A screenshot of a completed 9-day run's end-of-game scores screen.

A 9-day run is a play-through of Pikmin in which the player collects every part of the S.S. Dolphin in the minimum number of days possible, which is nine. Few players are able to do this, as it is very difficult and requires extreme skill in managing the Pikmin. Many tricks are used in this run to help the players collect the parts faster, or in a different order.Many of the parts will be collected right before the day ends. There are no limits on Pikmin deaths. It is possible to perform this run in conjunction with both 50-Pikmin- and zero-death-runs.


Different players may have slight differences in what they do on each day. Below is a general strategy outlining what to do on each day.

Day One (The Impact Site)

Day Two (The Forest of Hope)

Day Three (The Forest Navel)

Day Four (The Impact Site)

Day Five (The Forest of Hope)

Day Six (The Forest Navel)

Day Seven (The Distant Spring)

(If you still have time left after this, you can grow more pikmin, save time for tommorow by collecting the UV Lamp, killing the Armored Cannon Beetle , or getting rid of obsacles and enemies. Killing the Smoky Progg is unreccomended, as it may kill many pikmin or take to much time.)

Day Eight (The Distant Spring)

Day Nine (The Final Trial)