Controls (Exploration Notes)

Revision as of 22:51, August 13, 2013 by pikminwikia>Nwagers

Controls, Is a category in the Exploration Notes menu. They tell the basic controls of Pikmin 3, as well as what to do in some special events. Most of them feature images of characters who appear to be OlimarLouieThe PresidentAlphBrittany, and Charlie. There are six Data Files to find on the map. Twenty four other Exploration Notes are acquired by completing specific tasks for a total of 30 Exploration Notes.

Data Files


Move with Left Analog.

Using the Whistle

Press B/ZR to blow the whistle and call Pikmin over. Hold B/ZR longer to increase the whistle's range.


Take aim and press A to throw.

Plucking #1

Press A to pluck nearby Pikmin sprouts. Press B/ZR to cancel.

Plucking #2

Press A to throw your teamates and automatically pluck sprouts.

Looking Around

Press Z/ZL to move camera behind you.

Locking On

Point at the object you want to examine and hold Z/ZL to lock on.

Dismissing Squad

Dismiss your squad with "Shaking nunchuck"/B, and the Pikmin will sort themselves into different color groups.


While locked on, attack with "Shaking nunchuck"/B!

Selecting Pikmin Type

Select the Pikmin or person you want to throw using C/L.

Switching Leaders

Press -/Y to switch leaders.

Throwing Leaders

Throw teammates to places that can't be reached on foot.

Using Ultra-Spicy Spray

Press Up on the D-Pad to use an Ultra-Spicy Spray and invigorate the Pikmin in your squad.

Using Ultra-Spicy Nectar

Explorers automatically collect Ultra-Spicy Nectar when they find it.

Using the Dodge Whistle

Press Left or Right on the D-Pad to make your Pikmin roll in that direction.

Using the Radar #1

Slide to scroll through your map and check your surroundings.

Using the Radar #2

Touch compass to toggle the radars orientation.

Using the Radar #3

Review the replay to fine-tune your strategy.

Fruit Finder

Display the location of fruit, even in areas you haven't explored.

Go Here!

On the KopPad's radar, align "Pointer" with your destination and touch Go here to start moving!

Using the Camera

Press B to snap a photo. Zoom with Left analog. Press Z to toggle flash.

Scorch Guard

Protects you from fire.


Prevents you from getting zapped.

Metal Suit Z

Increases the durability of your space suit.

Dividing Labor #1

Split into 2 squads to manage your workload more effectively!

Dividing Labor #2

Split into 3 squads to manage your workload even more efficiently!


Shake Left analog repeatedly to escape.

Rescuing from bubbles

Knock into Pikmin to free them from bubbles!

Rescue Olimar #1

Command the Pikmin carrying Captain Olimar!

Rescue Olimar #2

The order of responsibility for commanding Pikmin is: Brittany, Charlie, Alph.