Sir Pikmin

Joined September 13, 2010
Revision as of 20:56, September 16, 2008 by Sir Pikmin (talk | contribs) (Fixed oxymoron, made critsism/complaints section easier to comprehend)

Hi everyone! I'm Sir Pikmin and I love pikmin and pikmin related things.I'm cautiously awaiting the arrival of Pikmin 3

Pikmin 3

Since almost everyone else is, I shall reveal to you all my ideas for Pikmin 3.

1. The game would be for the Wii. You could use any of the Wii controlers to play( including the Gamecube controler), but the controler you use when you begin the story mode is the only controler you can unless you start a new file of the five empty files available.My Pikmin 3 would be rated E for Everyone for cartoon violence.

2.The pikmin have learned to fend for themselves after Olimar's last trip. You control an army of pikmin(controlled by a pikmin)of any of the eight pikmin species, incluing the two new species: Grey and Tan Pikmin.

3.Every pikmin now has at least two special abilities that get better as you use them.

4.Red pikmin, along with yellow pikmin, can now make your radar show enemy locations based upon how many of them you have(Ex. if you have 100 combined you'll see every enemy on the map, if you have 50 you'll only see half the enemies).

5.Blue pikmin can build a temporary leaf bridge across water for other pikmin.Purple and white pikmin have stayed the same as before.

6.Grey pikmin: Grey pikmin are the evil in this game who seek to enslave every other pikmin species. They can see better than other pikmin in total darkness.

7. Tan pikmin:These pikmin are searching for something, their onion. They can dry up quick sand and have a limited abiliy to see in sandstorms.

More to come later...


All of your critisim/ complants go in the disscusion section. If you find a spelling or grammer error, and can't keep your mouth shut about it, post it there as well.

Sir Pikmin-Planting Red, White, and Blue pikmin all over the planet