
Revision as of 17:14, August 19, 2011 by Sir Pikmin (talk | contribs) (Doesn't work anymore)

This article is a help page for the IRC client at Special:WebChat.

If you cannot use that client for whatever reason, you can use any other IRC client to connect to the Pikipedia chatroom. The sever name is and the channel is #pikipedia.


A number of customizations and actions can be performed without typing commands. The links below the text entry allow you to change your text color, insert emoticons (note that not all users will see these as you do), and perform other utility operations on text. Further changes can be made with the 'Menu' button at the top right of the client.

User actions can be displayed by clicking on a user's name at the right. Double click on a name to start a private chat with that user; this is opened in a separate tab, displayed at the top.


Here are a few of more commonly used commands that work in the chatroom; many of these apply to all IRC clients.

  • /j #[channel]: join another channel; this is opened in a new tab.
  • /nick [nickname]: change your name.
  • /away: set your status to away.
  • /back: set your status to active, after being away.
  • /query [username]: open a private conversation tab.
  • /me [blah blah]: refer to yourself in the third person (/me goes away results in [Username] goes away).
  • /msg nickserv or /ns +
    • register [password] [email]: register your name so that no-one can impersonate you. Every time you change your nick, you must identify yourself.
    • identify [password]: if you registered your name, this is how you enter your password.
    • set password [new password]: change your password. You must identify yourself first.
    • kill [nickname] [password]: free a nick you've registered for use if someone else is using it.
    • drop [password]: if you want to unregister your nick, use this command. Be warned that you will lose any channel you own.
  • /msg chanserv or /cs +
    • access #[channel] *: print a list of users registered with the current channel, along with access level and current status.
    • op #[channel]: make yourself an operator if you have the rights; alternatively, add [username] to op another user.
  • /clear: delete all text from the chat window.

To learn the other available commands, enter /cs help (for channel commands) or /ns help (for personal commands).


  • No flaming, cursing or acting inappropriately.
  • It is advisable to use your Pikipedia username as a nickname for easier identification.
  • No spam.
  • If a rule is not followed, a kick will be issued.

Operators may be present to kick or ban unruly users. These will generally be sysops.