The trivia says the ship named the treasure, and I'm pretty sure myself that the ship names the treasures, but in Olimar's Journal he says that he named it. Vol (Talk) 16:41, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

Which one named it first? BNK [E|T|C] 16:45, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
Well, it seems obvious that the ship named it when the treasure is recovered, but Olimar clearly states that he was the one who named it, so, either Olimar is lying, or he told the ship what to name over his communication link, or it was just a mistake made by the game developers.
Vol (Talk) 17:04, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
I expect the trivia's just wrong and assumed it. It's also a pretty pointless piece of trivia TBH.GP