Forum:Pikmin wars

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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Pikmin wars

Okay, Pikmin wars is a game where you make a bunch of logs that should look like this: Captin Mike Gore

     Awakening wood landing zone
     projects      days
     --------       3

your projects are stuff like Man-at-Legs turretx3, anything that has to do with pikmin!

Post here if any Questions! need 2 people before I can start.-pikman04

YAY! I have a username now! Whenever you see "pikman04" or "" it is now.................... PIKDUDE!Pikdude 19:10, 22 December 2007 (UTC)

Is this supposed to be a game?-crazy9090

Yes.PikdudeYoshi's Crunch.jpg 23:11, 11 February 2008 (UTC)