His stem is black!O_oLast Onion
... ... ...So?... ... ... ...0_o... ...lotta...dots... ...~CrystalLucario~ 01:10, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
... ...Maybe he's Afro-Hocotation?... ... ...ZOMG!1!one1!!1!eleven!1!--Prezintenden
lol. (At both sentences) ~CrystalLucario~ 21:06, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
i think they should make pikmin 3 off the bad ending because they have pikmin 2 for the good and the average endings.
Augggg... ~CrystalLucario~ 11:09, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
- Actually, that's not so bad an idea. I quite like the prospect of a game where your a Pikminified Olimar, with the aim being to explore to find a way to make yourself Hocotatian again, or to get back to Hocotate somehow (now he needs a suit to breathe there. Sort of, it turns out that he's now fine, a second attempt to regain the ship parts, but different. There would have to be some major gameplay differences, him being part-Pikmin now...