The fourteenth level in Challenge mode in Pikmin 2.




25 Red 25 Yellow 25 Blue 25 White Total: 100


spicy: 0 bitter: 0

As the name say: DWEEVIL'S... everywhere... All type's are present (though NOT Titan Dweevil) (whew...) and it's one of the few caves that has a total amount of 100 Pikmin. As shown above each dweevil type has it's own 25 Pikmin to battle against, which will make things hard when water and fire are flying around everywhere. No sprays can help you, and the dweevils will each want to take a treasure to carry, and there is LOT'S of treasure. If you don't want to battle, take the key (unless it just walked past you) and use the geyser. Another pink flower real fast!