Category talk:Navigation templates

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Revision as of 08:23, July 30, 2012 by Locke (talk | contribs)

Many (all?) of these were recently made collapsible. I'm not convinced this is a good idea - my reasoning is here. I may at some point have a go at making the collapsible stuff look less terrible, but it's still to be discussed whether they even need to be collapsible (if not, the link is just making things look untidy) - and if any should be collapsed by default. GP 05:03, 29 July 2012 (EDT)

I see no reason to collapse something that appears at the very bottom of articles, especially when it's navigation. Is clicking a button to view the categories any easier than scrolling a tiny bit further (if at all)? Scrolling is bad, but clicking is worse. << Locke(talk|contribs) >> 09:23, 30 July 2012 (EDT)