Trying to add all of the text from Pikmin 4 on this page for now

NOTE: The description of the folder names are based on educated guesses.

Action Guide

Text from the Control Guide


Look Around

Look Ahead

Select Pikmin/Oatchi






Call with Whistle


Cancel Tasks


Form Line










Disband All


Auto Target Lock

Manual Target Lock

Move Cursor

Motion Controls


How to Use Radar Map (1)

How to Use Radar Map (2)

How to Use Radar Map (3)

How to Use Radar Map (4)

How to Use Radar Map (5)


Shortcut Settings

How to Use Shortcuts

How to Use Field Guides (1)

How to Use Field Guides (2)

How to Use Field Guides (3)

How to Use Field Guides (4)

How to Use Field Guides (5)

Survey Drone (1)

Survey Drone (2)

Using Mystery Items

Co-op Mode (1)

Co-op Mode (2)

Co-op Mode (3)

Co-op Mode (4)

Use "Move" to move player avatar or [Icon_Happy_Blue]Oatchi.

Use "Variable_Horizon_R_Stick" to look around. Tilt "Down_R_Stick\" for an aerial view, and tilt "Up_R_Stick" to go back to ground view. Visit Settings to change the input directions."

To look around, hold down "Variable_R_Stick" and tilt "Variable_L_Stick_LR".

Press "Variable_ZL_Button" to look straight ahead. Reset view by pressing "Variable_R_Stick_Press_R_StickPress_Stick\".

Press "Variable_ZL_Button" to look straight ahead.",

Press "Variable_L_Button" or "Variable_R_Button" to scroll through your squad to select Pikmin or [Icon_Happy_Blue]Oatchi. Tap "Variable_L_Button\" and "Variable_R_Button" to select [[Icon_Happy_Blue]Oatchi] immediately.

Press "Variable_R_Button" to scroll through your squad to select Pikmin or [Icon_Happy_Blue]Oatchi.

Select Pikmin and press A["Toss"].

Select [Happy_Icon_Blue]Oatchi and press A["Toss"].

Approach a Pikmin sprout and press A["Pull"]. Press B["PullCancel"] to stop plucking.


UI Text from Olimar's Shipwreck Tale COMPLETE

Olimar's Shipwreck Tale

Days Left

Select starting day.

{day} Days/Play Time

Pikmin Lost

Pikmin Remaining

Rewind and Retry

Ship Parts

Ship Parts

Final Day

The S.S. Dolphin can now travel further. I should look for parts in that unexplored region.

The rest of the parts should be in this structure. Once I find them all, I can escape this planet!

There are a few places around here that I still need to check out. Perhaps I should keep exploring the area for a bit longer.

I'm sure I've found all the ship parts around here, but I have a feeling there's more to uncover. Perhaps an Onion or something?

I only have 1 day left... It feels like I'm pinning all my hopes on what happens here today. I need to find the remaining parts!

End of Day Dialogue (O.S.T.)

I think these are ordered in priority?

Tomorrow my life-support system will fail. Is it possible? Will I be able to collect all the remaining ship parts in 1 day? The only thing I know for sure is that I can't give up! I still have one last day, and I will keep searching until the very end.

Tomorrow my life-support system will fail. Thankfully, a fully repaired S.S. Dolphin is in reach. If I stay calm and keep collecting parts, I may be able to escape this planet!

Today I made a new friend—Moss. I've never encountered this strange breed of dog, but we quickly bonded. At this very moment, she's asleep by my side. It's comforting to have Moss and the Pikmin with me... With their help, my search for ship parts is sure to go well.

I can't risk wasting even a single leftover component while I'm repairing the S.S. Dolphin. I may be able to combine them with some of the junk I have in storage to make gear and items to aid in my search!

I only have 2 days left to complete my search... and I'm still missing quite a few ship parts. But I refuse to give up! I must've overlooked something or some place. Tomorrow I will keep a close eye on the Radar Map to find the missing parts.

I only have 2 days left to complete my search... but I'm happy to report that the S.S. Dolphin repairs are almost complete! There's no time for laxness! I need to stay focused and keep my eye on the Radar Map if I want to find the remaining parts.

Only 3 days remain... So far, my efforts to collect the ship parts haven't gone so well. But I won't let anything keep me from my family! I have to keep trying, no matter how much time I have left.

Only 3 days remain... and my efforts to collect all my ship parts are paying off! If I can keep collecting the parts I need at this rate, I'll be home soon enough!

Excellent news! The repairs made to the S.S. Dolphin have made it possible to fly to more distant areas. As a result, my search radius has also expanded quite a bit! For now, I need to go about this search strategically...

Huzzah! The S.S. Dolphin's engine output has increased, and it can fly even higher! Maybe tomorrow I'll extend my search to a new area...

At long last, my goal of collecting all the missing S.S. Dolphin parts is within reach. According to the S.S. Dolphin's radar, the last pieces are inside some kind of giant structure... My life-support system is reaching its limit. This is my last chance.

Though I didn't collect a single ship part, I need to remain patient. One must always explore carefully and thoughtfully. I should reference the Radar Map while I search to check for nearby parts.

Today I put in a hard day's work. I wonder how everyone at Hocotate Freight is doing...

Sometimes I find myself questioning whether I'll ever be able to escape this planet. Then I remember my family is still waiting for me back at home... I would bear any hardship to see them again.

Pikmin combine the growth rate of plants and the mobility of animals. As individuals they may appear weak, but when acting together, their species is quite indomitable.

The creatures of this planet breathe a deadly poisonous gas: oxygen. At present, my space suit can filter the oxygen out. But if the batteries for my life-support system should fail... I shudder to even think about it.

The repairs to my spaceship are progressing, little by little. It's funny. This ship feels like an extension of my own body... Perhaps a clunky arm? I need to fix it so we can escape together.

I wonder why the plants on this planet are so large in size when compared to the creatures. Perhaps, in the far distant past, there lived enormous creatures whose existence is beyond the stretch of my imagination.

Perhaps the collision with the meteor that led to my shipwreck was my fault. Could I have been more cautious? When the S.S. Dolphin crashed onto this planet, I felt another force—a force aside from gravity—was at work.

Proper planning is essential in both my day job and in my search for missing parts. Tomorrow, the work continues.

When things go wrong, I must remember that means I'll do it that much better the next time. Or, at least, I hope I will.

I just need to focus on the small wins I achieve every day. Add them all up, and they should equal a successful escape.

This is Captain Olimar! I'm currently stranded on an unknown planet in the far reaches of space. Please send help... as fast as you can! ... I can only hope this distress signal reaches the Rescue Corps...

Days Left: