Fiery Blowhog
Areas The Forest Navel, Valley of Repose, Perplexing Pool, Wistful Wild
Underground Areas White Flower Garden, Shower Room, Submerged Castle, Cavern of Chaos, Hole of Heroes, Dream Den
Attacks Blows fire
Size 52mm
Scientific Name Sus draconus
Family Blowhog

The Fiery Blowhog is a cousin of the Watery Blowhog who has a red snout and spits fire. Fiery Blowhogs are common enemies in Pikmin 2 but are only found in The Forest Navel in Pikmin. When provoked by Pikmin, Fiery Blowhogs will buck. If there's water nearby, Pikmin could drown, so try to lure it away from water. In Pikmin, it is very difficult to save the Pikmin from fire. Blowing the whistle in the area the fire is spewed can also cancel out the attack and save the pikmin caught in the flames instantly.

Olimar's Notes

This creature expels a volatile phosphorus compound from its snout that combusts upon contact with the air. This fire-breathing ability is dependent upon the air-to-fuel ratio at its mouth, catalyst reaction within the expelled compound, and purification of the compound. Thus it is highly unlikely such a complex process could cause the spontaneous explosion of a fallen blowhog. (This process is also prehaps to avoid risk of spontaneous combustion in the belly of a live specimen.) However, one should still treat a Fiery Blowhog with great care, even after its functions have ceased.

Louie's Notes

Roast this flavorable meat for several hours, letting it stew in its own succulent juices. Don't worry about overcooking this beast... it's scorch-proof!

How to Kill


If you have reds, then swarm it. Otherwise, wait until right after it's done shooting fire, then swarm it. If your Pikmin get caught on fire, call to them and they'll be fine. In Pikmin 1, it's advised that you kill these with your captains if you don't have reds.


Simply punch it until it's dead, running when it honks (this means it'll do a kick thing).