E3_Play3/play_3 is a beta map in Pikmin left in the disc. This map may have showed up on an E3 Conference for people to play, or only for the trailer.
Gameplay footage
This area resembles the Impact Site, and the Forest of Hope also. The only way to play it is by replacing the files, and that's the reason why the objects and music stay the same as in the first level. The Pikmin haven't been configured onto this stage, and that's why they're confused on where to go when carrying stuff. <youtube>kl0pagZp6r4</youtube>
- Skip to 00:20 for watch E3_Play3 gameplay
It has multiple routes, and lots of ledges and wooden platforms. There is a lot of fog in the background, similar to other beta levels. The ledges are similar from the Impact Site and Forest of Hope. The grass is actually taken from the Forest of Hope, but only slightly darker.