Forum:Hardest enemy
the enemy hardest enemy in my opinion in pikmin 1 the burrowing snagrat in pikmin 2 the empress bulbax with larva as i haven't faced the titan dweevil or the emperor bulbax
The Burrowing Snagret is pretty tough, I always end up losing 1 Pikmi when I face them. I think that the Pileated Snagret is he hardest.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
I used to find Snagrets (both kinds) annoying, but now they're not so bad. I probably find Bulbears the hardest; they're just so mobile and eat so quickly.GP
- Bulbears are easy
if you reset the gameif you have Purples. Otherwise, they're bastards! Bulblaxes are the toughest regular enemy, but I fine Sangrets the toughest bosses. Fighting the one Pileated Snagret and Burrowing Snagret on the 4th floor of the Hole of Heores was 10x harder than the fighting the 3 Emperor Bulblaxes on the 10th floor. I lost 32 Pikmin to the 10 Burrowing Snagrets I've fought and 15 to the 4 Pileated Snagrets I fought and lost none to the Emperors, but 3 to the Fiery Bulblaxes.--FREAK ~GameFreak~OUT!
- Bulbears are easy
i found the waterwraith impossibley hard but easy when i worked out to use purples--Ginta289 09:20, September 19, 2009 (UTC)
i found a glitch i went to the cave where you fight the toady bloyster and i didnt kill it and left the cave and now onperplexing pool there are tons of spooty bulberas and a beady long legs and when i killed them the repawn the next day --Ginta289 09:45, September 19, 2009 (UTC)
- ...Seriously, what sort of definition of 'glitch' are you using? And Gamefreak: yeah, but what isn't easy with Purples?GP
True, Green, true. Purples= Best Pikmin of the game.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!