Radiation Canopy}
This ship part is required for the S.S. Dolphin to escape the planet.
Weight 30
Max. carriers 50 Pikmin
Location The Forest of Hope

The Radiation Canopy is the cockpit cover of the S.S. Dolphin. The Radiation Canopy turns the harsh radiations of space into soft infrared rays that aren't harmful to the body. In Pikmin 2, the Decorative Goo treasure is in the same location, and the Blue Onion replaces the enemy that guarded the ship part.

Collecting the Part

The Radiation Canopy, next to Captain Olimar.

From the landing site, go through the gate that needed Bomb-rocks to be destroyed. Throw Pikmin on a ledge and then proceed through a gate in the water, if has already been destroyed. Climb to where the Pikmin are and command them to destroy another gate. Beat the Armored Cannon Beetle and carry the Radiation Canopy back to the ship. The ship part can also be collected without defeating the Beetle.


Template:Ship Parts