Minor Characters are characters mentioned in the Pikmin franchise, but are never seen exploring PNF-404. Some of these characters include Auntie Bea and Louie's Grandmother. As such, most minor characters are never revealed to have a specific name.
Olimar's Family
Olimar's family consists of his wife, his son, his daughter, and his pet, Bulbie. Since Olimar works for Hocotate Freight, it seems he gets little time to spend with his family. In Pikmin 3, he adresses this by stating that he will take his whole family on a vacation when he gets home. It is also seen that Olimar's family has no knowledge of money, becuase they spend Olimar's bonuses on things like trips to the hot springs, and his son states that he should sned in a Bonus check for a offer in a SPAM email.
Olimar's Wife
On Planet Hocotate, Olimar is married and has 2 kids. Olimar's wife is a woman who cares much about her kids. When Olimar's special bonuses arrives at his house, she often uses the money to buy her kids what they have been wanting. However, it seems that money can make the best of her. Whenever the bonuses come in, she seems to get stricter on her kids, and might be lacking in common sense, as Olimar's son states that she wants to send Bulbie to the circus. It is stated that she goes to beaches and theaters all day until the kids come home. After she wastes money buying lottery tickets, she realizes the mistake she made, and loosens back up into her former self. After time has passed, she pleads for Olimar to come home (very lovingly), telling that there is PikPik carrot soup waiting. According to Olimar's Entries in Pikmin 3, he seems to trust her more than Louie.
Olimar's Son
Olimar's Son is a standard kid. He seems to be fascinated by his father's adventures, and seems to envy him. He enjoys games more than studying, in contrast to Olimar's daughter. Judging by some of his mail, he must be in his teenager years. He always yearns for his father to come home. He doesn't like it when his mother becomes strict because of the bonuses, and tells his father to come home to fix the mess. He seems to be easily won over, as he states if he should send in Olimar's bonus check for a SPAM email.