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Seated Strummer
Value Sparklium × 200
Weight 8
Maximum carriers 8 Pikmin
Location Secret Spot

The Seated Strummer is a treasure that is unlocked when the player scans the KK Slider amiibo from the Animal Crossing series. It looks just like the amiibo, and is worth .

Collecting the treasure

After scanning the amiibo on the area selection screen (in any sector), the treasure will appear in one of the Secret Spots of the area. Then, the player has to retrieve the Seated Strummer in that spot.


Hey! Pikmin logs

The no-nonsense stare beneath those powerful eyebrows says in no uncertain terms that this is a pro. I bet there's no style of music he can't play. If he's taking requests, I'd like to hear a song about me and the Pikmin.


Names in other languages

To do: Add translations.
Care to do so?

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese ながされギター?
Nagasare gitā
  Dutch Muzikaal genie Musical genious
  French Prodige sur tabouret Prodigy on stool
  German Ode an die Vielseitigkeit Ode to the versatility
  Italian Musicista prodigio
  Spanish (NoA) Artista asentado
  Spanish (NoE) Mascota musical

See also