Stage preview.

Brawl Yard is the seventh 2-Player Battle stage in Pikmin 2, and as its name suggests, it is a yard setting, using the garden theme also used in sublevel 2 of the Snagret Hole. Decorated Cannon Beetles populate the stage, and must be defeated to access some of the marbles.

A glitch allows a leader to go out of bounds and steal the opponent's marble from behind. This is a risky strategy, however.

Level information

Technical sublevel information
Internal cave name vs_7_nobinobi
"Main" object maximum (?) 40
"Treasure" object maximum (?) 0
"Gate" object maximum (?) 0
Dead end unit probability (?) 80
Number of rooms (?) 3
Corridor-to-room ratio (?) 0
Escape geyser (?) No
Clogged hole (?) No
Cave units file (?) vs_7_kusachi.txt
Lighting file (?) vs_7_light.ini
Background (?) hiroba (  garden)
Cave units (?)
Layout 1 (26.(6)% chance)
Large three-way crossing (×2) Room with upside-down bucket (×1) Dead end with item (×7)
Layout 2 (26.(6)% chance)
Large three-way crossing (×1) Room with 5 exits (×1) Room with 2 circling paths (×1) Dead end with item (×4) Long corridor (×3) Turning corridor (×1)
Corridor (×1)
Layout 3 (26.(6)% chance)
Room with 2 circling paths (×2) Large three-way crossing (×2) Corridor (×4) Dead end with item (×2)
Random units
Dead end with item Three-way crossing Four-way crossing Turning corridor Corridor Long corridor
Large three-way crossing Room with upside-down bucket Room with 2 circling paths Room with 5 exits


Names in other languages

The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese/French text.

Language Name Meaning Notes
  Japanese のびのびコース?
  French Terrain de Jeu
  German Prügelhof Brawl Yard
  Italian Corte di scontro Court of battle A literal translation of the English name that doesn't sound very natural.
  Spanish Picnic Salvaje Wild Picnic


  • Brawl Yard has a 20% chance of generating randomly, not using any of its 3 preset layouts. No other stage does this, either using preset layouts only, or always generating randomly.

See also