The Challenge Mode in Pikmin challenges the players to grow as many Pikmin as they can in a single day. It can be unlocked when all three types of Pikmin are discovered in the game's main story mode, and is unlocked for every ship log (i.e. save file). Once unlocked, it can be found on the title screen, under Options. Levels are unlocked as they are encountered in the main game, also for every ship log. The areas are slightly different from the ones in story mode, having different enemies and obstacles in different places, and lacking in ship parts. In addition, the S.S. Dolphin is not present during play, meaning Olimar cannot repair his spacesuit, so the player must take great care as to not let Olimar fall. In Challenge Mode, the areas are slightly darker than their in-game counterparts, and the speed of each area's music is increased slightly. Bomb-rocks are found in greater numbers, too.
When the time is up, the number of Pikmin that have been raised is recorded, and the top 5 numbers for each level are recorded.
- Using advanced strategies, it is possible to reach a cap on the number of Pikmin for all levels, except the Distant Spring (it's too big to be fully covered within the time). That means that tied world records are not uncommon. Despite that, once emulation of Gamecube games becomes reliable enough, Tool-Assisted Speedrunners will try to reach the maximum number in The Distant Spring.
- The maximum Pikmin that can be grown in each level is:
- The Impact Site: 278
- The Forest of Hope: 569
- The Forest Navel: 482
- The Distant Spring: 752
- The Final Trial: 299