Forum:Voice cast

Revision as of 19:58, September 29, 2009 by Crystal lucario (talk | contribs)
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Alright. I believe I have the voice actors of the Pikmin games.

Hajime Wakai As some voices, and as Pikmin [1]

Taka Kazumi as others, and as Olimar. [2]

Scroll down to "see" at the bottom for my sources, it is through goggle translate.

We should really have a page for all the people who worked on it, and the cast. Sorry I have been away so much; health issues. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 10:30, September 27, 2009 (UTC)

You make it, we'll keep it I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
So...who's going to be watching the credits hundreds of times to get down the people?--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
HIPO! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
It is actually a good ide to put ALL the people that helped make the game, I would but my Wii was taken away for having bad grades...--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

OMG.lolR to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb. Shy Guys need your help!

Ahh, Game you Phail I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Probably got better grades than you >.>--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

comparing the 2 of you, game seems smarterR to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb. Shy Guys need your help!

120% A+ in Hist (9th Garde (I'm in 8th), 100% A Band, 100% Spanish, 96.78% A Math (Again 9th Grade Class), Shall I go on? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
D d(^.^d) Good choice, but now Crys will kill you. You Minnesotians probably have the easiest teachers, most of my tecahers either can't speak Enlgisj (seriously!) or they are just douches in general. BTW, I'm in honors in all my classes and just the other day, my english tecaher gave us ONE!!!! day to write a 1500 word essay about a significant event in our lives. -.- --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
I've had to write stuff liek that in one day, and I'm in EIGHTH GRADE. And my teachers are insane... like Ramen Man and his demon cup, and loud eating habits... I'm in 4/4 9th Grade classes avaiable. PWND I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

D=! Anyway, I'm joining the pedophile audiophile club at my school and I'm taking AP Chemistry, AP Trigonometry, and AP Italian next year! BTW, when you go to 9th grade, it is 10x easier than 8th grade because people are more mature. And good luck at your 8th grade prom! XD--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Heh, I'm in Video Club with the other nerds Cool People. No, my school is filled with jackasses, listing them would push this page over 32k... No 8th grade prom... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Well good luck in high school is all the advice I need to give you. My middle school was filled with jackasses, but probably not as much as yours because there was a police station next door...:/--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Hell, my neighborhood alone prolly has more than your whole school... What about high school now? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Like I said, in high school there are still jackasses, but not as many, but it also depends on the high school.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
99/100ths of the ppl in my school won't make it to high schhool, either phailing first or dying... And the high school I'm gonna go to had two rapes last year... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Wow lucky! My school just has a bunch od drug dealers and users. And how are people dying? I also heard that someone gave another kid a blowjob during class! D=>--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
1) Mine has that too 2) They live where I live 3) At your school? Ew... we had someone mastrubating during class, but that!?!?!? And we has a kid start a garbge can on fire and roll it down the hallway... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

I knwo prety disgusting. *shivers* How exactly are they dying? And same exact thing happened last year at school!(garbage can set on fire)--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Well noones died recently except that old guy which is kinda good... But I know I can expect a couple o' deaths based on where I live... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
I want to know HOW!!! BTW, in my middle school someone set off a stink bomb in all the hallways and it smelt for DAYS!--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Meh We other people do that ever year on the last day lol. I don't really know, a major death hasn't happened in a few years thanks to the like 40 cops prowling the streets of my tiny town... but I am stuck in an unusually horrible batch... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
In middle school one time, someone placed a jack in the box in someone's locker and when t opened, a boxing glove with a knife shot out and it slit the por kid's throat, butluckily he didn't die. I was unfortunate though to see the event happen.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Woah! And you saw that. Eww... Eck, now I just remebered the bile hall day... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
What vile hall day...--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Some kid got punched in the sthomach so hard he threw up like 3 days worth of food, and we were all late to class cuz there was no way past it excepth through, or jumping, and then it was blocked off after someone who tried to jump it fell in... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
AAAHHH! Gross!!!! Disgusting!!! Putrid!!! *imagines swimming in someone's barf* EEEH! It burns my eyes!--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

ROFL. nothing interesting happens atmy school. in fact im probaly the only. "unusal" kid at my schoolR to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb. Shy Guys need your help!

I'm more normal than most, yeah weird I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
HIPO, you CAN NOT EVER CHANGE COMMENTS FROM SOMEOONE, ESPICalLY TO YOUR OWN NEEDS "Vote for HIPO" I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
First of all, you just beleted my entire second entry. Second of all, you cannot talk about fellatio and use explicit language on this wikia. When I changed it, it was out of humor, because I thought it was ridiculous how you guys were acting. I am sure that the mods will agree that you were in the wrong. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 06:32, September 29, 2009 (UTC)
I'm sorry, I had not realised there was a second entry... and, yeah, we can talk about whatever the fuck we want. And, I am the mods. I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Sorry Ocolor, btyou cannot change a commet so that I have a sudden urge to vote IAMAHIPO ocolor for admin...<_< --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Yeah, HIPO. I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
What is this wikia coming to? You CANNOT USE EXPLICIT WORDS. THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OUR REGULARS NECESSARLY FIND IT OFFENSIVE. IT IS BECAUSE THIS WIKIA IS OPEN TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE. INCLUDING CHILDREN. PIKMIN IS A CHILDREN GAMES. You are abusing your powers as an admin, and I hereby call for a review of Crystal Lucario's administrator's privileges. I have seen too many people work too hard to make this wiki what it is to have it become trash by (relatively) new people. You have become immature and offensive, and that is not how Pikipedia admins are supposed to act. I would love to curse and flame you out, but I have the self control to not. When I edited your posts, it was because the discussion was so laughably irrelevant and inappropriate. I of course did not mean for anyone to vote for me because I changed gamefreaks message, I was using simple humor. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 21:08, September 29, 2009 (UTC)
Sure I can, how many n00bs will search Forum:Voice Cast, and me and my buddy can get as irrevelat as we want, and I am not abusing my admin powers at all! This is not trash! It is a dead-ish wiki, I have done nothing that should result in a loss of powers, everyone is diffrent, and you changed every message on this page, which you should not do! Although, if you put the page up for deletion, I can delete it, and this will all be gone, and you can just repost this stuff I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Well it seems someone is scared. Asking me to tell you to delete your inappropriate behaviour, it shows me that you indeed are in the wrong. No, I shall persecute you until you grow up and respect the rules of this wiki. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 21:43, September 29, 2009 (UTC)
Me scared? You are the one whining about innapropriate comments! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Let us allow the mods to decide. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 21:56, September 29, 2009 (UTC)
I vote Crys innocent I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
I agree, Crys is innocent. Unless Hipo can find where it says on Wikia that you can't swear, I will stand by Crys. Also, I think that if you are so afraid about little children reading this page then put a bold message at the top of the page warning people about the vulgar content. I'd do it, but I don't want to get any further into this argument then I already am.SirPikmin,The Knight of Legend!Contributions
Good idea Sir I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
You'll probably here mre curse words at an Elementary School than on this whole wiki. Kids and their darn rap music these days. Back when I was in 1st grade, kids dind't even know what the word shit meant. Nowadays, I pass by my local nursery and I hear kids yell crap and shit and dumbass and f*ck. That's how society is, sadly. *rocks back on forth on rocking chair reading the newspaper*--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Same at my old ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I saw a little kid say, I'm gonna Fuck you! Then he jumped on his friend and started screaming GiggityGiggityGoo... So sad these youngsters and their rabbaflabbin rap music... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
It also states in the Constitution (I think) under Amendment number 1 that people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and also the freedom of speech, religion ,and other important stuff. Yup, kds today knowing people like Chris Brown or Eminem or Rihanna, but not knowing about great scietists like Isaac Newton or Benjamin Franklin..Tsk tsk tsk *flips to next page of newspaper*--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
So true... Y'know I don't think good music has been made sence 2005... *Takes a nap* I hate the young people... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

That's for sure. *pops in a record of Beethoven's 5th symphony and sis down on rocking chair with a cup of prune juice*--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

WHEEZE! *Takes a record, begins cranking... In the Hall of the Mountain King begins playing* *Pours prune juice on his pants falling asleep, attempting to pour it into a cup* ... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Damn kids. Get off of mah lawn! *pulls out double-barreled shotgun, but falls asleep*--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
HEY YOU KIDS! *Shoots one Gangsta with Double Barrel Shotgun, chases him down the street, swinging cane, falls asleep* I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.