Pikmin 3

Revision as of 00:18, July 27, 2012 by Lukisforgets (talk | contribs) (letting people know when more info will be available)
Pikmin 3
Pikmin 3
Console Wii U
Developer Nintendo EAD
Publisher Nintendo
Genre RTS
Players {{{players}}}
Release date
Japan N/A
North America N/A
Europe N/A
Australia N/A
South Korea N/A

Pikmin 3 is the upcoming third installment in the Pikmin franchise revealed during the Nintendo press conference at the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo on June 5th. It will be released on the Nintendo Wii U console.[1]


From what has been seen at E3 so far[2], the game revolves around 4 entirely-new characters exploring the depths of the Pikmin planet. Olimar and presumably Louie are notably missing.[3]


Pikmin 3 will play in a similar fashion to previous installments. However, the Pikmin themselves will be able to perform a multitude of different tasks. There are new hazards such as ice and magma-based enemies. Olimar and Louie, for a reason Miyamoto wants to stay secret, were not playable characters during the E3 demonstrations. Instead, a pink-haired girl, a bald general, a small blue haired boy, and a tall, green-haired man are the playable characters. [4]

Pikmin will break walls differently based on where they attack the walls. Various new tasks can be performed, such as picking up fruit and anything else used for nourishment.

The captains will be able to throw other captains, and be able to play with each other in the main story mode.

The Wii U gamepad as the map screen.

The battle mechanics will be much more refined. Some enemies will take more damage if Pikmin are thrown onto specific parts of their bodies. Two control options are currently available: The Wii U Gamepad and the Wii remote (with Wii MotionPlus) & nunchuck. The players will be able to use the Wii U Gamepad to view different parts of the map. The Wii remote & nunchuck configuration will be similar to the Wii versions of Pikmin and Pikmin 2. One key difference is the omission of the ability to move Pikmin around the pilot as a group.

There will be several different locations. Lush forests, caves, and a somewhat tropical region with sandcastle gates have been seen in footage and photos.

There will be many new game modes, including multiplayer, singleplayer, and a new type of Challenge Mode. The Multi-player gaming mode will not be online due to complications such as too many screens dropping and having so many Pikmin, which may cause lag in the Pikmin's unique movements. [5]

In the E3 demo, many critics took note of the fact that the "swarm" feature appeared to be absent from the Wii Remote and the nunchuck control scheme. The player can use a flicking motion with the nunchuck to make the Pikmin charge at a target; this is mentioned by Miyamoto during Nintendo's E3 2012 press conference, and is seen briefly in the first game trailer. A new ability has also been added; captains can now quickly roll side-to-side, and any Pikmin following them will do the same.[6]

The new "swarm" tactic that allows players to target enemies and object, which displays it's name above the head, locks the reticle on them, and directs all Pikmin to attack the target.

In a recent interview, Miyamoto was asked to tell exactly how the game would work. He then compared Pikmin 1 and 2, saying that Pikmin 1 was more about strategy and the following of a strict time limit, which allowed less time to explore, while Pikmin 2 was all about exploration and using the Pikmin in different ways. Miyamoto went on to say that Pikmin 3 would be a combination of both; presumably having strict rules and the need for careful, strategic planning, while also being able to explore and use many new Pikmin and their abilities in new ways.[7]


While the controls may seem like the "New play control" scheeme, they are actually vastly different from each other. As not only the ability to "barrel roll" is there( it is not known as to which button makes the charecter do a barrel roll) but you can also scan with "Z" on the Wii-mote nunchuck controls and you can also swithch what pikmin you'll throw next by pressing "C". I.E. If the bubble shows you're throwing Red next, and you press "C", then the bubble will switch to Rock(or which ever one you have with you) and the Pikmin will line up in color order, so in this case it would be Rock to Red. Already these new controls are very different from the original.

(This information is from watching the game play videos of the E3 demo, It may be subject to change.)

New Pikmin

Currently, 2 new Pikmin types have been seen:

According to a woman at the E3 show floor, there will be additional Pikmin that will be discussed at a later date. [8]

Nintendo E3 Presentation

Pikmin 3 was the very first game Nintendo presented at E3 on June 5th, 2012.


The concept of Pikmin 3 first began in early 2006, and actual production of the game began in mid-2007. Miyamoto stated he was working with "a very, very, small team" and began experimenting with the DS, 3DS, and Wii consoles. Eventually, they settled on Wii, and began working on Pikmin 3. Miyamoto stated that they ran into many graphical and technical issues on the Wii version of the game.

On June 6, 2011, Pikmin 3 was annouced to be moved to the Wii U. On June 5th, 2012, the game was finally revealed to the public at E3, during Nintendo's presentation. [10]

Release Date

The release date has yet to be confirmed. However, the game has been confirmed to be a Wii U launch window title. According to 3rd-party game company Ubisoft, the Wii U's release date is not certain, but "will most likely be sometime in November." [11]


  • Pikmin 3 is the first game where multi-player is available in the real story.
  • Aperrantly, more information will become available when issue 85 of Nintendo power is released on Wed. August 1st.



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