
From Pikipedia, the Pikmin wiki
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I am also an admin of the Chemistry Wikia, and seeking admin/bereaucrat rights of the abandoned Golden Sun Wikia.


  • Note: I disabled the chat function because I didn't find much use in it, since not many people are active on this wikia; also, the chat function would turn the site into a chat room instead of a wikia.

Hello, and welcome to the pikmin wikia! Since you are looking at my profile, I may as well tell you about this guy in Africa whose mind is whacked up, and is causing suffering to young children in hopes of becoming powerful.

Joseph Kony

This guy is guilty of kidnapping young children in Africa, turning boys into child soldiers, and turning girls into sex slaves. He has been doing this since 1986, but has only really been told about in the past 10 years. Also, he is guilty of blasphemy (insulting or disrespectful towards God) since he is claiming that God gave him the right to do these horrendous acts. Make this guy famous; the United States is lending their support to find him until December 31, 2012.