Hermit Crawmad
Areas Perplexing Pool, Wistful Wild
Underground Areas Citadel of Spiders, Shower Room , Hole of Heroes, Dream Den
Attacks Eats Pikmin
Size 68 mm
Scientific Name Camabarus rustica
Family Crawmad
A Hermit Crawmad peeking out of its nest.

The Hermit Crawmad is an enemy in Pikmin 2. It resembles a lobster-type creature with large claws. It sits in its hole, and is usually found around watery areas even though it can survive on land. It will peek out of its hole when the Pikmin approach it, but it will attack if the Pikmin get near its dwelling. It attacks by charging out of its hole and grabbing a Pikmin, then going back to its nest, where the Pikmin will get eaten. The only way to kill it is to lure it out and attack it before it goes back. It has surprisingly low defense for its appearance. After being killed, its hole dissappears. Larger versions of this enemy exist due to its size distribution being random, but are not considered a seperate species, neither do they give more Pokos or Pikmin.

How to Kill


Lure it out of its hole by moving some Pikmin near its hole, then run away. It'll come out and try to get a Pikmin. When he starts to turn around, swarm his backside.


Go near the hole and wait a second, then run. It'll come out. Proceed to punch its backside. You will likely need to do this multiple times to finish it off.