{{infobox challenge
|image = image title including extension
|size = image size (optional)
|caption = image caption (optional)
|sublevels = number of sublevels
|red = number of Red Pikmin (optional, defaults to 0)
|redm = Red maturity ("l", "b" or "f", omit if no Red Pikmin)
|purple = number of purples
|purplem = Purple maturity
|white = number of whites
|whitem = White maturity
|yellow = number of yellows
|yellowm = Yellow maturity
|blue = number of blues
|bluem = Blue maturity
|bulbmin = number of Bulbmin
|bulmbinm = Bulbmin maturity
|bitter = number of Ultra-bitter sprays
|spicy = number of Ultra-spicy sprays
|gridcol = column number on the menu grid
|gridrow = row number on the menu grid