Talk:Spray Color Glitch

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Revision as of 20:52, June 18, 2008 by (talk)
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We sure this isn't just the lighting? I've never noticed it. —Jimbo Jambo

It might be because of the Stellar Orb -Pikmin Expert 23:23, 12 June 2008 (UTC)

But once it was purple so i thought cool a stone spray so i drank it and it gave me a ultra-spicy spray -Pikmin Expert 23:24, 12 June 2008 (UTC)

Doubtful... ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ 11:44, 13 June 2008 (UTC)
Yes, if colour issues were present, it would most likely be due to lighting in the cave or just the way your TV displays colours. I doubt very much that the programmers could end up glitching the colour of something...GP 14:31, 13 June 2008 (UTC)

Come on dont delete this page! I found a orange spicy spray in the Suberranean Complx once i've been in there dozens of times trying to find it again so i can get a pic. It was on floor 4 or 8. give me two weeks to find it again and if a dont delete this page. -Pikmin Expert 20:23, 13 June 2008 (UTC)

For reasons I can not figure out, we decided to come back much earlier. I'll try this now in the Subt. Complex and Frontier Cavern.--Prezintenden 16:53, 14 June 2008 (UTC)
The colour does seem slightly different in Complex, but I would probably have to play a lot longer to find this rare "glitch". Not sure...--Prezintenden
Delete! ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ 19:54, 14 June 2008 (UTC)

Hey Prezintenden, you will find it sometime and if you our anyone else finds it take a pic and put it on this page and on the main page. -Pikmin Expert 00:43, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

A) Pics do not go on the Main Page (unless in Featured Artical... (Which this artical is too short to even be...)) B) <Quote> Delete! </Unquote> C) ... D) Siggy time ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ 01:13, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

CrystalLucario, almost all pages have a picture. -Pikmin Expert 02:57, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

I think he meant the main article. —Jimbo Jambo
A) NO RLY PIKMIN EXPERT?! B) Yes I meant the Main Page that is why ya'know I mentioned The Featured Artical Section. C) <Double Quote> <Quote> Delete! </Unquote> </Double Unquote> ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ 11:36, 17 June 2008 (UTC)
I wasn't talking to him, I was responding to you. I think he meant the Spray Color Glitch article. —Jimbo Jambo
Then why say <Quote> ...put it on this page and on the main page. </Unquote> .Unclear much?!? ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ 18:09, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

Dudes, i got a pic of a normal spicy spray and a pic of a one that is a different color. I just need to get the picture of the camera on my computer and then on to the main article and both pics are real and straight from the game! - 00:50, 19 June 2008 (UTC)

CrystalLucario, i am a Pikmin expert not a pikmin website expert. - 00:52, 19 June 2008 (UTC)