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A Red, Blue, and Yellow Pikmin drink nectar.
Artwork of Pikmin drinking nectar in Pikmin.

Nectar is a substance that increases the maturity of Pikmin, usually to the flower stage. It comes in the form of large drops of liquid that Pikmin can drink. It works differently in the main series, in Pikmin Bloom, and in Pikmin Adventure.

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This specimen is representative of an insect hybrid that uses electricity in addition to glycogen for its energy. Although difficult to confirm due to their microscopic size, tiny hairs on the creature's legs cause the friction that generates the electrical charge. The electrical charge is processed by the creature's internal machina battery structure, and then stored as a deus electrifical field. As this field reaches critical levels, surplus electricity is emitted, resulting in a low voltage current that is transmitted between specimens. It can shock other creatures in the immediate vicinity. Considering this process, it can be surmised that the largest impetus to pack behavior is not so much for synergic effect of producing as a pack as it is to take advantage of this most effective means of group preservation.

Captain Olimar on the Anode Beetle, entry from Olimar's Notes

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High Definition overhead map of the Valley of Repose.

A high-definition map of the Valley of Repose.
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