It's me... Crys... Lonely.. Why can't I sign in? Damn I missed a lot >.> "CRYS"

Well that's depressing Crystal lucario

Lonely Turret? Where's your sig? WAAA!!! You never use it! The one and only, Peanut64.

Thats RIGHT!! Pikmin Fanon is a partner of Pikipedia!! MWA HA HAAA The one and only, Peanut64.

That's... immature. Vol (Talk)

Crys is goin on a killfest tonight! (Loafy the Breadbug)

Family member died, back soon. Crystal lucario

Oh, sorry didn't know that. And I was kidding, vol. He hates speculation AND blanked our main page once. The one and only, Peanut64.

Nitrome wiki

Don't forget about it, and come back over! -Seri

Hey Crys... Are you.. gonna be back soon? The one and only, Peanut64.

Pikmin 3, that is all.

Old Stuff Yes. I know 99% of the messages will be yelling at me! Shut up about it. >.< Rabbaflabbing kids and their rabbaflabbin rap music

Indeed, many flab.GP
I thought it would be much flab...?--Prezintenden
= Purposeful grammatical incorrectness.GP
= Me thinking it was actually correct = Me failing at grammer.--Prezintenden
me iz gud rly gramer ie iz ie iz gud ut sppln ulzo. i ~kristl lcrio~ alzo i yez mesag.

Leik me saiz, we es ut of jobski. I am rocky0718 and i PWN

I got my own wiki: :D nitrome wikia I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Dear Crystal Lucario, I kinda miss you. If you approve this message I will have an online club, and you're invited for a club meaning.

Retrieved from "User_talk:Crystal_lucario/Archive01"

Sure I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Club pikmin 3

Attention all members, this artical allows us to make the best pikmin 3 ideas. I have the frilled bolborb, so you don't have to use that. I'm Brittonbubbu (a.k.a Shadowy Pikdude)

Before Crystal sees this and starts foaming at the mouth, Britton, in the future could you please try not to leave messages on people's talk pages with the intent of provoking them? Thanks. —Jimbo Jambo
Speculation... *Wince* and wait Britton = Shadowy Pikdude? I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Pikmin 1.5, huh? Well, the original Gamecube title was awesome. Problem is you throw Pikmin way to slow in it. Maybe it's faster with the wiimote? I won't know because I don't plan on getting it. I'll get Pikmin 2.5 instead, just to test out the control for 3, assuming it's on Wii. Pikmin 3 will probably be a bigger, better Pikmin 2 and that's fine with me. Portal-Kombat

I already have #2 so Ima buying #1.5 I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

I don't get it.. is it Louie's Grandmother, or Louie's Aunt? Portal-Kombat

Grandma sends mail aunt is mentioned... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.
I forget, why are we so sure it's his grandmother? I don't think it says. —Jimbo Jambo
Something to do with his Grandma's letter saying he loved bugs and some info of his grandma teaching him to cook bugs? I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Take a look at my User Page! It has a huge fake pikmin 3 walkthrough, with treasures and enemies. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 21:40, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Augggggghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head slamming on keybord --> m ,njn bhjmjumnj m, nm ,nuuik/';>


>.< I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

What? Is is too big? Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:08, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

HATE...SPECULATION... *Grabs bloody knife* I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

OH *farts* *grabs shield made out of bulborb poop* I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

You remind me alot of Evillouie13, except funnier and weirder. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:13, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Hmmm... interesting... who? I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

EvilLouie13. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:16, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Aha, him, yesh... mmm... carrots... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

It appears he is ressisting the urge to make a fake Pikmin 3 Walkthrough as well. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:20, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Why did you advertise it here anyway? I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

I only read the first post, the posted myself. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:23, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Read post 2 & 3 I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Oh... *Begins slowly backing away * Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:27, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Well, I'm off to breed Pikmin. Killerbreadbug72 Disscussion Random 22:32, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

YEH YOU RUN AWAY! I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

YEAH, YOU GO RUN AWAY AND BREED SOME DARN PIKMIN, AND *head slams on keyboard* 7UYHNUYHNYHMNTGVBTGVBTFGV GGHM FYJHFGHJHJHG!!! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Wait, some dude did a Pikmin 3 theory page? Sounds fun!  EvilLouie13
*Eyes bleed* I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.



come to my talk.

enough said

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my sign on bulbapedia --Snagret Piki ROCKS 23:46, 22 October 2008 (UTC)

Why? And uh... cool... oh yes and I fixed it a little... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Ok, as i was saying, OMG! DARKRAI! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

OMG aswell!Darkrai!Masta pikmin 16:59, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

Edit Undone

Why did you undo my edit to Pikmar? You corrected that instead of undoing it. Unless there was another reason which you didn't mention in the edit summary. The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 01:56, 6 November 2008 (UTC)

Ummm.... well... I just.... it just... didn't seem like it fit... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.
That is a better edit summary. ALWAYS USE A GOOD EDIT SUMMARY. ALWAYS. The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 12:16, 6 November 2008 (UTC)
Oh great now I'm getting yelled at MOAR... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.
Nope, just showing emphasis. The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 12:40, 6 November 2008 (UTC)
Well, I know what I am doing and I don't do things without a reason... I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.
Yes, but others need to know your reasons too; you need to communicate, otherwise people can't tell why you're doing what you're doing.GP
Ok I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.


Siggy test I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.

Phail, it keeps adding SUBST:: to my sig! Why won't the thing work... >.< I'm ~Crystal Lucario~ And I approve this message.
Trying to use {{User:Crystal lucario/sig}} as your Nickname so you can sign with that? Yeah, it automatically substitutes it for some reason. What I do is I have a second sig page, User:Jimbo Jambo/sig2, which I use as my nickname, and all it contains is {{User:Jimbo Jambo/sig}}; that way, when {{User:Jimbo Jambo/sig2}} is substituted, all that appears is {{User:Jimbo Jambo/sig}}. —Jimbo Jambo
Thank you... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


hmmmm... maybe I need a signature... wiki443556 19:02, 24 November 2008 (UTC)

Secret Identity :/

It's me Brittonbubba. I was Shadowy Pikdude. I ran away from Pikipedia then. I was a minor user also. Now I'm a major user. User: Brittonbubba

...Hi... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

YOU WHA....!!??

YOU'RE A BOY!!??? also are you american or not?...

YES I AM A BOY! *Rips out [Your name here]'s lungs* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Lord, will this ever end... *Uses Kanohi Krill to repair Wiki4's lungs* Bad Lucario, Bad. go have a soda, hit the showers, and stay off the feild. ~~Rocky~~

IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!! *Blows Wiki to millions of peices* ... Mmmmm... sodaI'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

owch... wiki443556 19:43, 27 November 2008 (UTC) 19:40, 27 November 2008 (UTC)

Pwnd I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND *Fails to resist urge to pwn wiki* DROCTOGUANAPIKMINBULBMINITSOVER90000!!!! BAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! pwnd. Can i have soda and a shower? WOW! BLUE FLAVORED! EEK! GET AWAY! *hits Crystal Lucario with my utter scrap of blue flavored soda by accident* Oops, sorry, i though you were a bulborb and i... OMG, A BULBORB!!!! *Hits olimar with soap, which bounces off his helmet and cracks mine* OH S***T! I CANT BREATHE THIS AIR!!!!! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Break it up

WHAT THE FU** is wrong with Crystal Lucario & Wiki443556. User Talk: Brittonbubba

Idunno about wiki but some guys from the asylum are hunting me down... again... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey... there's nothing wrong wid me. I just became a little... gender confused. I LIKE PIE! wiki443556 18:07, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

??? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Good.o+< Everything is back to normal. Brittonbubba

If this happens again, *Charging Lazer gun for Brittonbubba*. BB

...I'm confused... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
we all get confused at times that's y I'm wearing a dress.... wiki443556 19:24, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
Oh, that's why I am! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

OMG!!! Both of you are wearing man skirts!XD Brittonbubba



Dr. Phil
Larry The Cable Guy
Do you have car insurance?Do you know that [[INSERT NAME HERE]] Whips thier customers?That Auto Insurance is usally ripoffs?That Millions of Pikmin are getting killed BUT THEY DONT HAVE INSURANCE? :(
Did you know that-THis iS Peanut64,-ANd I ApProvE Of ThiS MESSagE?
What? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

please can any uses join in dayly to mash your keyboard on my userpage. Thank u :) '''I AM wiki443556!!''' 15:43, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

WHAT IS ALL THIS RANDOM STUFF DOING ON MY PAGE!!!!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

well seen as there's a "SPAM64" section 'tis the perfect place. '''I AM wiki443556!!''' 18:25, 21 December 2008 (UTC) and I want u 2 mash on my page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

OLLLLLLLD PEEEEOPLLLLLLLLLLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh oh sorry went abit...crazy there.sorry.'''I AM wiki443556!!''' 16:28, 23 December 2008 (UTC)


  • Guy: I said with mustard.
  • Falco's Voice Actor: Make it two. Portal-Kombat

.... I 4t I was crazy'''I AM wiki443556!!''' 16:28, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

SpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamySpamy Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay BLIBERBLOOBER:lkapobnaorijgbarf6g54aer968h5a4er68h7a63er54j6h8as5e4r3g5a4sf68h74a6e5r4a6e8t7j6as5e43gra54s7h687a6er54hga6er8j76ae8r5ga46sr8g7tae6r5f4aw6e8gf7awe986f4asd6g87s6ry4sg6z5df4nh6sry498us7er65g4s6t87uw8 User:Killerbreadbug72

GO AWAY! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ok...(tries to fight addiction but is just to weak)SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM SPAM SPAM SPAMSPAM SPAMMM SPAM SPAM SPAMMMMM SPAM SPAM SPAM'''I AM wiki443556!!''' 21:22, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

STOP OR I WILL EAT YOUR FACE I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

IMAFIRINMALAZOR *Fired a lazor simaler to the Zero Suit Lazor* User Talk: Brittonbubba

EVERYONE OUT!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

That's it you better run!D:< User: Brittonbubba

*Wince* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

CRYSTAL LUCARIO! I warned you on the fight with Wiki443556 and you blew it.User: Brittonbubba

What??? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

That's it you heard me.D:< What Rocky said. P.S. every user on this page ecxept Crystal Lucario form an angery mob and attack him. User: Brittonbubba

I can't understand what you are thrying to tell me. on the fight with Wiki and I blew what? Where did Rocky say that? And I can Final Smash your mob out of existence! *Millions of jagged aura surounded crystals fall from the sky and impale everyone on screen* GAME! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

C.L: stop killing. B.B: wot the h***. every1 else: hi I'm back! '''I AM wiki443556!!''' 19:04, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

LEAVE!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

that wasn't clear. do u want me 2 leave the wiki or every 2 leave this section? '''I AM wiki443556!!''' 20:09, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR *again* Brittonbubba

I ONCE TRIED 2 EAT MY OWN HEAD!!!!!.... '''I AM wiki443556!!''' 18:22, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

O Ha- *Is blasted by LAZ0R* ACfanGirl1683264! Giygas is SCARY! 19:49, September 14, 2010 (UTC)


This is me, Danijo. I've been busy editing other wikis here and there.And to tell you the truth, I've fixed up a few things in Rayman Wiki. Since that new game, Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party has been recently. I might as well fix up the article on it. Thought it would be o.k. to let you know. Danijo 14:27, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Thats Crys speak for "Go for it, Doche." His translation, not mine. ~~Rocky~~

Don't Rocky... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


I came here because I noticed I didn't have an account for a wikia about one of my favorite game series. lol Blue Ninjakoopa 19:52, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

:D I wuz kidding... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I'm glad to see you here! :D Man, this place looks fun! Not too strict like Smash Wiki I hope. Blue Ninjakoopa 05:05, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
No it is not strict. Except Green. *looks over shoulder* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Who is he? Greenpickle? He's awesome! <3 Blue Ninjakoopa 19:49, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
Yes Green is short for Greenpickle. And he isn't awesome his goal is to make himself sound smarter than me. *Cry* I kan speel tu! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
dun worry i tink ur smart ily <3 Blue Ninjakoopa 02:37, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
I remeber (Becuz it was like last week) when me and Green impersonated Prez (Prezintenden) then we both impersonated Green after Prez came. And then Prez figured out who was who when I said: "I'm Smarticle" I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
This place is alot better than Smash Wiki lolololololol Blue Ninjakoopa 11:39, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
I know! I'll be at the nitrome wikia so I might take a few minutes to respond. Just thouht I'd say... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Awesome! You're at multiple Wikis too? We have much in common lolololol I'll be working on my sig, but one question: Can I upload personal images? Blue Ninjakoopa 11:46, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
Yes, the one I'm busy with just now I created. And Personal Images? Have you seen my page? Lol I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
looooooooooooooooooooooooool how old are you? Blue Ninjakoopa 11:51, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
13 I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Cool! I'm 15. Can I join your Wiki? <3 Blue Ninjakoopa 11:57, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
Yes, but play some games at first, Try Ice Breaker and Fat Cat and Toxic 2 (Some of the Best). I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Ok Blue Ninjakoopa 12:03, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
Your sig looks better now. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Thanks. It goes well with the Wiki like yours does :3 Blue Ninjakoopa 12:07, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
:P I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I'll most likely be here doing some random editing. See you later ^_^ Blue Ninjakoopa 12:35, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
K bye I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Ahhh! I spliced muh leg open and had to get stitches today, >.< Pain! Any-hoo, did you visit Nitrome? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
The day I joined Pikipedia my leg got sliced open and I had to get stitches. Portal-Kombat
I got 10 stitches. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Ow. I didn't have to get that many- the scar's not that big. How did you cut your leg? Portal-Kombat
Jumping on and off crates for an exersise at swimming practice for the swim team... Tiger attack. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Nice. You take Pakour, Crys? Its a lot like Jumping off crates for exersize being mauled by tigers. Only more things to jump on tigers.~~Rocky~~

What is Pakour? I'm not French... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Sorry, I mean Parkour. And its basicaly Jumping over things to get somewhere being mauled by tigers. And how did you know it was french? your minnasoda-ize. ~~Rocky~~

Ah, yes. I just guessed it was French lol... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Re:Admin Request on Rocky's Talk Page

We Are not Begging, we just really need him now! He hasn't edited in over a month, and he is the only user with Bureaucratic powers! Killer bread bug 72  

Leave him be... and check out and nitrome wikia I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey crystal lucario, the one who hates speculation, right? Well i found a glitch AND theres proof on youtube. Go Here. It is a pellet glitch that is not on this wiki yet. Please make an article or section about it!Peanut64

Yes I hate it so? And make it yourself... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Exactly what is the glitch? The fact that the posy is on a slope? —Jimbo Jambo 18:43, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
I see nothing... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Hey what are the rules on userboxes here? Cause I like to make a lot of userboxes, but scince at the moment only 1 of the wikias I go to accepts them now. I would like a new outlet for my userbox-creating-creativity so they don't all have to be zelda themed any more. Metroidhunter32 00:55, 20 January 2009 (UTC)


Thank you for the siggy, Crystal lucario. I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Your welcome. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Since there is a sig section i will show you mine.I'm ~Peanut 64~ And I Approve This Message

I can make you a better one... cuz that is kinda ugly, no offense... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Ok. No offense taken. I will be glad that you will fix it.Peanut64

I'll do it tommorow, k? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Allright, that one is called User:Peanut64/crystalucariosig. Thanks!The one and only, Peanut64.

OMG that siggy rocks you are so creative!! Thanks alot, I'm ~Peanut 64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.

Your very welcome. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I love the new sig!! I approve this sandwich is a keeper!!The one and only, Peanut64.

YESH! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Fourm game

Plz go to the Fourm With the keywords: Fourm Game, And join the battle of red and blue pikmin. Copy and paste to other friend's Talk pages for more players. P.S: This is not spam. I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Be wit jo ppl

I found some people for you to sympithize with at: This place was made for you. ~~Rocky~~

Lol, but my ppl are wikians Rock, if you haven't noticed that than your not me. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

AH, well. Anyway, I think you would like them. Its a site maily about that book series I told you about, Maximum Ride. ~~Rocky~~

Ah yes, I thikn I'll stick with Ender's Game... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Woah!! How could you think SPECULATION!!!???? i thincs thr shld b lke orng pikmans that fire lazorz out ther buts and sing rapz muzik?? Well, you were just thinking of speculators, werent you?? I'm ~Peanut 64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.

Lolzerskates. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Is your leg feeling better? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 23:54, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

Yeh, thanks for asking. Turns out I only needed to be stitched up for 2 weeks. Now I can get like a tattoo or something and it could be the joker, I mean it's like a smile with less face. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

HMM....I cant do anything...[Thinks of what to do]... I know! why do toady bloysters "moo"?The one and only, Peanut64.

Uh... false. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

If you think about it its true! They go "NURREAGGHHH-BLEARGGHHH"! it is simalar to "MUERRORROOOOOOO", isnt it? Im just sayin' that it is simlar. That low pitch... Thought i was eating hamburgers for dinner... actully Toady eating pikmin...The one and only, Peanut64.

Uh... 7? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

wha?? what does 7 mean?? BLEARGHHHH goes the raging bloyster and ERRARRRR-EAAAERRRR goes the titan dweevil and GUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLPPPPPPPUHHH goes speculators that got lost on crystal lucario's page.The one and only, Peanut64.

The main reason I remember the Titan Dweevil boss battle well is because the first time I beat the game and fought the King of Bugs I swear I could hear it saying my name over and over. For about 128 seconds I was under the impression that the fight was DESTINED to happen or something. And then the boss turned into a giant bubble and epically popped. In the end I won the game in a not-very-epic way: I missed the Anti-Hiccup Fungus right before the Dream Den, so the next day I walked back and got it. Portal-Kombat

Uh...Orange? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

... And the snagret goes: RRRREEEE! And the Whistle goes: FWEEEET! And the bulborb goes: MEP MEEEP! And the pikmin goes: Boum! And the 'Wraith goes: uuuuaaaaa! lolz I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

RP, do I have to ask prez for some banhammers? ~~Rocky, and this is some random message~~

No plz don't I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I was talking to Redpikminflamethrower. ~~Rocky, your local Story wrighter~~

Sorry, i am so obsessed with pikmin that i did that. also, that was me. i'm crazy.I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

In robotnick's voice: NO! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

I know Rocky... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

HIEWistful Woods

SPECULATION SPECULATION SPECULATION SPECULATION I thinks there should be black pikmans that shoot lazers out of their noze hairs SPECULATION SPECULATION

NO! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

STOP SPECULATING HIM!!!I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

no u

SPAGHETTI! 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 00:24, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

I hope she makes lotsa... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Rabbaflabbin' Snagrets and their rabbaflabbin' Beaks. I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Okay, sorry, i spazzed.
Olimar head says: One. Two. And 3... wheeeee. That's-a Hard for you, but easy for me. You know why? IIIIIIIIIIII AIN'T GOT NO BODY.
Carrier pikmin #82: stalemate.
Me: I WILL FINAL SMASH YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE!! (Final smash: Ultimate fireball of the red pikmin)
I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

Dear pesky plumbers, YOU MUST DIE!!! I dare ya to DIE!!! if ya can! Portal-Kombat

CHAOS CONTROL! ^_^ I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message.

HALO!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

GREAT....(smash smash smash smash smash).... AETHER!!! (Massive Smash, followed by GAME!) Portal-Kombat

OMG ON A STICK! *Uses Olimar's final smash* HOLY SMOKES! *Uses my own final smash, followed by My 2nd final smash: Fire Crystal Aura* HAHAHA! *I find out were at a level in SSBM (Super Smash Bros. Melee)* I LIKE TURTLES! *Runs to Distant Planet in horror of seeing a bulborb* Okaaaaaaaay... *Runs to Forest Navel* I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message. and i say: OMG ON A STICK!

Get off NOW! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

..... I'll give £5 to whoever knows wot the h*** redpikminflamethrower is on about... Wiki443556  19:40, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

I am so funny! I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message. and i say: OLIMAR! HELP ME!

NOW!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

fine, i'll get off. see ya This is RedpikminFile:Fire.PNGFlamethrower, Signing off.

CL you may want a new a archive soon--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGSnowy bulborb

Yeh I know I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I made this for you--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGSnowy bulborb

  This user learned the hard way why not to think that Crystal Lucario is a girl.


Hey, Crys. How are you? Just checking in on MAH BOIIIII. BTW, I'm not friends with Jimbo anymore. I've already requested at Wikia that his administrative abilities be removed at the Star Fox Wiki. Man, to come here and deal with the same stuff I've dealt with on SW really pisses me off, and the surprising part is that it's with someone who was once my ally. It seems he's to bitter to accept apologies, and at this point, flames and trolling are the only things he's capable of. How is your leg? Is it fully healed? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 13:42, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Oh hey MAH BOIIIIIII! My leg- Good but purpleish... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
OHAI! Are there blue and yellow pikmin heads like in your siggy? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 20:12, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Sadly no... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
there is the bad one from peanut--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGSnowy bulborb
Oh yeh... *Wince* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
i thot i saw a blue one? :{ 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 11:09, 15 February 2009 (UTC) 
Yeh Peanut made it and it is a little scary, the red one is the only one of it's kind- at least as far as Google can find I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
can you find another? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 16:45, 15 February 2009 (UTC)
I searched and can't... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey, Crys. How've you been? Just checking around, thought I'd drop a line. ~~Rocky~~

I still ily you Crys :3 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:35, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Yo Rock. And ily to you too I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

woh the screen's gone yellow... either some1 spike my drink, or a signiture is glitching Wiki443556 

Hey, buddy.

haven't chatted in a loooooooooong time. i like your idea for those Pikmin X eps. can you do transcripts? (Transcript n. a script of a show. example: A transcript from a spongebob episode) I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message. mustard smile lol

Of Course! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

there's one on the Forum you can edit. There is a sub-series called 'White pikmin twins'. you can do an episode of that about the evolution of the goolix. Enjoy your episode idea-ing! ^_^ I'm Redpikmin Flamethrower And I approve this message. Pikmin X! Episode 2: The forest of hope! the eternal fuel dyanmo is located!


Hi CL. I haven't been on in a while. Did you get Pikmin Wii yet? I got it last night. I beat it already. Killer bread bug 72  

I gots no moneys :( I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Is Pikmin Wii good? I haven't even rented it like I thought I would. I might just wait it out 'til Pikmin Wii 2. Portal-Kombat
If you already have Pikmin 1 I wouldn't buy it cuz it is just Pikmin 1 with better controls... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


I have it is Ok...You guys are nerds! I know where you live Crystal L, I have been there at night. I am The Wizzard and I'm back from being banned

Did you get unbanned at Harry Pot-head Wiki? XD I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yo, Crys. Long time no explode. ~~Rocky, your local emo kid~~

No I'm the emo kid. KABOOM! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Rocky! Have you seen how Pikcannon-NOT! looks now? Portal-Kombat

Wrong page. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
it's less creative then ever--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGYuki no Bulborb
WRONG PAGE! STILL! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Count your scars. You can't beat me. And, Yuki and PK, stop annoying Crys. Thats my job. ~~Rocky, your local peice of scar tissue.~~

1...2...3...(Why do you need me for this? MEOW.) that one...s-s-ss-s-sev-se-YOU'RE PUTTING TO MUCH PESSURE ON ME! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

(Too tell how emo you are.) Calm down, Crys. ~~Rocky, your local poet.~~

IT'S OVER 9000! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.



15:59, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Noone n00b I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Hi, I hear your good at making sigs. Can you make me one with a puple pikmin carrying a red marble (you know the one, made out of placticene) and writen next to it say purple pikmin FTW. Thanks 16:31, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

GoldPikPik thought that i was you... He he... So much diffrence. Im the most featured user on Pikcanon-NOT and you i tink are on the featured list here. I'm ~Peanut 64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.

Guys my com is broken be back soon, hopefully.

0_0--   the master --MewFan128 13:49, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Yo CL, what's up!

I'm in Florida right now! So I hope you didn't get into any fights today! Brittonbubba

You can tell Crystal lucario is a girl because SHE is being soooooooo sassy and defensive. Pikmin fan 101 22:56, 30 June 2009 (UTC) pikmin fan 101

You're kidding, right?  Snakeboss14 
I got a new computer!!! I'm back guys!!!
-WHAAAAAAATTT?!?!!?!?!?!?!? I AM NOT A GIRL YOU LITTLE GAH! I AM A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!! YOU LOSER N00B!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Uh...appropriate? Try to keep the insults elsewhere, please.GP
LOL. Good you're back!  Snakeboss14 
Green it's me you're talking to... All I do is insult n00bs...was I gone so long even Green forgot?... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Probably not. Noone can forget you [because of a little prob].--   the master --MewFan128 16:23, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Nah, just kidding, wait, who are you? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

CL, do you think you could help me out with my sig?--Gamefreak75 18:52, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

CL, I'm a new user [and I already have over 250 edits!] who joined while you were offline.--   the master --MewFan128 18:55, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

I so am I. Ridly Roar! 20:05, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Weenie pikmin head. If you are a boy "Crystal lucario", then prove it!-- 21:12, 1 July 2009 (UTC)Pikmin fan 101 

Why do you want to start an arguement with someone you barely even known. *Shakes head* Tsk tsk tsk.--Gamefreak75 22:20, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Who, me?--pikmin fan 101 

yes Snakeboss14, I"M KIDDING Now, Crystal lucario is probably saying "***k u,****H" at me right now. And i could tell you now she he is A BOY.-- Pikmin fan 101 

LOL  Snakeboss14 

LOL indeed-- Pikmin fan 101 

But boys don't usually draw blue turtles, like on Crystal lucario's page-- Pikmin fan 101 

Excuse me, but my brother spend (is that the past of "spend") all his childhood drawing blue penguins.  Snakeboss14 

It's not a blue turtle, it's a Torkoal!--   the master --MewFan128 14:23, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

Yes, forgot to say that. That turtle already existed!  Snakeboss14 

Well SORRY, besides, i like turtles too-- Pikmin fan 101 

and penguins o_o -- Pikmin fan 101 

IT IS A BLUE TORKAL! GO DIE YOU GENDER CONFUSING SEXIST! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

LoL-- Pikminfan 1O1 

I'M So SerIOus SOn... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Geeeessssss MAN, RELAX-- Pikminfan 1O1 

and i'm serious about that B****-- Pikminfan 1O1 

GET OFF OF MY PAGE! YOU SEXIST PROBABLY RACIST SPECULATING N00B! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

and how can you approve a message as bad as THAT.-- Pikminfan 1O1 

Fine, be a B****--

 Pikminfan 1O1 

Soo, all sassy people are chicks? And ur calling me a B**** because I called you a sexist (Which you are...?) I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I'm not talking to u ******$

 Pikminfan 1O1 

Good! I shun you. SHUN! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


SHUN! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Leave now and never return! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Dang Crystal!!! I just created my own file and THIS IS THE FIRST THING I SEEEEEE! I'm NEVER coming to this wiki agiain if this is what people are talking about.(i go with pikmin fan 101).--Pikpik cARROTS are good 22:44, 6 July 2009 (UTC)Pikpik cARROTS are good

It's just a little gender confusion. Also because talks aren't censersed.--   the master --MewFan128 22:56, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

still...--Pikpik cARROTS are good 22:58, 6 July 2009 (UTC)Pikpik cARROTS are good

I totally agree with CL, his userpage states that he is a boy.  Snakeboss14 

Now that i'm thinking about it, i could now see that this user is a boy Mostly because he said VERY bad stuff to me, and that whoever says that MEANS it. And Pikpik cARROTS are good, u should stay on this wiki. this is a very good wiki with plenty of info on of course pikmin. You shouldn't leave! I'll be your Frieind if you don't leave!-- Pikminfan 1O1 

LOL, of course he is a boy, unless he is a bully girl. And Pikpik carrots, please stay here. It's worth it and I can help you.  Snakeboss14 

How did you erase the timestamp?--   the master--MewFan128 Mew! 02:32, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

OK fine i'll stay, since everybody seams to say "its cool"--Pikpik cARROTS are good 02:55, 7 July 2009 (UTC)Pikpik cARROTS are good

No timestamp = ~~~. GOD D***IT I AM A BOY. I really don't care if Carrots leaves and I want Fan to leave. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

See people, this is an example of a user that doesn't care about other users. CL probably doesn't give a $&*! about pikmin either. AT LEAST I ASKED HIM YO BE MY FRIEND!!!AT LEAST I ENCOURAGED HIM TO STAY!!!AT LEAST I GIVED A D** ABOUT HIM

--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

LOL---- PikpikcARROTS 

CL=GOOD PF101=BAD CL has been here a long time, PF101 not, CL featured, PF101 not.--   the master--MewFan128 Mew! 22:57, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Gasp...I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Yeh Mewfan! If I hate Pikmin why would I spend 5 weeks hunting down Pikmin 2 on eBay? And then buy it for $60. Leave this wiki 101 and never return. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Thanks dude.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 14:36, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Was that a retorical thanks?--   the master--MewFan128 Mew! 14:55, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

I kindove feel sad for u hunting down that game for 5 weeks. I got it at Gamestop for only 10$ new(5$used). That was also the same day i got a cube NEW for 25$.Pikmin fan 101

No Mew, he was talking about the siggy. You want one, I can make it custom. PiKirbies? Eh? F*** you 101 I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I already have a signature but I was told you're good at making them. How about you make one for me and see how it turns out to be?  Snakeboss14 
I was talking to Mew but, sure... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I knew, but it's cool!  Snakeboss14 

That's a cool sig Snakeboss.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 01:09, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Hey, CL. You have a Pikmin fanon account right? Do you think you could help me upload it to my Pikmin fanon accunt.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 04:14, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't think he has a fanon account...--   the master--MewFan128 Mew! 04:34, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

GAAAAHHH!I guess I'll stick with my old sig for now on my Pikmin Fanon account.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 04:46, 9 July 2009 (UTC)
I HATES SPECULAMATION! So Mew, you want a new sig? Err, it is just a simple copy/paste transfer. And actually I do have an acount, for signing up on Wikia I am signed up on all Wikia Wikis. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Crys, I'm putting back Ysyty's White Run and I'll rewrite so it makes sense.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 00:59, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

There's nothing you can possibly do to make it make sense. Miles. 01:06, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I could possibly try to rewrite it...And that's all I can do.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 01:08, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

You couldn't rewite it to make saense if you were Mark Twain. It has I and You which should never be in an artical (Except in the case of quotes), it had multiple spelling and grammar errors, and was a general manslaughter of English (Cr*ppy as it is, I mean three there's?) in general. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

LOL, I tried.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 15:36, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

Lulz I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

in the future don't say die in a hole, say die in a bear trap it's a worse of way to go--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGYuki no Bulborb

Shout Box

Do you know how to use the shout box?-Leekduck

I didn't even know we had one... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
What is a shout box?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 15:32, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
I don't even know, ok... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Pretty sure it's that silly widget thing you might see if you're using Monaco, where people can type things; basically a sort-of-chat that holds very few messages.GP
Oh, lame. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

if you want to get shout box, Click on more at the top of the screen nect to your name, select manage widgets and shout box'le be in there-Leekduck

Nah... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Suit yourself-Leekduck

Mm,okay. I don't have Monaco so I don't care about that.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 00:08, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

Monaco sucks... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Monaco does suck! When I was using I my computer took forever to load!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 00:59, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
Uh-huh I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
y do u hate me??? Rpwyb
... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

i think i know but do u??!!?Rpwyb

Can you give me a hint? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

so u hate me for no reason?!Rpwybor do u?

I forgot the reason. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

the page was deleted so u will never rememberRpwyb it was a glitch

Were you speculating? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

no what is speculating24.162.140.123 Rpwyb

Saying: I think there should be Black Pikmin in Pikmin 3 ect. So we cool or somethin'? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
saying they should have glowing eysif your talking to me then yesRpwyb
K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Your Vote

On the top of the forum it says that you can't vote for yourself...  Snakeboss14 

Oh muh bad... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Same for me.  Snakeboss14 
Lulz I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

what about the flamethrower person. i bet that he/she would vote for you. and britta would vote you toRpwybdon't give up yet!


Me to, bored....|-Ι  Joshazilla23 


OH MY GOD! WHEN I FOUND YOUR SIG ON PIKMIN FANON, IT SAID YOU LOVE SPECULATION!!!! You... Do like it... Or someone made it..NOT ME-Yees someone else THAN ME made it NOT ME!!The one and only, Peanut64.

That was definitely not me! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Letting you off with that just isnt the Jedi Way... You should do to Pikmin Fanon Court... I will unblcok you there and a trial will be held at your usertalk on Pikmin Fanon. BE THERE OR I WILL NEVER UNBLOCK YOU and i will find a bureaucrat and make him/her BLOCK YOU...Okay? Well IT BETTER BE. Just put hi on your usertalk and we can start or I WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER...The one and only, Peanut64.

Okey-Dokey... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Can you make me a sig plz Rpwyb 18:52, 30 July 2009 (UTC)vote for chrys Or Else

Yup, but, not now, gotta run I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

okRpwyb 18:55, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

When the fued at the courthouse was over: Peanut64 called the cops on Crystal Lucario.... Unsigned comment by Random Black Person.

Dont think that was me, im not black. I DID NOT CALL THE COPS ON HIM!The one and only, Peanut64.

Okay, this isnt funny. I was skipping across wikia and found THIS! Im disgusted... I didnt say you called the cops on crysta-what?Random Black Person

What the-? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Okay, i just made up a random username like Random Black Person. Turns out there is actually someone named that here... I didnt call the cops, it was a joke.The one and only, Peanut64.

Woody? Oh, my, uh, Brother, YEAH! Not a Secret Wiki Agent, just a brother... Ohhh.... I just blew my cover. Yes im an agent of the wiki web service. Now my agent account must be changed...The one and only, Peanut64.

He voted for me with the statement he was not you. Oh btw vote Crys! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey, i moved my vote to you, so you might win, im not sure.The one and only, Peanut64.

:D I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Link please

To your RfA. And where is that troll Jimbo Jambo? I haven't heard from him since he was trolling me at Arwingpedia... 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:50, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

Forum:New admin/voting and don't worry Jimbo's been gone sience Febuaryy :( I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Pikmin 3

I just thought about something that stinks. Green and the rest of the user who live closer to Japan will get pikmin 3 WAY sooner then we will so they will probaly beat it before we get itRpwybis SAD

Lol? You realize that America gets nearly every game months before Europe? <_< Distance from Japan is completely irrelevant. I believe Australia often has to wait even longer than Europe.--Prezintenden
Australians get games like 5 years after they come out, lol. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Not sure which game. I think it's New Super Mario Bros. will be released for holydays on America, Japan and Europe, but not Australia. I think we only got behind in NPC Pikmin 2. Brawl came out on March in America, on July in Europe.  Snakeboss14 
New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Or Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story maybe? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Still everyone who lives in japan and places that get it before will have played it and probaly got pretty far before we get it and those people willl post about stuff in the gameRpwyb 15:14, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Yeh so? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

It will spoil tthe game.Rpwyb 16:33, 3 August 2009 (UTC)This user searched "where to find Chuck Norris" and lived

So don't read it... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

"Slaps head"Rpwyb 16:42, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

...? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Chuck Norris counted to infenity.... twiceRpwyb 16:56, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Ok, Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Chuck norris can kill 2 stones with one birdRpwyb

I can't think of another I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

When the boogyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for Chuck NorrisRpwyb

... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Chuck Norris ate a bottle of sleeping pills, they made him blink. Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and wonRpwyb

Jesus can walk on Water. Chuck Norris can Swim on Land. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Chuck Norris CAN belive its not butterRpwyb

I'm done with this game... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

when will you make me a sig??????????//Rpwyb 19:55, 3 August 2009 (UTC)

Ah, yes, tommorow morning I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Again, the administrators here are making sure that I have nothing to do... did that forum mean anything?

What the h*** is wrong with these people? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:06, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

What forum? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
The forum where Jimbo Jambo started trolling me. It was locked by Greenpickle. 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:11, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
Apperantley not I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Wtf? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:27, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
IDK... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Could you link to that again? All I remember is that you complained about not being able to do anything even though there's more than enough <_< --Prezintenden
It was the Screenies < Art thing. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I complained because the way you all have your articles is sloppy and un-organized. There is nothing to be done from what I'm seeing tbh, so stop pulling that **** out of your ***. The artwork "thing" is actually the way it is supposed to look... blurry, sloppy screenshots don't represent that very well. 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 02:10, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Don't tell how sloppy his shots are... *Paranoia* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Okay, what? That's a contradiction; saying the articles are sloppy and unorganized means that somebody needs to improve them, which could be your job if you're so out of work as you say. Yes, I realize that the screenshots aren't the best. Many need re-taking, and yes, I know that the concept art is how they're supposed to look. But guess what, they don't even look like that in-game. Have you compared that Gatling Groink artwork with the ingame one (actual in-game, not our screenshot)? The quality of the art one has far greater, and it's frog-perspective; it only shows the front of the creature, so you can't get any idea of either length nor what it looks like at the behind. The infobox should show the creature as it is portrayed in the game, not otherwise.
Really, you can't say you have nothing to do. There is plenty to be done. But stop whining about the pictures just because they aren't exactly like you want them to be. We had a discussion, and three users voted for the current layout, and you were the only one for having the concept art in the boxes. Feel free to make a new forum and ask again. There are some new users now that might agree with you, and your "troll" friend hasn't been here for quite a while. I'm open to changing it if many want it your way, but last time you were the only one.--Prezintenden
Shh! If Green reads what you said about his screen shots... *Looks over shoulder* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him around much... 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 15:18, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Vacation until tonite. And guess who took away my Kirby Wiki admin powers. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Who? 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 15:36, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
Kirby Fan, duh? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I've talked to him tbh. He won't do it again because frankly, he fails at holding up arguments and prefers to call everyone who counterargues him a "troll". lol. 189cca7d1.gifBlue Ninjakoopa189cca7d1.gif 15:54, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
I noticed, lol I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
When will my adminship on Kirby Wiki be granted?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Admins.....THEY KNOW EEEVVVRRYYYTTTHHHIINNNGG!!!! 08:45, March 11, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 08:45, March 11, 2010 (UTC)


That's too bad. I was in Florida and when I got home I was to busy too go to Pikipedia. Anyway who won? Brittonbubba

ME! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
ZOMG UBER HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX! YOUR *beep*in' me, right?! Brittonbubba P.S., checkout my DeviantArt account and Youtube account.
Youtube Account: Brittonbubba137
DeviantArt Account: Brittonbubba

whos noone?

hey im the guy hunting for the pikmin figures and you posted sumting about a guy named noone or somthing typing error or intentional??? :)

No, there is no such thing as the figures for $150 I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ahh well thank you anyways do you know a website that might carrie these items <link>thanks!! :P also your like the god of pikipidia:)!!!

Ah, thank you? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

HEY, I VOTED FO U!The one and only, Peanut64.

Thanks I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

buying the plushes instead

i decided id get the plushes instead much cheaper for thier size!!


good bye!!

this will be my final post thanks for your hlp crystal lucario!!!

<??? vanishes in thin air!?!>

r u seriosR to the P to the Wyb

Uhhh... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

.... R to the P to the Wyb

Who the heck was that guy?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Who cares R to the P to the Wyb

The Talk:Merchandise guy. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


PLEASE fix your grammar. It's starting to seriously annoy me, like when you deleted my stuff on Onions and spelled more as moar. Just a thought, but really, sometimes it's just hard to read. Pikdude  22:15, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

I spell more like that so, what? I really don't care what you think. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

My Mom's an ex-English Teacher. I really don't like bad grammar. Your grammar reflects your personality. Pikdude  22:19, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Amazing, It's not even bad grammar it's Joke Spelling, all it is is More = Moar, My = Muh, and You = U... Big deal... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Blaccchhhh..... End of discussion. Pikdude  22:27, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
U thnx, you ignorez if u no liek itt I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
hahahaha. Pikdude  22:31, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Lol. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Thanks for deleting my userbox page so quickly, it was un-needed. .P.S. You should really put you talk in a archive 2, its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY long. RWAR! ~JOSHA ZILLA!!!~ AND IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!

Yes, Alpha + Beta = Alpheta 18:59, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Yup, and Cool I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Why is [[Eternal Fuel Dynamo/notes|this page]] here? Alpheta 19:53, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

I don't think he's online right now, so I'll tell you. Like Crys or Pikdude said (forgot who said), this wiki is crawling it n00bs without lives so they jus come here and screw up pages. The notes are separated so it could be easier to put back if a n00b manages to hack the page. I know there's a history button, but like Pikdude said(I think) there are hackers which are worse than n00bs.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Exactly. I just didn't know how to phrase it right. :P Pikdude  20:01, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

But what if a "n00b" hacks both the article AND the notes page?

Why cant you just type the information on wordpad or something, or put all the notes on one page?! Alpheta 21:34, 9 August 2009 (UTC)

Dude, just give up. You are not going to win this one. A n00b cannot hack both the article and the note pages. That is because, well the pages cannot actually be hacked. The article pages are not protected, the individual article page notes are not protected either, there is no need for . The not pages are there just to make it harder for vandalism to happen on those articles. And also, I suspect, to raise the article count; which is perfectly fair and probably not against wikia policy. They can't put all the notes on one page because then the template would show every note instead of just the notes for that page, though I am not sure about that. We can't put it all in wordpad because those kind of pages are easier to accidentally be deleted then those here on wikia. And those wordpad pages can actually be hacked into by other people and deleted if they get on your computer, which is becoming increasingly easier as technology gets better.
SirPikmin, Your Bold Pikmin KnightContributions
Explained on EFD/N talk. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
But how could they get on your computer anyway at all? Alpheta 00:45, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
What does that mean? If your so confused ask Green I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

THEY'RE CALLED HACKERS YOU (says words that must not be spoken, like Rabbafalabbin and Rabbaflabber)Pikdude  19:04, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Add "Voldemort" to that "words that must not be spoken list. The wisecracking dragon, Ridly Roar! 18:02, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Aug... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


How do do you become an admin? What qualifies someone to be an admin? Since you are an admin I'd figure that I'd ask you. The dragon wishing enlightnment, Ridly Roar! 17:56, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Lol IDK, being here longer than anyone else? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Knock Knock Sig master...

U still need to make mii a new SIG!!!--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101--2 busy doing other stuff or WHAT!!!

Crys! You have a new request! That /\ way. Ridly Roar! 18:46, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

I asked CL 2 make mii a sig about 3 weeks ago!!!LOL--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

h, right.... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

MMM:More Metroid Madness

Hey, which is the best Metroid game in your opinion?  Snakeboss14 

The original, but I did enjoy the Prime Series very much also. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
You should play Fusion. Along with Prime, it's my favorite.  Snakeboss14 
Fusion's good too. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey CL, WTH does speculation mean???---- PikpikcARROTS 

Not-Factual information I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I like Metroid Prime 3. Unfortunately, we don't have it anymore because my brother sold it. He also sold Metroid Prime 2, which left me with no metroid. Pikdude  22:05, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Nice... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Unfortunately, that's how nice my brother is most of the time....Pikdude  22:12, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
XDDDD I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
My code is 0689-2590-2389 just to let ya know. I have yours already.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
K, when did you say you'll be on, I'll add you 2morrow morning... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I'll post when me and Josh will be on on your page. Be sure to check.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Can i play 2 R to the P to the Wyb

PERFECT! We gt 4 players now! I'll post when I'm hosting a brawl on your page.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

do i need to add josh to my friends list?

Yeah, you should.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

i meant it like do i need to find his friend code. and where do i find his friend code?R to the P to the Wyb

Yeah, in order to play with us you need everyone's friend code. I think you could find it here User:Joshazilla23.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Rpwyb's code is 5027-3126-3416.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

K thnx I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I entered eveyone R to the P to the Wyb

I'll enter you in a while I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I'm going to be hosting a brawl in 5 minutes.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Remember you still have to make me a new sig. I dunno if you were to busy or what...--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

By the way, i wasn't the one who called you a dumass on [what evr that new wiki is called], that was carrots!--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Lazy, Muh bad... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

But can you do it now?!?! PLZ --I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

*Places Inflatable Decoy Crys* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

uhhhhhhhh...what do you mean?

Decoy: *SQUEAKOO!* I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

...--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Thanks for the new (and totally awesome) sig! I'll info you once my friend comes with brawl.--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Ur welcome I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

My friend just called me saying that he has a dentist appointment at 3:30 (5:30 yr time), and that he's coming ANYTIME before that. I'll info you once he comes...K?--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

When he says anytime, he means it. trust me--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Ehhhhhhhhhh, u still here?--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

My fu*** computer shut down for no reason. For the last hour or so, i've been trying to tell you that my friend is not coming over(or in other words, no brawl). He's busy. Wanna do MK or something else? (plz respond to me as soon as possible before my computer blows up again)--pikmin fan 101(PC won't let me sigh in)--

Sorry I didn't respond, multiple tornadoes hit in my area, and I was in the basement for a while... (A middle school nearby lost a roof, unfortanately not mine...) Stupid weather... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Are u ok? --pikmin fan 101--

So, eh...wanna do mario kart?

Fine and I can't, have to watch my bro... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

K, good to know your alright. I actually have MK (unlike SSBB), so we can play anytime. I've made a world record once(but then it got beaten), so ya better watch out!. --pikmin fan 101

Sounds good, World Record eh? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yep. To bad some Chinese guy beat it 5 days later(he hacked, his time was less than a second) friend said he may come over with brawl 2day! We'll see. If he does, i'll let you know.--pikmin fan 101--

Too bad... And K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Eh, i think yr talk page is getting to big. My computer freezes(for 1 min) whenever i view it. --pikmin fan 101--

Heh Heh I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


FRIEND IS COMING AT 12:30(2:30 yr time). I"LL give you the code once he comes. Whats yr code?

Here I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

k, my friend should be here any minute...--pikmin fan 101--

eh...u still there? dn't tell me your in a tornado or hurricane...--pikmin fan 101--

if he died i will blame it on you for no reason. and can i spectae your match? R to the P to the Wyb

Hiya I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

maybe...--pikmin fan 101--

Maybe what? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

My friend just called me saying he may come at 3:30(5:30 yr time), or he may come in 10-15 min. --pikmin fan 101--

Mkay I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

friend said 10 min from now...--pikmin fan 101--

K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

now, 5 min from now...

Your talk page is too big for my com to handle lol  Snakeboss14 

FRIEND is here! code: let me find it first...

5026 7629 5037

still there CL?

I'll play with my friend first, while u get my code...

tell me once u get it

Be on later, and everyonew says tha Snake I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


When my brother gets off the Wii... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

k but tell his to hurry up!

I have been. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

done yet?

Plz tell me ur still goin! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
  • slaps head* --pikmin fan 101--

But there is one good peace of good news, PC is fixed, so i can go back logging in and using sig.--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Wanna do MK? I think i'm free all day...--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Are you still there I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I'm actually busy all day...

K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

make that the whole weekend :( --pikmin fan 101(pc is broken again)--

-.- I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

hey your still here want to brawl? R to the P to the Wyb

Was gone.. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I'm back!--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

So am I. For a bit. What'd I miss? ~~Rocky, your local... semi-sane person~~

your alive! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yeah. Your point? I've just had things to do, people to see, places to go... All that jazz. Now, what did I miss? ~~Rocky, your local... Gah, ferggitit, I can't think of anything else.~~

I'm admin now... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Is it me or is this wiki slowly dying?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

I know, but, when Pikmin 3 comes, life will be restored.. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
It's been a whole lot worse. I'm actually surprised at how many edits there are each time I check in here.
Oh, while I'm at it, I'll be gone for a week after Sunday. Well, actually, I'll be back on Saturday, but I'll probably be spending the whole day sleeping.--Prezintenden
K and K... (A whole day sleeping? MADNESS!) I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Yeahm, if a new Pikmin game is not shown in E3 2010, then this wiki will officially be pronounced dead! D: --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

...O_O *checks the phone book for the nearest insane asylum in Minnesota*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Try the ones near Minneapolis, I'm in one of those again... TAKE MY HAND WELL MAKE IT I SWEAR O O! LIVIN ON A PRAYER! LIVIN ON A PRAYERRRRRR! (GUITAR SOLO) (DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUN DUNNNNN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNNNNNNNNN) I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I would if I could get outta the one I'm in right now. :P --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Cr*p, the guards, OK they don't know I stole this laptop from the fat guy next cell over, who stole it from a fat kid, GOTTA HIDE IT!!! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

It's about time you archive this...It's making my computer slow!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Oh wah I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

>.< *sends a virus to Crys' computer which is actually the fat guy's computer who stole it from a fat kid*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Ow burnt myself on this stupid melting keyboard... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
WTH? *fixes broken screen of computer* Much better!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Thank You! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I was fixing my sceen, you fool.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
I thought you were talking about mine... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
No it was mine! D:< *sends Crys a Rickroll vid* --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Yeah, the Kirbymar1 pic isn't mine, it's Mewfan's but I uploaded it in a different name. I have to go fix it so it has no mor links. But delete the Trophy one..--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

K I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

what is rickroll? and what is the point?R to the P to the Wyb'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

Rick Astley singing, and it's funny I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Have ya started school yet?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Thats not even funny that evil place...R to the P to the Wyb


what does roflcopters mean. i know what rofl means but...R to the P to the Wyb

IDK, to tell you the truth.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

@Game:Yes... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

XD XP!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Shutap! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

i look it up and it said" when you say it alot it sounds like holocopters" and that it sounded collerR to the P to the Wyb

Well, DUH I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ROFL! Good luck in school and your prom. *Remembers 8th grade prom*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

8th grade Prom? Not here... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

lol my school has 6th graade proms. and i remembered earlier today when my friend was at his locker and a girl said "so we cant go even just as friend, it that what your mom said. i literly rofl when he said nope and when she left he resumed evily lauging R to the P to the Wyb

6th Grade proms? The h*** is wrong with you schools? And your story confuses me... He Denied a girl and laughed?, what? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

he for some reson kept evily laughfying and then she came.and when she left he continued. and yes in 6th but noone goes...R to the P to the Wyb

If I were RPWYB, I would've kicked that fool in the balls and said "WTH man "and then kick him in the balls again. --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

na it was kinda funny and his mom is a teacher. crys how do i add color in my sig and make the picture show up?R to the P to the Wyb

@Game: Me too... @Rp: Weird... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

how do you do it crys how...R to the P to the Wyb

You take your leg, and swing it. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

IM SERIUS111R to the P to the Wyb

About what? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

i'm try to get the letters colered and a image of a purple pikmin at the endR to the P to the Wyb

??? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


do you make sprites?

Explaining, Impossibe, but train you, I can. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

OKR to the P to the Wyb

Lesson 1! Wax on Wax Off, Now clean my Car Grasshopper! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
  • gets a flamethrower and coats ur car with ice*. i little burnt but otherwise perfectR to the P to the Wyb
Next lesson, Find an Image, Any Sprite. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

on this sight or on google?R to the P to the Wyb

Whatever floats your boat. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

omg you of all people getting a job!!!!Rpwyb Obeys the cross

What is your job anyway?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Don't got one, but I'm 14 tommorow (:D) And can apply for a job at a Grocery Store down the street... And, Rpw, that's what I thought... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Pfft...Grocery store? That's lame, it's all about the fast food business.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Yeah, but it's the only place I can walk to that'll take me at 14... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


when you make one how do you make a paint picture ful size???R to the P to the Wyb.

...MS Paint shows pictures at 100% zoom by default.GP
Oi... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

om mine i finaly just saved teh image.. stupide meR to the P to the Wyb.

Lol I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

oooooh ooooh

You on heroscapers yahhhhh! All hail mighty power of crystal lucario and heroscape Yes pikmin 3333333

A Scaper? Here? Cool, bro, if you found my posts I figure you'll be going to Casual Game Day? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

No I didnt find your posts I just recognized a name took me SO long cause school how old are you and do you live in america-- 21:47, September 15, 2009 (UTC)

You're like my third worshiping I.P. EAT THAT GREEN! 14 and Yes. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Did ya knwo that ML:BIS comes out today. I got it early and it's freaking hard!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

I got it too. It really is hard!!!But is obviously really fun too.--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101 you are so lucky. XD its hard? do you play the entire game i n bowser, exsept bowsers part? i mean it hard to play onnly in bowser i mean he not that bigR to the P to the Wyb.

@Game: Ima gettin' it soon. @Rp: No, you can leave later in the game. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Jeeze, I gotta stop sleeping for weeks on end. I'm back again, after a while. Want some updates, O One Of Gigantic Talk Pages? ~~Rocks, sigs are for wimps.~~

I'm admin, uh... that's 'bout it I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I meant from me. ~~Rocky, the beater upper of sigs~~

Oh, well, you shoulda been more clear, I thought you said it like, "Give 'em to me" ... Sure I'll hear some I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Whatever. Anyway, I am no longer emo, my music library is overflowing, and I'm engaged to a girl I met two months ago. ~~Rocky, teh phail masthre.~~

...I thought you were 11?GP
You were emo? And engaged... at what, 13? 14? Age please? So I take it your not with the old Rockette? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Ah, 14... engaged? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

o.O WHA? OMG......The one and only, Peanut64.

So when's the wedding? XD --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

lol Gamefreak funny! XD The one and only, Peanut64.

Am I invited, cuz if I am, I'll prolly just take the cake and leave XD I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Yo take the cake while I take the bride! XD XD!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
I can use the cake for my wedding XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I'll use the bride for my wedding too! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Only if shes hot... BLAH! I'm ~Peanut 64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.

If she's hot we can split the bride and the cake XD I'll cut the cake you cut the bride XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
...That's a lot of mouths.GP
Yes it is I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
No she's mine! *grabs Rocky's bride and climbs up the Empire State Building* BTW, Yum Cake! NOM NOM NOM.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Here's half the cake, and the left half of the bride I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
No, my bride. *spits on Crys's cake* *gets shot by an airplane while hanging on the building for dear life*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Jeez, you guys are just as you as ever. Cool. But... Yeah, I was Emo for a while, and I'm not with the girl I was last school year. The wedding is scheduled for April of 2014. She live in Kentucky, is sixteen, and her dad is likely to beat the cr*p outta me. And, any of you touch her, I beat the living cr*p of you. I will. I may not be Emo anymore, but I am still murderously insane. And I am Fourteen. ~~Rocky~~

D***. *places bride back at the wedding and runs* Well good luck dealing with her father. I suggest you run before he pulls out the gun. And how you managed to get a 16-year-old living in Kentucky is something that intrigues me...--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Her and I have worked together for about two years now. We... do research on mental instabilities. Well, we know eachother because of an insane guy, at any rate. Internet thing. I've met her in real life, and it was awesome, but for now, we're a bit long-distance. ~~Rocky~~

At least you've met her before, you don't want to find that the person you were talking to is a tranny.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

I am an authority on weather or not she is a transvestite. ~~Rocky~~

Engaged a little early eh? Hot? I wanna talk to a tranny!
Topic 2: Dihydrogen monoxide:

is called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain. contributes to the "greenhouse effect". may cause severe burns. contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape. accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes. has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients. Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used: as an industrial solvent and coolant. in nuclear power plants. in the production of styrofoam. as a fire retardant. in many forms of cruel animal research. in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical. as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

Sp[eak out against DHMO! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

What the heck was that? What dose that have to do with me at all? ~~Rocky~~

DHMO is a very deadly substance! Fear it! It should be banned! But seriously, engaged I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
How about H2O2? *throws hydrogen peroxide on Crys's eyes*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
No DHMO is worse I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
And yet it's in our food. How tragic.GP
What? DHMO? It's true... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yes, engaged. And I will DHMO bomb you. ~~Rocky~~

Rocks if you make it to this marrige, I will give you 1,000,000 dollars. And you have no idea what DHMO is do you? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Are you serrious? And, no, I don't know what DHMO is. ~~Rocky~~

but he just said what it is. oh and chuck norris, i win. so why are you marrying some one at 14???.R to the P to the Wyb.

It's a joke Rpwyb. It's illegal I think, but if not it is...awkward. I'm sure that if Rocky's in love with this girl a lot though, then he'd wish he could marry her with the fear of her dad whoopin his ass. BTW, Crys, this may be of interest.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

@Rocks: Yeah, cuz I know you're not gonna make it, and believe me, don't ask my reasons for saying this, or I'll have to talk and talk and talk, and I don't want that... DHMO is bad! @Rp: He's not, he's engaged to marry them the second he graduates in 2014 apperantly... @Game:You can get married at 16 in Georgia, or at any age with parent/guardian's permission in any state. And he said the wedding wasn't until 2014... And I love taht site! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I am assumong you beat the Alpha Kretin since you are not answering...I feel lonely...--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
No I had to run, but I will attempt to beat it after school... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Please block HIPO, s/he is really being a douche today.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
I know watcha mean, but I think I should wait... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

lol, did i miss anything big while i was away?--I'm the one, the only, ~Pikmin Fan~101

No I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ok then...

She cheated. Relationship asploded. You win the bet, Crys. ~~Rocky~~


You think you could do me a big favor. Do you think you could get a Mario and Luigi sprite from the game Superstar Saga or Partners in Time or Bowser's Inside story and recolor their clothes. The overalls will be light blue and the rest of their clothes are dark blue. And if you could, can you see if you could change the letters on their caps to a G for Gamefreak? It's for my MarioWiki sig and it'd be really helpful if you could. PLEASE!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Which Sprite, I was thinking Stacked for the spin jump move thing? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Whatever sprite is okay, but that's be cool if you could.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Can do I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Okay, thanks.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Done, uploading now... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Can you recolor the first four pairs of bob-ombs in this link electric green? [1] --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

C'mon CL y'd ya deleate that?

Hey it's me StrawberryFlowermaster42, you deleated my page on shabondama. It is a pikmin song.Here's a video.--StrawberryFlowermaster42 23:39, October 16, 2009 (UTC)StrawberryFlowermaster42

P.S. can we be well, friends (Although you did deleate my page, i do for give u) P.S.S. I'm just got an account 2day.(:

Removed video from here, annoying to have flash on often-edited/used pages, just see talk:shabondama.GP
Sigh... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Dear lord, this is a disaster waiting to happen. ~~Rocky~~

Hey bud, how's the engagement goin? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
You still datig her?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Didn't I just ask him? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Um, going well. Sorry it took me a while to reply. Anyway, its stable. I'm faithful. Holding up well. ~~Rocky~~

Well, you made it farther than I thought you would... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Your saying it like I'm not crazy enough to do it. I'm insulted, Crys. ~~Rocky~~

You're right... you probably are crazy enough to jump into a marrige that will end in divorce... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Crys, you need to ENCOURAGE Rocky, not demean him. *slaps head* --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Thanks, Game. ~~Rocky~~

I'm sorry, I've been depressed lately... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
RL cr*p?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Yeah... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Such as? ~~Rocky~~

I don't want to talk about it on the weekend, I get two days off, just please... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I'm guessing school. ~~Rocky~~

Kinda, more some people... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Why did you delete Day One?

--Whirl Roller 20:06, October 18, 2009 (UTC)Um, yeah, my name is Whirl Roller, as you probably figured out by now. Listen, I thought that Day One of both Pikmin games was notable because of the tutorial and everything else. It's also the start of each game, you know. Forgive me if I sound blunt.

From, Whirl Roller.

He probably wanted to prevent n00bs from creating pages like Day 2, Day 3, etc...--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Felt it unnecessary, though ask Green's opinion, he may disagree... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Hmm, well, it's actually not covered on the game pages, or anywhere else but the guides. Pikmin's is sort of recalled at Main Engine, but it's not a focus; and Pikmin 2 at Courage Reactor, similarly. I guess we could have it. Could include this and link or refer to this, and of course Pikmin 2 needs a section, so it won't be too short.GP
So, yes? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
If other people agree... Remove the bit about Pikmin 3, though, and paragraphing FTW.GP
Why would I write it Green? You high? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I have a hard time imagining Greenpickle high... He just seems so... serious. Do you smoke the beer bong ever Greenpickle? IAMAHIPO_ocolor 23:31, October 19, 2009 (UTC)
I sure as h*** do! User:Greenpickle/Sig Ah, just kidding, it's me, Crys I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
@Ocolor: O_O LOL *rolls up MJ into a joint and smokes it*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
No I seriously am high, in a sense, as I haven't slept in like... 4 days... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Y'know you can die of not sleeping. and actully, 4 days is almost the world recordR to the P to the Wyb.

Well, I've slept, now I'm better I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

The record is 11 days. Alsp, it is possible to hallucinate after no sleep... I had bad insomnia once, and I started to see things out of the corner of my eye. 03:18, October 25, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I saw shapes but otherwise was fine... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
One time when I didn't sleep for two days, I thought I saw giant spiders in my room and I freaked out! 0_0'--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Only two days? Ha! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
The most I haven't gone to sleep is 3 1/2 days, but I didn't see anything. I fell asleep in school and got a detention!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Smooth I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Brava rigaza. ~~Rocky~~
Was that italian? If it is, then it is spelled like:"Brava Ragazza".--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
?_? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I'm barely able to spell in English. Don't judge me. ~~Rocky~~
T_T I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Just reminding you that the movie goes on 7:00 eastern tonight. Come and chat at the channel. 13:33, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

What movie? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

What, is it illegal now to have gate-gories or whatever they are now? >=(-Legend   Link

No categories on your page. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Oh. OK. I thought you said gate-gories. All I wanted was a quick link to things I like. =(-Legend   Link

Sorry I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Why did you change your name? Something happened? Is it because you know that Duskull PWNS!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

No i died I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Inside? Unless someone is hacking your account...or is it your emo coming back?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
"your emo coming back"

THE HARPOONS WE MUST MAN THEM IAMAHIPO_ocolor 00:58, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

Does everyone that talks on the Cpu go emo???R to the P to the Wyb.

No, hopefully Crys is going through a phase of depression...if not, then I dunno what to do.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
"Inside" i wuz alredie ded. "Hack" same ip well, not here i at gramas. "Depression" i alredy hed it. it iz verie herd tu typ wit no hanz. i has shot miself. bodie wiell bi fixed by aura sun. for now i am soul. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

aam i supposed to say lol or wtf?R to the P to the Wyb.

remember the tazer incedent?R to the P to the Wyb.

'-_- Did you cut your palm of your hand or your fingers or your wrist or your arm?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
yeh I rember taser. bak of hanz, wrts, armz I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Trust me if your lucky you might find one good speculation out of 900000000000000000000000000000000000 bad speculations

but pikmin idea wiki does not have any good speculations at all--Man-at-Legs888 14:08, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

dont say holy cr*p BECAUSE CR*P IS NOT HOLEE!!! Sorry. XD Well, WOAH >O< Duskull... I HATE love it.The one and only, Peanut64.

NO! THERE IS NO F***ING THING AS GOOD F***ING SPECULATION EVER! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

...that reminds me, i should go to P.I.W. and wreak it!!!!!!!!!!! BwAHahahaHAHAHSAHAHAHAWJHAHARHSETNJSR%uioxcnmmpjiodjiohdjiodfhjiodfXD--pikmin fan 101(dsi txt)

I vandilize pikmin spceculation wiki all the time. I expecialy hate there stupid enemy ideas like acid wraith or watery bulbax.Im just saying there might be a good idea hidden somewhere.BUT I F***ING HATE PIKMIN SPECULATIONS MORE THAN YOU DO.--Man-at-Legs888 09:41, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

Why the F#@k are all the ideas for pikmin 3 stuff that people come up with so corny and stupid and unpraticle.And why does every enemy for them need a version of like every f***ing element like fire a water a acid and a ice a sticky a electrick and so on.I know nintendo wouldint put those things in an actual pikmin 3 and that people are just making thes ideas because there idiots but still it just makes me anrgy about how stupid those ideas are.Im perficly fine with like dwevels with elements and the fierybulbax but just because theres and anode beetle dosint mean there should be a water beetle of a f***ing fire beetle. and since people have created so many stupid ideas for pikmin 3 and bulls*** fanmade games I will invent some s***ty ideas my self:

The MEGA LASER ICY BULBAX and the acid beetle and the fiery jellyfloat and the SUPER MEGA SHADOW BULBORB.


WHY DO MOST PIKMIN FANS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PIKMIN.THERE A DISCRACE IO ONE OF MY MOST FAVORIT GAME SERIES THERE IS.If Your lucky you might find one good idea but trust me it will be realy hard to find--Man-at-Legs888 09:55, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

I vandilize pikmin spceculation wiki all the time. I expecialy hate there stupid enemy ideas like acid wraith or watery bulbax.Im just saying there might be a good idea hidden somewhere.BUT I F***ING HATE PIKMIN SPECULATIONS MORE THAN YOU DO.--Man-at-Legs888 09:57, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

I vandilize pikmin spceculation wiki all the time. I expecialy hate there stupid enemy ideas like acid wraith or watery bulbax.Im just saying there might be a good idea hidden somewhere but if there is a good idea it wont be in pikmin speculation wiki thats for shure.BUT I F***ING HATE PIKMIN SPECULATIONS MORE THAN YOU DO.--Man-at-Legs888 11:53, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

There is no f***ing way in the holy mother of f*** you hate f***ing speculation more than me, you are just saying tthat to suck up to me and/or look cool I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
WOAH MAL88, don't make your head explode. Of course Nintendo is not going to put our cr*p in their games. C'mon be serious, I know people like you and Crys hate specumalation and speculatorical articles, but that is why you don't go there. I would wreak havoc on Zelda Fanon Wiki, I hate that site, but I want to keep a good reputation on other wikis. And yes, I know alot about Pikmin, I own both games. Making an enemy that people don't like doesn't mean I know Pikmin. How come I came to this site in the first place? I know some of my enemies are retardedly stupid (Water Beetle, Acid Beetle, the list goes on XD). Like I said before, I use imagination and let the first thing that comes to my mind get out. I don't know why people hate it, it's just creativity and it's fairly easy to come up with enemies. Just statin my opinion.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
He doesn't hate it, he pretends to hate it. And creativity = Happieness = Freedom = Rebellion, when I rule the Earth I don't want a bunch of people trying to kill me, and I will, I will be the first intelligent person with a position of power on this Earth (The US Government has proved my point) and with Communism and an iron fist... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I realy do hate it jackass. What makes you think I like it--Man-at-Legs888 17:10, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

I f***ing hate pikmin speculations!!!and why would I suck up to you when your being a jackass.Why cant you just understand that I hate pikmin speculations--Man-at-Legs888 17:16, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

:Geez, nothing to spaz and call names about. We understand you hate Pik Spec., but don't go around saying you hate it more than someone who's been here. If you do hate it more, prove it.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Ignore that comment.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

You are the idiot making them up and telling me some were good... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Mayby I hate it more or mayby Crystal Duskal hates it more but I probaly hate it more then anyone because I seen pikmin speculations all my life thats RIGHT BEFORE I EVEN CAME ON THIS WIKI AND IM NOT TRYING TO SUCK UP TO HIM!!! I just want people to understand that I hate pikmin speculations because for some reason people keep acting like I like it when I clearly say I HATE IT!!!--Man-at-Legs888 17:39, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

I never created any pikmin speculations crystal duskal and I ment that finding a good speculation is like finding a nedel in a hay stack.


Why would you want to find a Nedel? Anyway, I hate it way more than you, there is no good speculation. I have bashed n00bs for 4 years here and have wanted to rip their f***ing throats out. Oh and you edit conflicted me bitcxh. Leave me alone n00b I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I never said I wantid to find a needle STOP BEING AN IDIOT.all I said was finding a good idea is LIKE finding a needle in a haystack and what in the name of holy f*** is wrong with you.I want to kill you so badly right now along with all the people that creat these stupid speculations then mayby this war will end.--Man-at-Legs888 18:03, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

Wait, what? What he says makes you want to kill him?
Also, he was obviously pointing out your misspelling of 'needle' rather than the use of the expression itself.
And try to stop the flaming, people, even on talk pages. It doesn't give off a good impression to new or prospective users.GP
I was pointing out you spelt Needle wrong dumbass. YOU ARE THE IDIOT AND I WILL F***ING BAN YOU! Everyone wants to kill me Green, even in RL, I have had a murder attempt on me (Is that grammartically correct?) Yeh, stop flaming n00b, or be b& I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Why would you point out that I spelled needle wrong when every one here at least spells something wrong.

But anyway fine bane me when I clearly Know in my head that I hate speculations more then anyone.Believe what you want and I will believe what I want and When I first saw you I thought o wow someone else who hates pikmin speculations but you only hate pikmin speculations so that it could be your little gimmick on this wiki when I REALY hate them.So fine bane me.--Man-at-Legs888 19:14, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

A gimmick?, one of my first posts was bashing speculators, why would I need a gimick? I ACTUALLY HATE THE F***ING STUFF AND I WILL BAN YOU IF I F***ING WANT I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
JESUS CHRIST! Even Green is annoyed. Stop spazzing everyone, you all are gonnna asplode! Also, Crys, yu feeling a little better, it seems your typing is better.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT! 01:39, November 15, 2009 (UTC)\

Heres the whole f***ing story: I decided to make an account on pikmin wiki just to help out and talk to people about pikmin and stuff then I went to game freaks user page and saw a link to pikmin fanon wiki.I went there and was so pissed of about the stupid ideas and stuff that people created. Most of the ideas where just enemys with there color changed so they could be like a fire or water or s*** like that.So then I went to a page in pikmin fanon wiki titled dark olimar edited it because I was angry.that page turned out to be created by game freak so he came and was mad at me so I made a big angry paragraph explaning why I hate pikmin speculations so much.Im sure every one seen that paragraph because I posted it a lot of times...Then game freak admited some speculations were cr*p and said some were good.So I said I know not all speculations are bad just because I felt bad that I edited hes article.Then Crystal Duskal came and said all speculations are bad.So I went to hes user page and found out that he also hated pikmin speculations maybe more than me or mayby less then me but who cares who hates it more.Then I told him that if your lucky you might a good speculation somewere but good speculations are realy hard to find.So then we whent back and forth arguing.Then we started to argu about who hates speculations more.Mayby I hate them more or mayby Crystal does.It dosint realy mater who hates what more.You see what these stupid speculations have caused its causing every one to fight.We should put an end to the real enemy those horible speculations so this war will end and so we wont have to see these retarded speculations any more.I hate bad pikmin speculations so that means I hate them all because prety much all pikmin speculations are bad and if theres a good speculation I wont hate it but I doubt Ill ever find a good speculation because all the pikmin speculations suck no affense to game freak but just please end this retarded war--Man-at-Legs888 10:18, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

I lol'd 11:27, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

We get it, MAL. Now shut the f*** up. Crys, don't worry. It'll all be over soon. ~~Rocky~~

MAL, you are a dumbass, Game, yeh, a little, my body is nearing restoration I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Hey CL,

Check out the Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Wikia.

Wow Crystal Duskal likes Communism. basicly he has s*** political views

My political ideology?

American Nationalist Isolationist and advocate of the Corporatist Third Position, essentially I'm a Synarchist. Death to decadent Capitalism,Socialism/Communism and Nazism .Deism above all!

Im a Fascist and no that dose not mean im Nazi,Its possible that hitler wasint even a fascist and if he was a fascist he shure was a stupid one.Fascism dosint have to be racist.Nazis are idiots.

Wow Im starting not to care about this wiki anymore.

F*** pikmin speculations F*** Crystal Duskal F*** game freak F*** green pickle F*** Communism F*** every one on this wiki.I whant real pikmin fans who I could simply talk to about pikmin not people who will yell a me like prissy little f*gs just because I say if your lucky you might find one good speculation.JUST BAN ME ALREADY SO I WONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS S*** ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!--Man-at-Legs888 14:43, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Wow Crystal Duskal likes Communism. basicly he has s*** political views--Man-at-Legs888 14:44, November 15, 2009 (UTC) My political ideology?

American Nationalist Isolationist and advocate of the Corporatist Third Position, essentially I'm a Synarchist. Death to decadent Capitalism,Socialism/Communism and Nazism .Deism above all!--Man-at-Legs888 14:44, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Im a Fascist and no that dose not mean im Nazi,Its possible that hitler wasint even a fascist and if he was a fascist he shure was a stupid one.Fascism dosint have to be racist.Nazis are idiots.--Man-at-Legs888 14:44, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Wow Im starting not to care about this wiki anymore.

F*** pikmin speculations F*** Crystal Duskal F*** game freak F*** green pickle F*** Communism F*** every one on this wiki.I whant real pikmin fans who I could simply talk to about pikmin not people who will yell a me like prissy little f*gs just because I say if your lucky you might find one good speculation.JUST BAN ME ALREADY SO I WONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS S*** ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!--Man-at-Legs888 14:44, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Hey MAL888, chill out. Just stop insulting, and have some productive posts. seriously, take a chill pill. If you feel you have ben wronged, take the high road and act civilized. 15:01, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, everyone just shut the h*** up. Smoke some weed, ban the douche, and try to get to a better place. Also, Communism works. China almost had it worked out in the 15th century. Histonavi... ~~Rocky~~

Wow, you hate my political views? So people who are diffrent are wrong you little bastard? I will ban you cuz you asked, and hey Rocks, how's the wedding going? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Hmm, the only reason I think that this dude is mad at me is because of my s***tish speculations. Communism is meh, but some of the political views I can agree with.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Communism = Win I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yes, it dose. And she cheated. It exploded. I fail. ~~Rocky~~

I called that I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Yeah. Now STFU about it. Now I'm just swingin' 'round the women of the city, seein' what winds up landing next to me in the mornings. ~~Rocky~~

Uh-huh... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


K, CL, I'll put one up. Thanks for letting me know, I don't get on as much as I used to. --Pikdude  14:13, November 27, 2009 (UTC) Silly me, forgot my sig. :)

Yup I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Crys, you live! Where have you been?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Whaaat? Was he out?  Snakeboss14 
Lol, I was grounded, I have not commited suicide yet so... erg... Yes, people were asking... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Wow...Also, since you were still emo and suicidal, your talk page is still Crystal_duskull at Kirby Wiki and so you don't get messages there and some user named IamShinyLucario said that "he found you and how are you doing" or something.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
So what if I am emo and suicidal? I'm fine. Oh, that's my friend (Whom I first met in RL, and made him a wikian) I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

hello please check out my user page edits this is PiKiPiCkLeS

Spammer! Or is he asking for help?  Snakeboss14  BTW, his userpage is full of specumalation.
SPECULATION?!?!?!?!?!? ARG! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

No more Swearing!!!!D:<


Although I do agree with britton that there should'nt be swearing as pikmin is rated E, britton should of ask politely instead of throwing a temper tantrum... manners, ya learn them in kindergarten Strudel man 21:47, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

WTF? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
?_? and are you still grounded?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

If you're talking to me i just decided to be polite for some reason (it hurts my brain) i may stop soon if i get bored...Strudel man 22:45, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

Yes I snuck on Game I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

HI, sorry ive been gone. I beat M&L 3 (well almost) in aboout three days. i still won't edit much, because there isnt much to doR to the P to the Wyb.

Wazzup Home Skillet

You didn't really miss much, but SniperPikmin made a game, you should see it.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Yeh, I saw that I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


What happened that maede you change your nme? was it one thing or what happened the past few years?R to the P to the Wyb.

Pikmin=Pokemon, strengthen ties. Maybe.Pikdude  22:45, December 20, 2009 (UTC)

I died I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ok... BTW how do you do that were you move a space every time you type? When I do that it makes a box R to the P to the Wyb.

Use ::: marks before you type your message.Pikdude  01:14, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Oh, I thought i tried that... hmmmmmmm--R to the P to the Wyb.
Fail, BTE have any of you gotten Spirit Tracks?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

What? Never heard of them.Pikdude  01:25, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks LOL!--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
I didn't know it was out, is it fun? a train isn't sounding very fun at all R to the P to the Wyb.
It's very fun and hard and the best part is that you can fight the bosses all over again! You can also carry people on your train and the people can get kidnapped while you ride your train! :)--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
LOL, I'll have to get it. I hop they make another M&L, and with Fawful. I wonder how many years till they start with a super smash bros.R to the P to the Wyb.

Hmmm..... Super Smash Bros. Brawl? A sequel? I like the start.Pikdude  02:18, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

But it will probaly be foreverR to the P to the Wyb.
I'm gheting ST soon I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

I hate being sick... i;m boredR to the P to the Wyb.

Cool! I want ST now! Illegal version number two didn't work, either.  Snakeboss14 

XP You Fail, Snake. FAIL! XD What about number 3?--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
It may take a while. I'll probably get the game first.  Snakeboss14 


Archive this page. There is too much stuff. 10:02, December 23, 2009 (UTC)

I've tried telling him that, but...--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Aree you kiddiung? This page is tiny... pwshaa... I'm really busy 'till after Saturday guys, just a heads up I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Gah! Massive slowdown!  Snakeboss14 
Got it! *computer crashes due to massivness of page*--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
If you don't stop talking about the massiveness of the page, that WILL happen.Pikdude  17:18, December 23, 2009 (UTC)
It isn't that big I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
It has from when rocky was here, the first time R to the P to the Wyb.
So? I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Joshzilla says his cpu can't even load it, or his wiii I don't rememberR to the P to the Wyb.
Plus the flagpole is falling down, thats just horrible. how could you?

I have a different anime like that one, and it may be time for a change in sig anyway.Pikdude  20:13, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Lolol I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

ARCHIVE IT OR I'LL REDUCE YOU TO A RED FILEING CABINET THAT I LAUGH AT! The all-too-serious Dragon,Ridly Roar! 03:10, January 24, 2010 (UTC)


I am not throwing a temper tantrum, I'm just in a bad mood. Brittonbubba


one thing I want to say before anything else is "I am not a vandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and I never will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

with that said, I think we need a really good april fools day joke, involing rickrolling and random changes.

I would never do anything myself unless asked to, but I think it would be fun to do something fun, idk, maybe a fake realese of pikmin 3, idk (The snargret guy 15:33, January 20, 2010 (UTC))

update: didn't mean to pos the second idetical one, so I deleted it (The snargret guy 15:35, January 20, 2010 (UTC))


Heh. Did the headline catch your eye? I hope it did. Now please answer it. The Overly Curious Dragon,Ridly Roar! 03:03, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Cuz I forgot to change it back, i died, but I'm back now. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

That's a lie! Your page is a purposeful redirect that can be changed easily! I want the Truth! (If you say I can't handle the truth I'll pull out an RPG!) The Enraged Dragon,'''' Ridly Roar! 14:04, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I'm too lazy t change it, I "died" (Cry's Died)... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


I should get back into Pikmin lol. Blue Ninjakoopa 00:26, February 6, 2010 (UTC)

Hey :D I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


Heyy krystal lucario do you remember meh? :D haha btw speculation :D 02:56, February 6, 2010 (UTC)

*Dials 911* "Hello, can I get the spectulation police? Yes, you'd beter send officer Crys.."Pikdude  16:43, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
HANDS UP! I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Crys, you really need to Archive this page. 63 sections is a little too much. We should set a limit... 60 sections?Pikdude  00:04, February 12, 2010 (UTC)



What the... *Dials Grammar Police*Pikdude  18:56, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

Must you always say I approve this message?

Soon-to-be registered user.

It's part f his sig, so yes.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Yeh, it's automatic, I'll be back very soon guys. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

But its sooooooooo aynoying!

soon to be registered user




  • Runs around really fast and then bonks head off ceiling*

ACfanGirl1683264 Just one Cornetto, Giiive iit to meee.... 20:03, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

P.S: Can you make me a sig plz? I suck at computers. DX

Crystal Duskull,

Nice knowing you,im leaving the wiki.

Dark pikpik70.232.76.59 11:52, March 8, 2010 (UTC)


To all users and administrators,

Im new here at this wiki and it looks pretty cool.I didn't know that there was a pikmin wiki!I am a passionate nintendo gamer and Love pikmin.

BUT I CANT CREATE A USER PROFILE HERE BECAUSE I'M NOT FREAKIN 13 YET!But for now just call me Evilpikmin until I get a profile

set up here.I also have some hilarious pics and movies Im going to post on the forum.(Ever heard of pikmin rambo?)


aka;the newbie


Sorry everyne makes fun of your user name

crystal duskull!

You are aware almost none of us made are accounts when we were 13+ right? R to the P to the Wyb.

Yes.But i'm not a preteen brat

First of all, Evil Pikmin/Dark Pikpik, watch your language please. And second, no one will know you are not thirteen. It's just a little white lie. And even if they did, they would not ban you from making an account.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
1. Game, you cuss all the time, why are you yelling at him? 2. Your, wat one year older then me, so i'm a brat?R to the P to the Wyb.
I've missed a lot >.> I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
You sure have.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

1:I am not darkpikpik.darkpikpik is a friend of mine who is a real hothead.

2:The terms of use on any wiki requires that the user must be 13 years of age in order to set up a profile on it.

3:I am 12 years of age,but I'm not a pesky little snot nosed brat.

4:The reason you guys did'nt join this wiki when you were 13+ is because the wiki was created only a few years ago.

And you are all most likley 15,16,17,18,19,and 20 years old.

And I do not intend to cause any trouble on pikipedia. EvilPikmin70.232.76.59 06:58, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I joined last year and I'm 12, 13 in oct. So long as you are sensible, I think you should be allowed an account. And just because, someone wants a profile on something they love, but arent old enough, makes them a brat? I'm the same age as you, and I have an account. You don't need to call people, just because you think it's wrong.BeatOli 16:22, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

I'm 12, 13 in december, and I have had an account sense I was 7. R to the P to the Wyb.

I've been a member since 9 I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Eh heh, I'm kinda twelve too. Heh. ACfanGirl1683264 Just one Cornetto, Giiive iit to meee.... 18:22, March 13, 2010 (UTC)

Omg.Dude,im sorry if that offended you guys.When I said brat. I ment some one like my sister or darkpikpik. 23:24, March 15, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 23:24, March 15, 2010 (UTC)


I AM NOT DARKPIKPIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 12:08, March 8, 2010 (UTC).


I keep wondering if the head admin is canadian because on his userpage thers a canada flag. 08:36, March 11, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 08:36, March 11, 2010 (UTC)


Just wondering, but what are your fav games?

Mine are (in no order)

Devil May Cry (PS2)

Okami (PS2, Wii) (I got the Wii ver)

NPC! Pikmin 2 (Wii, of course.)

LittleBig Planet (PS3)

Pokémon Diamond (DS, It's gone missing. T.T)

We Love Katamari (PS2, It's called We heart Katamari on the cover) The Sword of Etheria (PS2)


Super Smash bros. BRAWL (Yesh, I capitalized it for no reason. Wii)

Byez 4 nao!

ACfanGirl1683264 Just one Cornetto, Giiive iit to meee.... 19:42, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

These are my favorite games.


2:the legend of zelda the windwaker

3:Medal of honor rising sun

4:Goldeneye rogue agent

And yes I own a gamecube. 23:28, March 15, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 23:28, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

LEAVE. ME. ALONE. I. AM. HAVING. RL. PROBLEMS. BE. BACK. SOON. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Wow.Somebody needs a hug.

07:06, March 20, 2010 (UTC) Evil pikmin70.232.76.59 07:06, March 20, 2010 (UTC)


I'm currently working on a pikmin comedy video with sprites I found on the internet.I got them from a website run by this guy with a realy weird internet name.I's mattdog100000 or something like that. 07:39, March 29, 2010 (UTC) Evil pikmin70.232.66.51 07:39, March 29, 2010 (UTC)

Hey Guys, I'm back

As it stands my life has been very... Odd lately (Ask if you want, I don't mind)... So I might not be very regular at first, but I'm back so, yeah. I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

R U Better? Rpwyb Obeys the cross
In sone ways I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
imy BNK [E|T|C] 22:21, March 30, 2010 (UTC)
Imy too bro I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

So what happened to you? 23:21, March 31, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.66.51 23:21, March 31, 2010 (UTC)

Lol I have no idea where to even start... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
'Sup. Good to see you again.--FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Haha a ton is up... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


NAO. BNK [E|T|C] 03:37, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

Lol it's fine :P I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


How many of you guys have played left for dead? 07:06, April 22, 2010 (UTC)Evil pikmin70.232.80.9 07:06, April 22, 2010 (UTC)

New Signature Pictures

These pictures look just like the one in your signature, don't they?


Vol (Talk)

Wait-I just noticed-CL's last edit was in April.

Vol (Talk)

Friend Code

Crys, my Wii broke, so I had to get a new one and a new friend code. My new Brawl friend code is: 0131-4862-2247. --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!

Yo CL!

I made a new wikia called "Black Kat Wiki"! If you wanna go there, just enter and help edit it!

Nothin' Much

Hey, Crys, just dropping by to ask how things are going for you and if you are coming back to edit. --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!


Crys,could you make me a signiture for my profile?I just set up mine.

Lethalspartan 05:38, July 16, 2010 (UTC)LethalspartanLethalspartan 05:38, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

Hey Guys

I know it's been a while... But I'm back, my life's hecic but I'll try... I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

:D Hey Lonely Turret, it has been a while. I thought you had disappeared forever. :( Glad to see you back and hope thate everything is going swell for you. --FREAK ~Game  Freak~OUT!
Hi! You don't know me because I joined after your "break", but I've noticed that you've commented on basically every talk page on the wiki. Welcome Back!Vol (Talk)
Hey Crys- er- Lonely Turret, welcome back! I'm glad you didn't abandon us. No one posts at 1 AM anymore... Ridly Roar! 23:34, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

Hey Crys:)--Man-at-Legs888 06:11, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

@Game, Nice to see you too, I thought I had too, and better then swell, my depression is gone :) @Vol, I'll call you Vol @Ridley Call me whichever, I answer to either :P @Man, Haai I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
Long time, no see. Ummmm, I ran out of things to say... And school's just started.  Snakeboss14 

Hi Crystal Lucario,like Volatile,I joined After you were on vacation.I heard about you.Nice to meet ya!Btw do you still hate Speculation,If you do Ignore my Blogs,and Wiki.Nice to finnally meet you Pikness34,. The Researcher Of Fate

@Snake, yes It's been a while @Pik, Yes I hate it I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
NO MOAR SPECUMALATION! That's our slogan. Snakeboss14 

Congrats Vol, you've been nicknamed. Turret has christened you "Vol", so we shall call you as such. You may rise, Vol of Pikipedia. Ridly Roar! 00:07, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

I usually call him Volatile.

Pikness34,. The Researcher Of Fate

How 'bout I'll be Vol here, and Volatile at your wiki, PikpikCarrot's Wiki, and Sir Pikmin's wiki.  
Yay! This is now my Sig: Vol (Talk)
Yay, you have a name worthy of me I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.
I never had a nickname so I don't really go woo hoo much 'bout it
Pikness34,. The Researcher Of Fate


Hey Turret, how does one move up in ranks on this wikia? I ask this purely out of curiousity, for scientific reasons. I'd ask another admin, but they're not like you. They might... misunderstand. Tom Marvolo Riddly Roar! 11:53, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

We held some vote dealie, and I've been here since.... Forever... That's how it's done I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.


lonely turret, hunh? you seem like you like to change your name a lot....


Ps: I remembered mah password yays!

-- ACfanGirl1683264! Giygas is SCARY! 12:27, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

The fu- I'm ~Lonely Turret~ And I approve this message.

Lonelywhateveritissorryiforgot I would be more than happy to sell you a complete Pikmin 2 figures set because I'm in Japan, but can you please tell me where to find them so I can get the set? Do they even still sell them? I pray that they do... -TheYellowPikmin

I don't know if they still sell them officially. There might be some New Play Control! figures. I've seen lots of pikmin merchandise on eBay, though, if your interested. I know there is (or at least used to be) a store that sells just pokémon merchandise. I hope you can find something there.

Update: Try here. You can get them shipped to you for certain while you are in Japan. I don't know enough about yahoo or yahoo japan to know if it will ship it elsewhere. If you open the page with Google Chrome it will translate it pretty well for you. When you go to the page, be sure to click on the button to the right of the search box and the drop down box for the latest results.

Vol (Talk)

can you hap?

I NeEd To ChAnGe mY sIgNaTuRe

HoW tO aDd ImAgE tO SiGnAtUrE?


can you halp?

I NeEd To ChAnGe mY sIgNaTuRe

HoW tO aDd ImAgE tO SiGnAtUrE?


We have a Problem

The Giant Breadbug page is locked, and we cannot add Olimar's or Louie's Notes which I painstakingly searched for any idea why it is locked?

GruntMiner312 02:25, February 23, 2012 (UTC)

Hey remamber me? AHAHAHA – Pikmin fan 101


I have a question. I have thought of a new type of Pikmin challenge, and I was wondering; If I create it, will I be in trouble? Basically, I'm asking permission to create an article on the challenge I came up with. If you guys say no, I'll understand. (p.s. I am calling it... THE HIPPIE CHALLENGE!) Pikmin.Fan1991 (talk) 11:25, April 26, 2013 (UTC)


I have a question how are you an admin? You swear at people to get them to shut up. Not a insult just a question. Pikifan4 (talk) 12:44, 9 February 2016 (EST)