About me

My name is Joshua, but I prefer Josh, I come from the PAL regions (UK). See User:Joshazilla23/PK 3

On this Wiki

I'm not the biggest Pikmin or even a computer 'Nerd', but I'm a huge fan of the pikmin series. I completed Pikmin 1 in 14 days and managed to complete Pikmin 2 in 9 days. I'll probally be speculating alot on the discussion pages, such as bringing up theorys and rumours and hope that at least 1 person will agree with them... :-)


Iv'e made 2 forum's, Forum:Olimar's Perspective and Forum:Real life treasure pics

What will the future of pikmin be?



  This user thinks Blue Pikmin are awesome!
edit This user has total edits on this wiki.
  This user thinks Purple Pikmin are awesome!
AD This user is addicted to Pikipedia, dammit!
