Forums: Index > Watercooler > Spammers

This extension, mentioned here, sounds like it would help keep away the spammer bots fairly well. Vol (Talk)

Well, it seems ok, but does this extension also forces registered users? Personally, I don't have much of a problem with that, as I almost always preview before editing, but it can still be a bore. {EspyoT} 13:33, 17 January 2011 (EST)
Espyo, as indicated on the extension page, you can exempt any group you choose from having to preview. I say don't have it for logged-in users, but it would be good for anonymous editors, yes. I'll just assume everyone agrees and tell Porple to install it... GP
Yeah, I read it but I wasn't 100% sure if it meant that. That said, I say we install this extension. I'm sure Porplemontage will agree as well. {EspyoT} 19:06, 17 January 2011 (EST)
Oh, if you wanted some sort of reason for not enabling it for registered users, look at the minor edits I just made to treasure pages - this is the sort of thing a normal user might feasibly want to do, and takes much longer if you're forced to preview every edit first. GP
I agree on enabling it for anonymous users. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Alien Billboard/journal still managed to be spammed after the force preview extension was installed. I tested it out while I was logged out and it works fine. Porple suggested requiring "a math problem to be solved by all guests (which is currently only required by guests adding new links)". Vol (Talk)