Pikmin 3

Brittany's notes

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Brittany's notes.

In Pikmin 3, whenever a new type of fruit is retrieved, Brittany will write notes about that fruit. Brittany's notes are accessed by tapping a fruit's icon on the Fruit File, and it will display how much juice that fruit is worth, how many of it have been collected so far, and how many Pikmin are needed to carry it.


The following is a list of all notes. Some of them vary between regions; those will be identified with flags in this article. If a note only has one piece of text, that means it is the same in both regions.

Astringent Clump

  A little sweet, a little sour, but mostly BITTER. Alph can't cope with the bitterness and wants me to sweeten it somehow, but I have to say it's growing on me. Maybe he'll mature into it?   A little sweet, a little sour, but mostly just bitter. Alph can't cope with the bitterness and asked me to sweeten it somehow, but I have to say it's growing on me. Maybe it's one of those refined tastes he'll learn to like when he gets a bit older?

Blonde Impostor

  Aha! This furry little fruit tried to hide itself under a veil of camouflage and fuzz, but I won't be fooled. Tell me, Ms. Fauna, if you are indeed animal and not vegetable, WHERE ARE YOUR LEGS?! Checkmate, fruit.   Aha! This fuzzy fruit obviously wanted to camouflage itself as a wild beast, but I wasn't fooled for a minute. The lack of legs was a dead give-away. In any case, it's so delicious-looking, and so full of Piktamin U, that I doubt the odd limb or two would put me off...

Citrus Lump

  Sweet and totally delicious, this one has quite a bit of Piktamin U. On closer analysis, the white fiber just inside the skin seems to have most of the nutrition, but it's not very tasty. I'll save it for the captain...   Sweet, succulent and stuffed with Piktamin U! The white fibre on the underside of the peel abounds with nutrients, but it's pretty yucky to eat. A little treat for the Captain, perhaps?

Crimson Banquet

It's huge, super juicy, and filled with tons of seeds to take home and cultivate! How is this thing even real?

Crunchy Deluge

  Lots of juice in here, like having your mouth flooded in sweetness. Not much Piktamin U, but nutrition isn't everything. Sometimes you just want a natural disaster of flavor, you know?   Lots of juice in here, and it's like having your taste buds washed away on a tide of sweetness. Not much in the way of Piktamin U, but nutrition isn't everything. Sometimes you just want a flood of flavour...

Cupid's Grenade

Yes! The people of Koppai will be thrilled that we found this sweet, entirely delicious food source. They'll adore us forever when we introduce them to the weapon of mass nutrition.

Dapper Blob

  There's something compelling about this shapeless fruit with its tiny hat. It's like the fruit is heading to a fancy party full of debonair berries and upscale squashes! As a botanist, I have to say that that party sounds like the cutest thing that ever cuted!   A blob dressed up in a fancy bonnet. I imagine this suave little chap out hobnobbing with the movers and shakers of the botanical world. It's a pity we must eat you, little blob. Fear not though, your bonnet will make a fine addition to my wardrobe.

Dawn Pustules

  These little spheres have it all: smooth skin, delicious juice, a nice smell... They're almost perfect, except that exact shade of green is the captain's, like, favorite color of all time. He painted his room, his fingernails, and (I heard) even his dog this color. Bleh.   In colour and shape, these remind me of the Captain in his stupid green suit. Lots of little Captains! Eugh. Luckily, the resemblance ends there. Smooth skin, subtle scent, refined taste. Not like the Captain at all, then!

Delectable Bouquet

  Crazy! We cut this open, and it's filled with tiny, white flowers, meaning it's not technically a fruit at all. Analysis also indicates that it won't be ripe very long before it starts to rot... I think I'll save this one for the captain.   Bizarre! We cut this open and it's filled with tiny, white flowers, meaning it's not technically a fruit at all. Analysis also indicates that it won't be ripe very long before it starts to rot. Never mind! I can always feed it to the Captain.

Disguised Delicacy

Ha! This fuzzy produce thought it could disguise itself as one of the native creatures, but I'd know the smell of Piktamin U anywhere! Take that, fruit!

Dusk Pustules

  There's something very charming about all these little beads of juice—it makes me feel like we'll never run out of fruit! The color reminds of something... Oh! Auntie Bea's hair! She has such a rebellious streak...   There's something very charming about all of these little beads packed full of juice. They make me feel like we'll never run out! The colour reminds me of something... Oh! It's Auntie Bea's hair! She has such a rebellious streak...

Face Wrinkler

  This fruit is so sour that one bite makes my whole face want to climb into my mouth and pull it back out. It's high in Piktamin U, though, so I guess I'll try adding small amounts of the juice to other food. Better food.   This fruit is so sour that one bite makes my whole face want to climb into my mouth to pull it back out. The juice is high on Piktamin U, though, so I suppose I'll try adding small amounts of it to other food. Other, more appetising food.

Fire-Breathing Feast

  Even though it looks like one of the monstrous beasts that this planet has so many of, this fruit has a light flavor and tons of seeds. It'll be a great food source back home...if the people don't run away from it in terror.   Even though it looks like one of the monstrous beasts that populate this planet, this fruit has a light flavour and plenty of seeds. I'm sure it will be a great food source for Koppai...if people don't run away from it in terror.

Heroine's Tear

  This is my favorite so far—it's sweet in this kind of...elegant way. Poor Alph can't touch it without getting itchy all over, and the captain's not refined enough to appreciate it. I'll have to make the sacrifice and eat it all myself. I'll season it with my tears.   Sweet, elegant, great taste... They ought to have named this fruit 'Brittany'. Sadly, it brings poor Alph out in a rash, and the Captain's not refined enough to appreciate it. Oh, how it pains me to have this all to myself! I'll season it with my tears.

Insect Condo

  That smell! I can't tear my nose away from that smell! I'd dive right in and start eating, but something about this name the computer supplied makes me just a touch suspicious about what's going on inside this thing...   I'm having difficulties prying my nose away from the crisp, sweet scent. I'd dive in and devour, but something about the name leads me to suspect our ownership of this specimen may be contested. I won't trespass until we've conducted a proper survey.

Juicy Gaggle

Finally! Something on this planet that isn't gigantic! These little red globes are the perfect size for Koppaite hands, and the juice inside makes a good meal. I bet these'll be a lunch-box favorite back home.

Lesser Mock Bottom

  This fruit's flesh is soft and pale yellow. It's juicy and has a sweet-sour flavor. I must also note that it's shaped almost exactly like a baby's bottom. While the scientific merit of this observation is debatable, the adorability is not.   This fruit's flesh is soft and pale yellow. It's juicy and has a sweet-sour flavor. I must also note that it's shaped almost exactly like a baby's bottom. What the scientific merit of this observation is, I have no idea.

Mock Bottom

  Sigh. The specimen is slightly fuzzy, has a high juice content, and has a hardy pit that should travel well back to Koppai. And as a scientist, I cannot and should not remark that it looks almost exactly like a bottom, hee hee! Sigh. The specimen is slightly fuzzy...   Skin: pink colouration, fuzzy texture. Flesh: soft, with a high water content. Stone: large, robust. Appearance: looks like a bottom! Tee hee hee!

Pocked Airhead

  When we opened this one up, I was curious what we'd find in the funny head at the top of the fruit. Turns out, nothing. So it's got a thick skin, with a big head that doesn't actually have anything inside. That's why I named it for the captain (hee hee!).   When we opened this one up, I was curious as to what we'd find inside the funny head at the top. Turns out, it was empty. So, it's thick-skinned and has a big head with not a whole lot going on inside. Hmm... Reminds me of someone in this team...

Portable Sunset

  Look at the colors! It reminds me of the time I melted all my crayons and tried to combine them together into a supercrayon. I really thought that would work... Anyway, Alph doesn't like the smell of this fruit, but he doesn't have a sophisticated nose palate like I do.   This radiant specimen should remind me of childhood on Koppai, when we'd watch the sunset while enjoying a big dinner. But instead it makes me think of the onset of night on this planet, and the monstrosities that brings. I've covered it up so we can sleep in peace.

Scaly Custard

  Huh. Looks like a reptile doing its best impression of pudding. Doesn't seem very fruit-like at all: not much juice, not sweet, high fat content... Tasty, I guess, in an odd way. I just hope it wasn't a poisonous reptile...   Strange. It looks like a cross between a reptile and a pudding, and it doesn't seem very fruit-like: little juice, not at all sweet, and with a high fat content. Tasty, I suppose, in an odd way. Alph had a reaction to certain toxins in it... maybe that's its reptile side showing?

Searing Acidshock

  Ack! Sour! So sour! I feel like my taste buds have been sucker punched! We can't afford to waste edible fruit, but this one will need to be pickled or something before anyone would willingly eat it. On the plus side, I'll never forget that face Alph made...   Ooh! Sour! So sour! I feel like my taste buds have been turned inside-out! We can't afford to waste edible fruit, but this one will need to be pickled or something before anyone would willingly eat it. On the plus side, I'll never forget the face that Alph made...

Seed Hive

  This was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for us. We were lured in by the sweet scent, but when we cut it open, it was infested with huge insects! Alph fainted, poor thing. Then I realized that the "insects" were seeds! Yay! Alph will wake up, eventually.   This was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster for us. We were lured in by the sweet scent, but when we cut it open, it was infested with huge insects! Alph fainted, poor thing. Then I realized that the "Insects" were actually seeds! Hooray! Alph will wake up, eventually.

Slapstick Crescent

  Oh my gosh but this is delicious! So sweet and comforting... I can imagine a little kid eating just gobs of these things. They'll have to be careful around the inedible peel, though. It's extremely slippery and could be a safety hazard.   Gosh, this is delicious! Alph's gone absolutely bananas over this...thing. The peel seems quite slippery. But how slippery, I wonder? Slippery enough to dispatch a person? How about a fully-grown man with a moustache? I must find out...in the interests of science.

Stellar Extrusion

  I must admit, when I saw this fruit's starlike shape, it seemed like destiny: three explorers going to the stars to find fruit and coming back with fruit that looks like stars! What could be more fitting? Then I tasted it and it was only OK. Kinda sour. Bummer.   It was as if the stars had aligned: three explorers embark on a voyage to the stars in search of edible matter, and what do they find? Edible matter in the form of a star! I was so excited - and sure it would be delicious. Then I tasted it and found it was just sort of...sour.

Sunseed Berry

  As a scientist and as a food eater, I'm excited about this new source of potential nutrition. I just wish it didn't look like it was covered in pimples. Luckily, the taste of it is like delicious and scrumptious had a baby. Let's gather as many of these as we can!   I've never experienced anything like it. Scientifically speaking, the flavour straddles the boundary between scrumptious and delicious, and can only be described as 'scrumplicious'. On the down side, this fruit appears to have a nasty case of pimples.

Tremendous Sniffer

  This specimen has a sweet flavor and a soft texture...kind of like my Auntie Bea. The shape reminds me of her nose, too. So elegant! So glamorous! She's the envy of the family with that nose... I miss my aunt. I want to go home.   This specimen has a sweet flavour and a soft texture...somehow reminiscent of my Auntie Bea. Her nose is shaped a bit like this fruit, too. So elegant! So glamorous! She's the envy of the family with that nose...I miss my aunt. I want to go home!

Velvety Dreamdrop

  The taste of this one takes me back to Auntie Bea's famous fruit pastries. The pit's pretty big, so there's not a whole lot of juice in there. But maybe someday this pit will grow into a tree in Auntie Bea's backyard, and she can taste it for herself...   The taste reminds me of the sweets Auntie Bea gave me as a child. The big, greedy stone doesn't leave much room for juice, but maybe someday it will grow into a tree in Auntie Bea's back garden and I can repay her kindness. She was so sweet to me.

Wayward Moon

  Once you get past the tough, cratered exterior, this fruit has a refined, almost delicate flavor. It kind of reminds me of the captain, except he's all exterior.   Once you get past the coarse, cratered exterior you'll find that this fruit is delicate and sweet on the inside. That's probably how the Captain sees himself, actually. Personally I think the resemblance ends at the coarse, cratered part.

Zest Bomb

This one's sour but smells really nice. I wonder if the juice would work as a deodorant? I also wonder if we can spare a little for the experiment? Finally, I wonder if the captain would notice if I doused him in it while his back was turned?

See also