
Revision as of 10:47, September 19, 2010 by Greenpickle (talk | contribs) (to make catlinks separate on template page)

N.I.W.A. is a family of open-content encyclopedias based on Nintendo franchises, vowing to be now and forever independent!

From [www.NIWANetwork.org NIWA].

File:Bulbaonion.png - Pokémon: Bulbapedia
File:MarioWikiIcon.png - Super Mario: Super Mario Wiki
File:MetroidWikiIcon.png - Metroid: Metroid Wiki

File:WarsWikiSprite.png - Nintendo Wars: Wars Wiki
File:WiKirbyIcon.png - Kirby: WiKirby
File:ZeldaWikiIcon.png - Legend of Zelda: Zelda Wiki.org

Other Nintendo franchise wikis are welcome; please visit the NIWA forums to suggest candidate wikis!