The Pikmin series is a video game series developed by Nintendo EAD that focuses on manipulating Pikmin. It currently consists of three games: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 3. Pikmin and Pikmin 2 have counterparts in the New Play Control! range on Wii.
Pikmin series games
Reception and sales
All three games have been scored well by critics. Pikmin 2 scores generally higher than Pikmin (e.g. scores of 90[1] and 89[2] on review aggregator Metacritic, respectively). Pikmin 3 scores were closer to those of Pikmin 2. [3] The total number of sales for the series is approximately 4.3 million as of September 2013[4].
In other games
- Main article: Pikmin in other games.
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