Pikmin 2

Family Raft

Revision as of 10:31, February 21, 2023 by Espyo (talk | contribs)
Family Raft Treasure Hoard icon.
Number 74 (Japan only)
Series Modern Amenities Series
Value Poko × 50
Weight 2
Maximum carriers 3 Pikmin
Location Citadel of Spiders
Challenge Mode levels

The Family Raft (ファミリーいかだ?) is a treasure exclusive to the Japanese version of Pikmin 2. It is a popsicle stick, found in Citadel of Spiders on sublevel 2. In other versions, the Lip Service is found here instead.

Collecting the treasure

See: Lip Service#Collecting the treasure


Olimar's journal

  • Text: ただの木切れに見えなくもないが、実は川下りにぴったりのいかだのようだ。この大きさなら、家族全員がいっしょに乗れる。妻、息子、娘、犬。もちろん私。みんなでキャンプに行きたいものだ。
  • Translation: Although it can be identified as a wood chip, it actually seems to be a raft for river rafting. The whole family can rider together at this size, so my wife, son, daughter, dog...and of course, myself. I want to go camping with my entire family...

Sales pitch

  • Text: 家族みんながゆったり乗れるファミリーサイズのいかだ。その名も開運号! 先頭に描かれた紋様が何やら幸運を呼びこむ予感。きっと楽しい思い出になりますよ。
  • Translation: A family-sized raft with enough capacity for an entire family to relax in. Its name is "Fortune"! Somehow I imagine the pattern at its front spells out fortune. Surely it'll make your river trip a good memory.



  • The item description's remarks about fortune are references to the "winning popsicle", a Japanese phenomenon where certain popsicle sticks will be marked with winning text denoting the lucky recipient can trade it in for another free popsicle. The Family Raft is one such popsicle, marked with the text 1体当り? (lit.: "Good for 1").

See also