Day 22

Total Play Time: 16:22 Hours

Remaining Reds: 218

Remaining Rocks: 209

Remaining Yellows: 174

Remaining Wingeds: 287

Remaining Blues: 235

Total Remaining: 1027

Reds That Perished: 50

Rocks That Perished: 34

Yellows That Perished: 44

Wingeds That Perished: 21

Blues That Perished: 94

Total Perished: 265

Mission Mode

Collect Treasure!

Tropical Forest

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo High Score: 3640

Co-op Medal: Platinum

Co-op High Score: 2170

Silver Lake

Solo Medal: Gold

Solo High Score: 2896

Co-op Medal: Silver

Co-op High Score: 2104

Thirsty Desert

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo High Score: 3760 Co-op Medal: Platinum

Co-op High Score: 4990

Twilight Hollow

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo High Score: 3270

Co-op Medal: Bronze

Co-op High Score: 1957

Shaded Garden

Solo Medal: Gold

Solo High Score: 3029

Co-op Medal: Gold

Co-op High Score: 2525

Battle Enemies!

Tropical Forest

Solo Medal: Gold

Solo High Score: 630

Co-op Medal: Silver

Co-op High Score: 490

Silver Lake

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 520

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Thirsty Desert

Solo Medal: Gold

Solo High Score: 435

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Twilight Hollow

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 285

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a 

Shaded Garden

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 490

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Defeat Bosses!

Armored Crawdad

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo Best Time: 1:14 Minutes

Co-op Medal: Platinum

Co-op High Score: 1:56 Minutes

Vehemoth Phosbat

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo Best Time: 3:31 Minutes

Co-op Medal: Silver

Co-op Best Time: 6:15 Minutes

Sandbelching Meerslug

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo Best Time: 2:44 Minutes

Co-op Medal: Platinum

Co-op Best Time: 2:33 Minutes

Scornet Maestro

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo Best Time: 2:52 Minutes

Co-op Medal: Silver

Co-op Best Time: 4:58 Minutes

Quaggled Mireclops

Solo Medal: Platinum

Solo Best Time: 3:35 Minutes

Co-op Medal: Gold

Co-op Best Time: 4:26 Minutes

Plasm Wraith

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo Best Time: 7:50 Minutes

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op Best Time: n/a

Pikmin 3: October 1, 2013 DLC

Mission Mode

Collect Treasure!

Tropical Forest Remix

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 1443

Co-op Medal: Bronze

Co-op High Score: 1086

Silver Lake Remix

Solo Medal: Bronze

Solo High Score: 853

Co-op Medal: Bronze

Co-op High Score: 1020

Thirsty Desert

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 4265

Co-op Medal: Gold

Co-op High Score: 4656

Twilight Hollow Remix

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 2470

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Shaded Garden Remix

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 1377

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Pikmin 3: November 6, 2013 DLC

Mission Mode

Battle Enemies!

Tropical Wilds Remix

Solo Medal: Bronze

Solo High Score: 580

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Garden of Hope Remix

Solo Medal: Bronze

Solo High Score: 395

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Distant Tundra Remix

Solo Medal: Silver

Solo High Score: 500

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Twilight River Remix

Solo Medal: Bronze

Solo High Score: 255

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Formidable Oak Remix:

Solo Medal: Gold

Solo High Score: 810

Co-op Medal: n/a

Co-op High Score: n/a

Pikmin 3: December 2, 2013 DLC

TBA. (I actually thought I had a section for this here... Huh...)

Pikmin Game Idea (Stand Alone): Pikmin Arena

Pikmin Arena would be a stand alone game in the Pikmin Series, mainly for online competition. There are two problems with this, however. One, Nintendo doesn't really have that strong of an online server system. Two, Pikmin 3 can actually struggle running 100 pikmin plus captain moving around (You'll know, when there's a lagg spike in-game). Other than these two giant issues, it seems quite possible.

Plot / Goal

There is no story to the game, it's just fighting online (or offline with CPUs/local multiplayer). There would be a few game modes, Capture the Flag, Bingo Battle, Treasure Hunter, Kill Monsters, and PvP. Most of the these modes would also have the toggleable ability for 1v1, 2v2, and 4-way fights, which will be explained in-depth in a bit.

Capture the Flag would function like the Victory Macadamia in Pikmin 3's Bingo Battle. Capture the enemy's flag. CTF can have 1v1 matches or 2v2 matches.

Bingo Battle functions just like it would in Pikmin 3. Can feature 1v1, 2v2, or 4-way fights.

Treasure Hunter is a timed game, which ever side can collect the most treasure before time ends. Can have 1v1 or 4-way fights.

Kill Monsters is just like the mission mode version in Pikmin 3. Can have 1v1, 2v2, or 4-way fights.

PvP is just as it sounds, people fighting other people, either down their captain, or destroy their army. Features 1v1, or 4-way fights.


So, a reason I had mentioned about this being sifficult is that pikmin can easily lagg a game into submission, as each little carrot is moving individually. My solution is that there is still only 100 pikmin in the field, evenly divided up.

You also can customize your army to your needs before each round. Choosing between all seven colors of the veggie rainbow, with certain amounts of each. Each player-count of each match will also differ in pikmin total, 1v1 is 50v50, 2v2 is 25+25v25+25, and 4-way is 25v25v25v25. It can get intense.

The "team color" is determined by the color of the pikmin's flower (similar to Pikmin 3's Bingo Battle). Team Green would get green flowers, Team Red gets red flowers, etc. Each home base is also an onion/SS Drake that it colored to the team's color.


Of course, an important part of online cometitions is character customization. Players are given the "Koppain Space Suit" as their avatar's default, with their Mii as their head. The default suit is colorable between 16 different colors. Players can unlock different space suit types from completing achievements. The different suits are:

  • Koppain (Default)
  • Koppain Captain (Default, but with a gold star)
  • Hocotatian (Olimar/Louie's suit from Pikmin 3)
  • Hocotation President (Mr Prez's, but HD)
  • Brawler 09 (Olimar's skin from SSBB)
  • Brawler U (Olimar's SSBU skin)
  • Red Leader (Suit that resembles red pikmin suit from Nintendo Land)
  • Yellow Leader (Same as Red Leader, but yellow)
  • Blue Leader (Same as Red, but Blue)
  • White Leader (You get the drill)
  • Crash Lander (Olimar's Pikmin 1 suit, but HD. Also features tears and stitches)
  • Treasure Hunter (Solid gold Space Suit)
  • Onion-Head (Default suit, but with a Pikmin 3 onion for the helmet/head)
  • Junker (Default suit, but with Pikmin 2's ship's deploy pod as the helmet)

Many more ideas are to come, but there's quite a bit of customization. Fun fun.


The minimap would be similar to minimaps in the Mario Kart franchise; transparent, and in a corner of the player's screen. Enemies would be represented by green circles, treasure and fruit with white stars, and enemy players and their pikmin with team-colored dots.


Many of the maps in the game would be based of off already existing maps, such as 2P Battle in Pikmin 2, and Bingo Battle in Pikmin 3. A few map ideas I have are:

  • Battle Beach: Two sand castles on a beach, right next to the ocean (like inches from the water). The side of the castles that faces the water is worn down and flooded. Miscellanious loot and such is scattered about the sand.
  • Canopy Keep: The canopy of a tree, it's branches creating pathways and platforms. Pikmin thrown over the side of the paths are killed. Very leafy, leaves blocking the player's screen in some parts.