The following is a list of transcripts of small talk conversation topics for the check in feature in Pikmin 3.
Small talk 1
- US text:
- “What's wrong, Alph? You're awfully quiet.”
- “Oh, I'm just thinking about my family back on Koppai.”
- “You have an older sister back home, right?”
- “Yeah, and 12 older brothers. I miss our family dinners...”
- “...Your family dinners must have been chaotic.”
- “If we come back empty handed, there aren't going to be any more family dinners on Koppai!”
- “That's such an odd motivational tactic, Captain. But yes, I guess you're right. Let's go!”
- Europe text:
- “What's wrong, Alph? You're awfully quiet.”
- “Oh, I'm just thinking about my family back on Koppai.”
- “You've got an older sister and a little brother, right?”
- “Yes, well remembered! Although you're forgetting my 12 older brothers... I'm the 14th of 15 kids!”
- “Wow! That is a BIG family!”
- “Dinner time at our house was always so much fun...”
- “And quite chaotic, I would imagine...”
- “It's important for us to remember we're here to save all of Koppai, including our families!”
- “So for our planet, and for our families, let's take home all the food we can!”
- “Let's do it!”
Small talk 2
- US text:
- “Has anyone else been hearing that strange noise? I haven't been able to sleep a wink.”
- “Yes. I ran diagnostics on all of the S.S. Drake's instruments, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.”
- “I haven't heard anything...”
- “Do you think, maybe...that this noise could be somebody's growling stomach? Maybe yours, Captain?”
- “I won't deny I'm hungry, but this noise sounds more like a—”
- “...Very hungry wild beast.”
- “Is everyone OK?”
- Europe text:
- “Has anyone else been hearing that strange noise? I haven't been able to sleep a wink.”
- “Yes. I ran diagnostics on all of the SS Drake's instruments, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.”
- “I haven't heard anything...”
- “Do you think, maybe... that the noise could be a rumbling tummy?”
- “Maybe yours, Captain?”
- “I won't deny I'm hungry, but this sounds more like a wild beast!”
- “A very HUNGRY wild beast!”
- “Yes, we'd best keep our wits about us...”
Small talk 3
- US text:
- “Captain...? I don't mean to pry, but you keep shouting out the name Elizabeth in your sleep...”
- “THAT'S MY BUSINESS! I'm sorry, Alph, I didn't mean to yell. Elizabeth is my soul mate. Leave it at that.”
- “You have a goose for a soul mate?”
- “GEESE ARE FILTHY CREATURES! ...Elizabeth is a duck.”
- “OK, Captain. I'm sorry I mistook your clean ducky for a filthy goose.”
- “Thank you. Apology accepted.”
- “Well, now that we've got all that cleared up, maybe we should get back to saving our planet.”
- Europe text:
- “Captain...? I don't mean to pry, but, you keep shouting out the name 'Elizabeth' in your sleep...”
- “Might I ask who Elizabeth is?”
- “Well, Alph, that's a good question. Elizabeth is very special to me.”
- “We share a deep, spiritual connection that most people would never be able to understand.”
- “You could say that Elizabeth is my soulmate.”
- “Isn't Elizabeth that goose that you keep as a pet back on Koppai?”
- “Don't be ridiculous! Elizabeth is a duck. Ducks and geese are quite, quite different from one another.”
- “Really? I've always thought they were pretty similar...”
- “Ah... Brittany. You may be an excellent scientist, but you still have so much to learn!”
- “Well, we could all learn a lot from you, Captain! Your understanding of ducks is clearly second-to-none!”
Small talk 4
- US text:
- “The flora and fauna on this planet certainly are large.”
- “The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere here is triple that of Koppai.”
- “Some studies have linked high oxygen concentration with gigantism in living creatures.”
- “So wait, if the oxygen causes these creatures to grow so large...”
- “Does that mean we're going to become giants as well?!”
- “Our space suits regulate our oxygen levels, so we shouldn't experience any change.”
- “That's unfortunate. I've always wanted to be huge on another planet.”
- Europe text:
- “The plants and animals on this planet certainly are large.”
- “The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere here is three times that of Koppai.”
- “Some studies have linked high oxygen concentration with gigantism in living creatures.”
- “That's amazing, Brittany! We're so lucky to have one of Koppai's top scientists on our team!”
- “Just a second! Does that mean if we stay here, we'll grow into giants as well?!”
- “No, our spacesuits regulate our oxygen concentration, so I would guess we'll be fine.”
- “I don't know what would happen if we took them off though...”
Small talk 4 (Alph and Brittany)
- US text:
- “The flora and fauna on this planet certainly are large.”
- “The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere here is triple that of Koppai.”
- “Some studies have linked high oxygen concentration with gigantism in living creatures.”
- “Wow! Good thing we have one of Koppai's top scientists on our team!”
- “But... Does that mean if we remain deployed here, we'll become giants as well?!”
- “No, our space suits will regulate our oxygen concentration for us, so we're probably fine.”
- “I'm not sure what would happen if we took them off though...”
- Europe text:
- “The plants and animals on this planet are huge!”
- “The oxygen concentration in the atmosphere here is triple that of Koppai.”
- “Some studies have linked high oxygen concentration with gigantism in living creatures.”
- “That's amazing, Brittany! Good thing we have one of Koppai's top scientists on our team!”
- “But...does that mean if we stay here too long, we'll turn into giants too?!”
- “No, our spacesuits will regulate the oxygen concentration for us, so we're probably fine.”
- “I'm not sure what would happen if we took them off though...”
Small talk 5
- US text:
- Europe text:
- “So I noticed this recently, but the Onion gets a little bigger whenever a new Onion fuses with it.”
- “Even so, it's amazing how such a large army of Pikmin can fit in there.”
- “They must be great at maximising their space. Maybe they're good at cleaning too? And dusting?”
- “Um, I don't think we can get them to clean up the ship, if that's what you're thinking, Brittany.”
Small talk 6
- US text:
- “It looks like the SPERO probe was correct! This planet is teeming with edible matter!”
- “And everything is packed with so much more nutritional value than what we have back on Koppai!”
- “Everyone back on Koppai is in for a real treat! Lots of them, actually!”
- “I can't wait to be hailed as a hero bearing nutrient-packed seeds of healthy, race-saving deliciousness!”
- Europe text:
Small talk 7
- US text:
- “Um... I couldn't help but notice that you've been consuming quite a bit of juice, Brittany.”
- “What?! I'm eating quite a bit? I'm only consuming my rations! Double-check your count, Alph!”
- “Oh, I'm sorry, Brittany. I must've made a mistake. My apologies.”
- “Apology accepted. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go...take stock of our juice supply again.”
- Europe text:
- “Um... I couldn't help but notice that you've been consuming quite a lot of juice, Brittany.”
- “What?! Nooo! Don't worry Alph! I'm dividing the portions up equally and only taking my fair share!”
- “R-really? That's OK then. I know we can count on you, Brittany.”
- “(Yikes! Looks like I'll have to be extra careful from now on...)”
Small talk 8
- US text:
- “So, Alph, your grandfather was the one who designed our spaceship, right?”
- “Yes, the ship is actually named after him, too. His name is Drake.”
- “Really? So engineering skills run in your family, eh, Alph?”
- “Yep. I learned an awful lot watching my grandfather work while I was growing up.”
- “Well, I'm sure you've made him quite proud, son.”
- “Now let's make him prouder by returning home with some food! Is that a word? "Prouder"?”
- “It is and I will!”
- Europe text:
- “So Alph, your grandfather was the one who designed our spaceship, right?”
- “Yes, the ship is actually named after him, too. His name is Drake.”
- “Really? So that must be why you're so mechanically inclined, Alph.”
- “Yep. I grew up watching my grandfather work, you see.”
- “Well, I'm sure you've made him quite proud.”
- “Now make him even prouder by returning home with some food!”
- “Absolutely!”
Small talk 9
- US text:
- “Why do you think the Pikmin carry those yummy fruits back to the ship for us rather than eating them?”
- “Pikmin seem to gain nourishment from pellets and native life-forms. They don't seem interested in fruit.{0E0017000200020010}But it's all so tasty... Maybe the Pikmin don't have a sense of taste.”
- “Well, that's perfect for us, don't you think? If they started eating our fruit, we'd be in quite an awful predicament!”
- “We're lucky that they're such hard workers...and that they don't seem to like fruit.”
- Europe text:
- “Why do you think the Pikmin carry this delicious fruit back to the ship for us? Why don't they eat it?”
- “Pikmin seem to gain nourishment from pellets and creatures. They don't seem interested in fruit at all.”
- “But fruit is so tasty... Maybe the Pikmin don't have a sense of taste.”
- “Well that's perfect for us, don't you think? If they started carrying dead creatures back to the Drake, things would get horribly cluttered!”
- “We're lucky that they're such hard workers.”
Small talk 10
- US text:
- “Those Pikmin are so brave and loyal.”
- “When I think about them fighting and risking their lives for us, it just tugs at my heartstrings.”
- “Yes. Loyalty. Dedication. I've always said that these are the most important things in life!”
- “I thought you said that food was the most important thing in life, Captain?”
- “Well, yes, of course, food, too.”
- “And what about family? Or friends? Those are pretty important too, don't you think?”
- “Let's just pretend I didn't say anything, Alph.”
- Europe text:
- “Those Pikmin are so brave and loyal.”
- “When I think about them fighting and risking their lives for us, it just tugs at my heartstrings.”
- “Yes. Loyalty. Dedication. I've always said that these are the most important things in life!”
- “What about food, Captain?!”
- “Well, yes, of course, food, too.”
- “And what about family? And friends? Those are pretty important too, don't you think?”
- “Let's just pretend I didn't say anything, Alph.”
Small talk 11
- US text:
- “Pikmin always seem to do things in groups. They appear to have a strong sense of camaraderie.”
- “Hmm... I'm not sure about that.”
- “They do things together because they're following orders, right?”
- “It's not camaraderie. That's loyalty!”
- “I always say, the most important thing in the world is loyalty!”
- “With all due respect, Captain, last night you said the most important thing in the world was dinner.”
- “Yes, well...the juice was very good.”
- Europe text:
- “Pikmin always seem to do things in groups. I wonder if they have a strong sense of camaraderie.”
- “Hmm... I don't know about that.”
- “I mean, they do things together because they're following orders, right?”
- “It doesn't appear to be the same kind of camaraderie we Koppaites have.”
- “I'd risk my life to protect either of you if you were in danger!”
- “Especially you, Britt—”
- “Thank you, Captain! That's awfully gallant of you!”
- “Ahem, yes... Just leave it to me!”
Small talk 12
- US text:
- “When we go back to Koppai, what do you suppose will happen to all the Pikmin?”
- “I wonder that myself. It seems that we have played a part in the propagation of their species.”
- “Slow down there, egghead! Maybe we've just been helping them reproduce!”
- “Right... Or that.”
- “So...if that's the case, then what will happen when we leave?”
- “Perhaps one of us should stay behind...Captain.”
- “That would be interesting. Maybe I'll keep an eye out for some beachfront property...”
- Europe text:
- “When we go back to Koppai, what do you suppose will happen to all the Pikmin?”
- “I wonder that myself. After all, it's only through our leadership that they've been able to propagate.”
- “Therefore, when we leave...”
- “Brittany... I know what you're thinking...”
- “Though it pains me to say this, the fate of the leaderless is a bleak fate indeed.”
- “Perhaps you should stay here with the Pikmin then, Captain?”
- “Err... What?”
Small talk 13
- US text:
- “What's the story behind your hair, Alph? It's pretty crazy.”
- “Huh? Oh, this hairstyle is called a Chuck cut.”
- “Of course it is.”
- “My barber offers a special on the Captain Charlie haircut.”
- “Anyway, this version is a take on the classic. Not too wild, not too crazy, and very "of the moment."”
- “You do know it's a mohawk, right?”
- Europe text:
- “What's the story behind your hair, Alph? It's pretty crazy.”
- “Huh? Oh, this hairstyle is called a Floppy Charlie.”
- “(But, of course!)”
- “Since the Captain is so famous on Koppai, lots of barbers offer a variety of Charlie cuts.”
- “Anyway, this version is a play on the classic Charlie. It's not too wild and it's very up to date!”
- “Hmm... It's basically just a mohawk, isn't it?”
Small talk 14
- US text:
- “Hey, Alph? What's going on with the Drake's emergency-ejection system? I think it's too sensitive.”
- “Agreed. That seems to be part of the design, unfortunately.”
- “You shouldn't have been ejected into the tundra the other day.”
- “Don't you think it's a bit dangerous for the autoeject to kick in because of a little turbulence!”
- “I do! We should have someone look at that!”
- “You want me to look at it, don't you?”
- “If it wouldn't be too much trouble!”
- Europe text:
- “Hey, Alph? What's going on with the Drake's emergency ejection system? I think it's too sensitive.”
- “Agreed. That seems to be part of the design, unfortunately.”
- “The other day, your chair shouldn't have ejected you out into the tundra like that.”
- “Don't you think it's a bit dangerous for the auto-eject to kick in because of a little turbulence!”
- “I do! We should have someone look at that! Oh... You want me to look at it, don't you?”
- “If it wouldn't be too much trouble!”
Small talk 15
- US text:
- “Sometimes I wish I could program my brain to be more effective when it comes to multitasking...”
- “Maybe I could work on that for you, Brittany! I am an engineer, after all.”
- “You keep your hands off her brain! We need Brittany in top form if we are to complete our mission!”
- “Brittany, multitasking is easy! All you have to do is issue precise commands in a loud voice.”
- “If you're unsure about something, don't let that stop you! Keep talking. Eventually, you'll be right!”
- “Wow! What great advice, Captain!”
- “This does not bode well for the future of our mission...”
- Europe text:
- “Sometimes I wish I could programme my brain to be better at multi-tasking.”
- “Maybe I could work on that for you, Brittany! I am an engineer, after all.”
- “You keep your hands off her brain! We need Brittany in top form if we are to complete our mission!”
- “Look, Brittany, multi-tasking is easy! All you have to do is issue precise commands in a loud voice.”
- “And if you feel unsure of yourself, don't let that stop you! Keep talking. Eventually, you'll be right!”
- “Wow! What great advice, Captain!”
- “(This doesn't bode well for the future.)”
Small talk 16
- US text:
- “You know, there's something I've been wondering about all this time.”
- “That rubber ducky floating around? Is that yours, Brittany?”
- “Are you joking?”
- “That's mine, thank you very much! My rubber ducky goes everywhere with me.”
- “I can't sleep a wink without this little guy!”
- “So, it's a security ducky, Captain?”
- “I guess under that tough exterior, the captain's just a big softie!”
- Europe text:
- “You know, there's something I've been wondering about this entire trip.”
- “That rubber duck toy floating around... Is it yours, Brittany?”
- “You must be joking! What would I want with a piece of junk like that?”
- “That's mine, thank you very much!”
- “His name's Rubber Ducky, and he accompanies me on all of my adventures.”
- “Don't know why, but I never can get a good night's sleep unless I know he's by my side.”
- “So it's a bit like a teddy bear, eh, Captain?”
- “Yes, Alph. I think we get the idea.”
Small talk 17
- US text:
- “Alph. Why did you want to be a part of this mission?”
- “Because I wanted to meet the legendary ranger, Captain Charlie.”
- “Really? Is that the only reason? Not because you wanted to help save Koppai?”
- “No, that too! But, you know, there are just so many legends out there about the captain's heroism!”
- “I mean, there's the legend of Operation: Rubber Ducky Stucky.”
- “And Operation: Rubber Ducky up a Tree.”
- “Not to mention Operation: Beached Rubber Ducky.”
- “Well... I can see that you definitely did your research, Alph.”
- Europe text:
- “Alph. Why did you want to be a part of this mission?”
- “Because I wanted to meet the legendary ranger, Captain Charlie.”
- “Really? Is that the only reason? Not because you wanted to help save Koppai?”
- “No, that too! But, you know, there are just so many legends out there about the Captain's heroism!”
- “I mean, there's the legend of Operation: Rubber Ducky Stuckie.”
- “And Operation: Rubber Ducky Up A Tree.”
- “Not to mention Operation: Beached Rubber Ducky.”
- “Well... I can see that you definitely did your research, Alph.”
Small talk 17 (all leaders)
- US text:
- “Alph. Why did you want to be a part of this mission?”
- “Because I wanted to meet the legendary ranger, Captain Charlie.”
- “Really? Is that the only reason? Not because you wanted to help save Koppai?”
- “No, that too! But, you know, there are just so many legends out there about the captain's heroism!”
- “I mean, there's the legend of Operation: Rubber Ducky Stucky.”
- “And Operation: Rubber Ducky up a Tree.”
- “Not to mention Operation: Beached Rubber Ducky.”
- “Well... I can see that you definitely did your research, Alph.”
- “Ohhh...I still get shivers thinking about that last mission...”
- Europe text:
- “Alph. Why did you want to be part of this mission?”
- “Because I wanted to meet the legendary ranger, Captain Charlie.”
- “Really? Is that the only reason? Not because you wanted to help save Koppai?”
- “No, that too! But, you know, there are just so many legends out there about the Captain's heroism!”
- “I mean, there's the legend of Operation: Rubber Ducky Stuckie.”
- “And Operation: Rubber Ducky Up A Tree.”
- “Not to mention Operation: Beached Rubber Ducky.”
- “Well... I can see that you definitely did your research, Alph.”
- “Ohhh...I still get shivers thinking about that last mission...”
Small talk 18
- US text:
- Europe text:
- “Now I think about it, the Hocotatians' spacesuits are similar to ours, aren't they?”
- “I remember seeing the same suit in the Star Bazaar catalogue!”
- “I bought my spacesuit from Star Bazaar too!”
- “Their spacesuits seem to be popular everywhere.”
- “That's right.”
- “(I hate it when I end up wearing the same thing as everyone else...)”
Small talk 19
- US text:
- “I'm surprised that there are Hocotatians on this planet.”
- “Are they here seeking treasure?”
- “Possibly. I hear that planet has a lot of people who make their living off of treasure hunting.”
- “So we came here looking for a way to save our home planet...and they're here looking for treasure?”
- “Yeah, must be nice, huh?”
- Europe text:
- “I'm surprised that there are Hocotatians on this planet.”
- “Are they here seeking treasure?”
- “Possibly. I hear that Hocotate has a lot of people who make their living from treasure hunting.”
- “So we came here looking for a way to save our home planet...and they're here looking for treasure?”
- “Yeah, all right for some, eh?”
Small talk 20
- US text:
- “When the sun sets, we take to the relative safety of the air...”
- “I wonder what it's like on the surface at night...”
- “I would think the nocturnal animals might make it rather dangerous.”
- “We definitely wouldn't be able to sleep easily, that's for certain.”
- “That's true. But I'm not really sleeping very well as it is, anyway. My stomach gurgles, you know...”
- Europe text:
- “When the sun sets, we take to the relative safety of the air...”
- “I wonder what it's like on the surface at night?”
- “I would think the nocturnal creatures might make it rather dangerous.”
- “We definitely wouldn't be able to sleep easily, that's for certain.”
- “Yes, you're probably right. I don't fancy ending up as a midnight snack for some ferocious beast!”
Small talk 21
- US text:
- Europe text:
Small talk 22
- US text:
- “Even if we bring these seeds back to Koppai, what's to stop another food crisis from happening?”
- “If we continue consuming without any foresight, we're gonna have to do this whole thing over again!”
- “But what if we can't find another PNF-404? We need to create a responsible process of consumption.”
- “And I think working with the Pikmin has taught us how to do that.”
- “Hee hee... Maybe you should run for office when we get back to Koppai, Alph!”
- Europe text:
- “Even if we take these seeds back to Koppai, what's to stop another food crisis from happening?”
- “Exactly. If we continue just to mindlessly consume food without any planning or foresight, this whole cycle will simply repeat...”
- “And if we can't find another PNF-404, we'll really be in trouble!”
- “What we need is to set up a sustainable cycle of production and consumption on Koppai.”
- “And I think working with the Pikmin has taught us how to do that.”
- “Hee hee... Maybe you should stand for election when we get back to Koppai, Alph!”
Small talk 23
- US text:
- “Hocotate... Hocotate...? Is that the place with the Pikpik carrots?”
- “It sure is! These Pikmin actually look a lot like those Pikpik carrots!”
- “Of course! That's why the Hocotatian calls them Pikmin! I can't believe I just realized that!”
- “I'm not a big fan of vegetables.”
- “And I certainly don't think I could ever eat a Pikpik carrot now with this bit of information.”
- Europe text:
- “Hocotate... Hocotate...? That's the place with the Pikpik Carrots, right?”
- “It certainly is! You know, the Pikmin actually look a lot like those Pikpik Carrots.”
- “In fact...that must be why the Hocotatian called them Pikmin! I can't believe I didn't realise!”
- “Oh, I get it now. I'm not a big fan of vegetables, though...”
- “And anyway, I certainly don't think I could ever eat a Pikpik Carrot now!”
Small talk 24
- US text:
- “...”
- “What is it, Captain? Are you OK?”
- “Oh yes, I... I was just thinking how lucky I am to have met you two.”
- “I've never enjoyed giving orders... as much as I have...since we—”
- “I know how you feel, Captain! I feel the same way! Well, I mean, about following your orders.”
- “It's an absolute honor to work with one of Koppai's greatest legends!”
- “Yes...I suppose it would be. I guess I should say you're welcome, Alph. And...thank you. Truly.”
- Europe text:
Small talk 25
- US text:
- “We need to get down to the root cause of Koppai's food crisis.”
- “You mean besides overpopulation?”
- “Well yeah, maybe that's part of it...”
- “And besides the fact that we're awful at planning for the future?”
- “That's a possibility...”
- “Plus, we have no self-control.”
- “OK, Brittany, but what do you think is at the core of the problem?”
- “The fact that we're terrible at accepting difficult truths?”
- “No, I don't think it's that...”
- Europe text:
- “We need to get down to the root cause of Koppai's food crisis.”
- “You mean besides overpopulation?”
- “Well yeah, maybe that's part of it...”
- “And besides the fact that we never consider planning for the future?”
- “That's a possibility...”
- “Plus, we only ever eat what we like and have no self-control.”
- “OK, Brittany, but what do you think is the real core of the problem?”
- “The fact that we're terrible at accepting difficult truths?”
- “Yeah, I don't think it's that...”
Small talk 26
- US text:
- “If we're to further our explorations in an efficient manner, division of labor will be key!”
- “How about we assign different leaders for each objective?”
- “Right, well then...Alph will lead the ground exploration!”
- “On it! I'll go on a solo mission to search for food.”
- “Yes, I was just about to give that order! ...Being the captain and all.”
- Europe text:
- “Right, crew! In order to explore this planet more efficiently we need to divide up the labour!”
- “Do you mean that we should assign different objectives to each crew member, Captain?”
- “Yes! That's exactly it. Well then... Alph, you take charge of ground exploration!”
- “Aye aye, sir!”
- “Now, Brittany, you and I will—”
- “Actually, I'll go on a solo mission to search for food.”
- “Well, yes, we should all use our own initiative of course!”
Small talk 27
- US text:
- “If what this Louie says is true...”
- “he actually cooks and eats some of these creatures.”
- “Food!”
- “Vegetables, fruit, meat... He'll eat anything. Incredibly adaptable...”
- “Incredibly weird, if you ask me. Hocotatians are vegetarians!”
- “At least they're supposed to be...”
- “The need to survive probably overtakes any dietary preferences.”
- “That's true. We Koppaites could learn from his ability to adapt!”
- “Well, he could learn from our ability to form complete sentences.”
- Europe text:
- “If what this Louie says is true, he actually cooks and eats some of these creatures.”
- “Food!”
- “Vegetables, fruit, meat... He'll eat anything. Incredibly adaptable...”
- “Incredibly weird if you ask me. Hocotatians are vegetarians! At least they're supposed to be...”
- “The need to survive probably overtakes any dietary preferences.”
- “That's true. We Koppaites could learn from his ability to adapt!”
- “Well, he could learn from our ability to form proper sentences.”
Small talk 28
- US text:
- “Those Hocotatians! I can't believe I thought they only ate vegetables!”
- “Judging by Louie here, I'd say they pretty much eat anything they can get their hands on.”
- “Food!”
- “Oh, put a lid on it! Thanks to him, we'll have to ration our supplies even further!”
- “I think we're going to hear a lot of loud tummies soon...”
- Europe text:
- “Those Hocotatians! I can't believe I thought they only ate vegetables!”
- “Judging by Louie here, I'd say they eat pretty much anything they can get their hands on.”
- “Food!”
- “Oh, put a lid on it! Thanks to him, we'll have to ration our supplies even further!”
- “(No doubt about it. I'll have to cut the Captain's share down...even further!)”
Small talk 29
- US text:
- “So, why do you suppose Louie stole the captain's rubber ducky anyway?”
- “Beats me. Maybe he thought he could eat it?”
- “Or maybe it's just his treasure-grubbing Hocotatian blood!”
- “Well, at least these Hocotatians recognize precious objects when they see them!”
- “"Precious" might be overstating it...”
- Europe text:
- “So, why do you suppose Louie stole the Captain's Rubber Ducky anyway?”
- “It beats me. Maybe he thought he could eat it?”
- “Or maybe it's just in his nature as a treasure-grubbing Hocotatian!”
- “Having said that, at least these Hocotatians recognise precious objects when they see them!”
- “'Precious' might be overstating it...”
Small talk 30
- US text:
- “All things considered, it's pretty surprising that Hocotatians have come to this planet.”
- “Perhaps they came here looking for treasure?”
- “That sounds right. I heard that some people on that planet make a living from treasure hunting.”
- “That sounds like a high-stakes business.”
- “Their obsession with treasure doesn't sound too different from the Koppaite obsession with food.”
- Europe text:
- “All things considered, it's pretty surprising that Hocotatians have come to this planet.”
- “Perhaps they came here looking for treasure?”
- “That sounds right. I heard that some people on that planet make a living from treasure hunting.”
- “It must be a profitable business.”
- “Their obsession with treasure doesn't sound too different from the Koppaite obsession with food.”
Small talk 31
- US and Europe text:
- “Have you noticed that the Onion gets a little bigger whenever it fuses with another Onion?”
- “Even so, it's amazing how such a large army of Pikmin can fit in there.”
- “They must be great at maximizing their space. Maybe they're good at cleaning too? And dusting?”
- “Um, Brittany, I'm not sure that logically follows.”
Small talk 32
- US text:
- “So far... So far from home...”
- “Captain? Are you OK?”
- “I was just thinking how far we are from home...”
- “I know. It's almost like a dream.”
- “Wait—what? Captain, I figured being away from Koppai was old hat for a legendary ranger like you.”
- “Oh, of course! It's just, sometimes, you know, space can seem so... big. And spacious.”
- “Captain, that's truly insightful!”
- “Space is so spacious! I'm going to go write that down. Incredible!”
- “You do that, Alph. You do that...”
- Europe text:
- “So far from home...”
- “Captain? Are you OK?”
- “I was just thinking how far we are from home...”
- “I know. It's almost like a dream.”
- “Wait what? Captain, I figured being away from Koppai would be old hat for a legendary ranger like you.”
- “Oh, of course! It's just, sometimes, space can seem so...spacious... and lonely... You know, Brittany, I—”
- “Captain that's truly insightful!”
- “Space IS so spacious! I'm going to go and write that down! So poetic!”
- “Right... Thanks, Alph.”
Small talk 33
- US text:
- “Did you realize that it's been _ days since we first landed on this planet?”
- “Feeling homesick, Alph?”
- “(Personally, I can't wait until I can sleep in my bed again.)”
- “Stay focused! Remember, we have an important mission to accomplish.”
- “(Although I am looking forward to being reunited with my dearest Elizabeth.)”
- “Um... You do realize that I can hear every word you two are saying?”
- Europe text:
- “Do you know that it's been _ days since we first landed on this planet?”
- “What's wrong, Alph? Feeling homesick?”
- “(Personally, I can't wait until I can sleep in my own bed again.)”
- “Buck up, Alph! Remember, we have an important mission to accomplish.”
- “(Though I'm so looking forward to being reunited with my dearest Elizabeth...)”
- “Um... You two do realise that I can hear every word you're saying, don't you?”
Small talk 34
- US text:
- “Whew, I'm exhausted.”
- “We all are. We've been on this planet for _ days.”
- “(This is bad. We're physically and emotionally depleted, and morale is low.)”
- “(It's situations like these that test my abilities as a leader.)”
- “(But this is also an opportunity to gain Brittany's respect.)”
- “Captain, you're thinking out loud again.”
- Europe text:
- “Phew, I'm exhausted.”
- “We all are. After all, we've been on this planet for _ days.”
- “(This is bad. We're physically and emotionally depleted, and morale is low.)”
- “(It's situations like these that test my abilities as a leader.)”
- “(But this is also an opportunity to gain Brittany's respect.)”
- “Captain, you're thinking out loud again.”
Small talk 35
- US text:
- Europe text:
Small talk 36
- US text:
- “We've been on this planet for _ days now.”
- “It's amazing how we've been able to live off the land. This planet's bounty seems to have no end.”
- “Now, don't be modest, Brittany. Another key factor in our survival has been your rationing plan!”
- “Um, don't mention it!”
- “(Actually, my rationing "plan" is just to give the captain less food.)”
- Europe text:
- “We've been on this planet... for _ days already.”
- “It's amazing how we've been able to survive like this, just living off the land.”
- “Now, don't be modest, Brittany. It's all been thanks to your brilliant rationing plan!”
- “Oh, err... Don't mention it!”
- “(He still thinks he's getting the same size portion as everyone else... Perfect!)”
Small talk 37
- US and Europe text:
- “What's the matter, Alph? You seem lost in thought.”
- “I was just thinking about how far we are from home.”
- “We've certainly come a long way, haven't we?”
- “It feels a bit like a dream, to be honest.”
- “Oh, right, this is your first time away from Koppai, isn't it?”
- “Feeling homesick is only natural. But don't worry. We'll be home soon enough.”
Small talk 38
- US text:
- “So, that memo data file we found was left behind by someone from the planet Hocotate?”
- “Correct. I wonder how Hocotatians would fare on this planet. They're vegetarians, you know.”
- “Vegetarians? Does that mean what I think it means?If you think it means that they don't eat meat, then...yes.”
- “Hocotate is well known for its Pikpik carrots. I tried them once... They were kind of gross.”
- “You? Ate vegetables? I can hardly believe it!”
- “It was my duty as a botanist. But those carrots aren't really suited to the Koppaite palate.”
- “Right, but if we ate vegetables, maybe we wouldn't have to travel 279,000 light-years to get food.”
- Europe text:
- “So, the data file we found recently was created by someone from Hocotate?”
- “That's right. Apparently Hocotatians are vegetarians and eat nothing but vegetables.”
- “They're famous for their PikPik brand carrots. I tried them once, but they were utterly revolting.”
- “You? Ate vegetables? I can't believe it!”
- “I did it in the name of science. But I don't think vegetables are really suited to the Koppaite palate.”
- “Still, if we could learn to like them, in the future we might not have to come all this way across the galaxy just to find food!”
Small talk 39
- US text:
- “I've been analyzing the data files that we've found.”
- “Based on them, it seems likely that the Hocotatian picked up our cosmic-drive key.”
- “Interesting. Well, all the pieces seem to fit.”
- “I'm worried about our food though. What if it gets stolen?”
- “Worry not, Brittany! I would never let that—”
- “Brittany raises a good point! While we're collecting food, let's keep an eye out for that Hocotatian!”
- “Er, yes. Absolutely...”
- Europe text:
- “I've been analysing the data files that we've found.”
- “Based on the files, it seems likely that the Hocotatian picked up our cosmic drive key.”
- “Interesting. Well, all the pieces seem to fit.”
- “It makes me worry about our food supply though. What if the Hocotatian gets to it first?”
- “Worry not, Brittany! I would never let that—”
- “Brittany has a point! We should continue to gather more food while we look for the Hocotatian!”
- “Er, yes. Absolutely...”
Small talk 40
- US text:
- “The fruits on this planet are just delicious, aren't they?”
- “Definitely. And they really do wonders for the skin.”
- “That must be because they have more Piktamin U than most of the fruits native to Koppai.”
- “Yep! Eating all of this great fruit has pretty much cleared up that weird blotchiness you had!”
- “So let's gather as much as we can to bring back home with us. For everyone's sake.”
- Europe text:
- “The fruit on this planet is pretty tasty, isn't it?”
- “Yes...and I think it might somehow be good for the skin too.”
- “That nutrient called Piktamin U, is that what's making your skin glow?”
- “That's right, Alph! Aren't you observant?!”
- “So, we'd better take as much fruit back to Koppai with us as we can!”
Small talk 41
- US text:
- “The variety of fruit on this planet is truly impressive.”
- “Sometimes I think about making a home here. It might be nice.”
- “All the juice you can drink...”
- “Do you think people would ever visit this planet on vacation?”
- “I don't know, but right now, the people of Koppai are depending on us to stay on the task at hand!”
- “Er, yes, of course, Alph... I was just wondering if tourists would like it here... No harm in that...”
- Europe text:
- “The variety of fruit on this planet is truly impressive.”
- “Yes, I agree. Sometimes I think about staying here. It might be kind of nice!”
- “Yes, I know what you mean!”
- “Well, Brittany, if you really feel that way, the two of us could—”
- “But the people of Koppai are depending on our return!”
- “Forgive me, Captain! I almost lost sight of our goal for a moment!”
- “Er...yes... Well, we'll overlook it this time, Alph...”
Small talk 42
- US text:
- “Hey, check it out! Since coming to this planet, we've gathered _ types of fruit!”
- “Wow, that's truly remarkable!”
- “Agreed. It's all thanks to you, my faithful crew!”
- “Alph, how much fruit is there left on this planet now?”
- “Let's see... The number of pieces now remaining is..._.”
- “Well, we might as well try to get everything we can.”
- “Yes, the more food we manage to gather, the better.”
- “It's the last stretch! Let's keep it up!”
- Europe text:
- “Hey, check it out! Since coming to this planet, we've gathered _ types of fruit!”
- “Wow, that's amazing!”
- “Agreed. And it's all thanks to you, my brave and faithful crew!”
- “Alph, how much fruit is there left on this planet now?”
- “Let's see... The number of pieces now remaining is..._.”
- “Well, we might as well try to get everything we can.”
- “Yes, the more food we manage to gather, the better.”
- “Well, crew, this it. The final stretch. Once more unto the breach!”
Small talk 43
- US text:
- “The area we explored yesterday was where I first encountered the Red Pikmin...”
- “I remember when I first encountered the Yellow Pikmin in that tundra...”
- “I can't remember if I met the Rock Pikmin or the Red Pikmin first...”
- “The Yellow Pikmin definitely made an impression on me in that cave.”
- “What a coincidence, Brittany! Have I ever told you what a big impression you've made on me?”
- “...? That's a little awkward. Anyway, it's interesting to hear about how we all met the Pikmin.”
- Europe text:
- “The area we explored yesterday was where I first encountered the Red Pikmin.”
- “Oh, really? I remember when I first encountered the Yellow Pikmin in that tundra...”
- “I guess the ones I first met were the Rock Pikmin. Or maybe the Red Pikmin.”
- “But the ones that left the biggest impression on me were the Yellow Pikmin I encountered in the cave.”
- “What a coincidence, Brittany! Have I ever told you what a big impression you've made on m—”
- “Wow! Isn't it funny how we all have places here associated with our own Pikmin encounters?”
Small talk 44
- US text:
- “The flowers on this planet are just gigantic, aren't they?”
- “I've been thinking of plucking one to give to a certain someone.”
- “Oh, that's kind of you, Captain, but I'm allergic to a lot of plants.”
- “I don't think he was talking about you, Alph.”
- “Yeah, right. Well who else would he be talking about, Brittany?!”
- “Thanks, Captain. I appreciate the gesture.”
- “I think we may need to get the oxygen levels in your helmet checked, Alph.”
- Europe text:
- “The flowers on this planet are just huge, aren't they?”
- “I've been thinking of plucking one to give to a certain someone...”
- “Oh, that's kind of you, Captain, but I'm allergic to a lot of plants.”
- “I think you might have misunderstood, Alph.”
- “Really? No, it was nice of him to think of it.”
- “Thank you, Captain. I appreciate the thought.”
- “I think we may need to get the oxygen levels in your helmet checked, Alph.”
Small talk 45
- US text:
- “The place we explored yesterday sure was cold!”
- “Huh? But if you're wearing a space suit, you shouldn't feel cold...”
- “That's what I thought. Maybe I need to recalibrate my suit.”
- “I'm wondering if maybe I bought a cheap space suit.”
- “I can take a look at your suit later. I really hope the captain's OK...”
- Europe text:
- “The place we explored yesterday was so cold.”
- “Really? You shouldn't ever be cold if you're wearing a spacesuit.”
- “I was definitely feeling chilly. Maybe my suit's not up to scratch.”
- “Serves me right for buying it at the Star Bazaar clearance sale, I suppose. Fashion, you see, is—”
- “Cool story, Brittany. I do hope the Captain's OK...”
Small talk 46
- US text:
- “The area we explored yesterday was incredible!”
- “The lotus plants were of an awe-inspiring size, yes.”
- “Such splendor reminds me of my favorite vacation spot on Koppai.”
- “High winds blowing thick chevrons of ducks through the marshes...”
- “The formidable wall of quacking that overtakes the ears...”
- “The crisp spray splashing off of a hundred mallard water landings...”
- “That sounds like such a great vacation, Captain...”
- Europe text:
- “The area we explored yesterday was incredible!”
- “Yes, those lotus plants were truly awe-inspiring!”
- “Actually, such natural splendour reminds me of my holidays back on Koppai...”
- “Mighty chevrons of ducks taking wing across the marshes...”
- “The formidable chorus of quacking that assails the ears...”
- “The colossal wall of spray that rises up as a hundred mallards strike the water's surface...”
- “(The Captain's holidays sound fantastic! I wonder if he'll invite me along on the next one?)”