Welcome to Pikipedia! We're really glad you decided to help out. You can start right away: if you see any little thing that could be improved, work on it! We appreciate any kind of constructive edit, from a humble typo fix to an entirely new page.
How to edit
Information you should know to edit on Pikipedia.
If you're new to wikis, we have some pages that will help you understand how everything works.
If you're comfortable with editing wikis, we ask you to please read and follow Pikipedia's policies and guidelines, so that all articles can be consistent and high quality.
Getting help
If you have any questions, beginner or advanced, there are a few easy ways to get answers:
- Ask on the Discord server. Please wait a few minutes for someone to reply!
- Ask on the help desk.
- Ask on a staff member's talk page.
- For more general help, see the help pages.
What to do
There are three main ways to help Pikipedia:
- Read articles and contribute with improvements (rewording a sentence, adding an image, performing a tagged task, suggesting an idea on the talk page, etc.).
- Pick something from the list of maintenance tasks and start working on it.
- Find a project that is to your liking, and start helping out.
New page
To create a new article, you can just search for its name, and when the search results page tells you such an article doesn't exist, you are given the opportunity to create it. Alternatively, you may use the following form. Before creating an article, consider if its topic is notable enough, and check to see if it already exists.
- Only Autoconfirmed users can create an article. To create an article, you must create an account or login.
- Warning: Creating an article that is not about Pikmin or Pikipedia will be deleted. See the deletion policy for more information.
Other helpful links
- Sandbox – our sandbox. You can freely write here to test stuff before putting it on important pages.
- About Pikipedia – information about our wiki, which should help understand our goals better.