i think that we should call stone gates razeing gates. I am rocky0718 and i PWN
Why?Masta pikmin 18:39, 15 July 2008 (UTC)
Hey guys, the New Play Control Pikmin Prima guide calls them Bramble Gates and Stone Walls. -PikminExpert
Is Prima official? If so the article needs to be rewritten ('-_-) Last Onion
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make up names like that. Maybe Stone Walls isn't the right name, but Bramble Gates makes sense. -PikminExpert
- ...I fail at reading. Right, I guess this makes sense, then, but that would mean every instance of 'gate' on the wiki needs to be replaced. Can we get some proof that Prima guides are official? I've never seen them, don't think they're sold here. And stone wall, since it's not in the guides, isn't worth calling that, certainly not worth capitalising. I'll change it to 'stone gate', since the others are called gates, and they are gates, really.GP
It says stone wall in the guide, but I don't think that's the official name.
I did some research and I learned Prima has some relationship with each game's developers, and sometimes they work directly with the developers to make the guide. So they seem official. And about changing every gate into Bramble Gate, I think if you see one, change it. I don't think we should look at every article to see if it needs to be changed. -PikminExpert
- Half of what they say is errors or unnofficial! Prima couldn't even get the names for the SSBM character's moves... I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
We should stop debating if Prima is official or not cause everyone else but you is fine with Bramble Gate, Crystal. -PikminExpert
- I honestly preferred the generic "gate" since it's not given any other name in the games, but meh. I wonder if they'll be named in Pikmin 3.GP
Do they even call it gate in any of the games? Bramble Gate is the only name for it that I've seen. We should leave it how it is now and not change any other articles because of it. -PikminExpert
And the User has spoken.;-_- I'm RedpikminFlamethrower And I approve this message.
- I honestly don't care what Prima calls them. If they are referred to nothing but these two definitions through the whole of the game, then I could see reasoning to change it. But we're talking about a guide here that we're not even sure if it's official or not. I vote against changing it, as it's not only unnecessary to do so (as GP said, a gate's a gate, really. If fruit was intended to grow on it really isn't that important), and we can give no convincing arguments.--Prezintenden
- I'd still mention it on this page, like in the first sentence, saying it's a known alternative name.GP
Do White of Purple Pikmin have any special adantage when breaking doors? And by the way, I sometimes get the feeling that the black gates in Pikmin 2 are weaker than whites. Snakeboss14
Snakeboss, I tested, and purple/white don't have any advantage, and whites aren't stronger than blacks ( unless you count a abouveground white gate vs. a underground black). As for the aurgument up there Prima is unofficial.