User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Hey! Pikmin

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English and Japanese text related to Hey! Pikmin.

The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text.


NA Eng

Yes, yes! Exactly like that! Just tap my icon!


そうそう! そんなふうにアイコンを タッチしてくださいね!


NA Eng

Careful, Captain Olimar. One of this planet's native creatures is nearby, and it looks hungry.

Throw a Pikmin at it to stop it before it comes any closer!


オリマーさん きをつけてください!


NA Eng

Red alert, Captain Olimar! Literally!

Do you see how the icon above turned red? That means there's a lost Pikmin or two somewhere!

If we don't find them fast, things could get bad for them. Let's go!



うえの アイコンが あかくなっています!まいごに なった ピクミンが いるようです!

はやく みつけないとピクミンが いなくなってしまいます。さがしてあげましょう!


NA Eng

Water calls for Blue Pikmin! Other kinds of Pikmin don't do well in the water, but Blue Pikmin are fine.

We should always keep a few on hand for expeditions into watery areas.


すいちゅう といえばやはり あおピクミンですね。ほかの ピクミンは すいちゅうが にがてですが


NA Eng

Captain Olimar... It sure is dangerous out there with all the predators roaming about.

Let's find a safe place we can take the Pikmin back to.



ここには げんせいせいぶつがたくさんいて きけんです!

ピクミンも あんぜんな ところに いっしょに つれて かえりますね!


NA Eng

Red Pikmin are resistant to fire, aren't they? If things get too hot to handle, we should enlist their help.


そういえば あかピクミンはひに つよいんでしたね。

もえている ところが あればあかピクミンに たすけてもらいましょう。


NA Eng

Ah! That is a Rock Pikmin. They're trong enough to break solid objects, such as crystals.

If anything gets in your way, call on a Rock Pikmin to bust right through!


ややっ! いわピクミンですよ。

すいしょうのような かたいものでもいわピクミンなら わることができます。バリンと わって すすみましょう!


NA Eng

Winged Pikmin, eh? Those will be nice to have around if you ever fall from a high place.

Unlike other Pikmin, they can even follow you into places you can only reach with your jetpack.


おや はねピクミンですね。オリマーさんが たかいところからおちても たすけてくれる

くうちゅうの こころづよい なかまです。それに オリマーさんが ホバーでいどうしても ついてきてくれますよ。


NA Eng

Captain Olimar! You've found some Yellow Pikmin! They're resistant to electricity, you know.

Their other strength is that they're very light. If you need to get Pikmin up high, it's yellow ones you want!


アッ きピクミンですよ! オリマーさん!でんきに つよくてたかく とべるのが とくちょうです。

たかいところが きになったらきピクミンを なげてみましょう!


Oh! All the Pikmin are gone...

When you get into situations like this, blow your whistle somewhere that you think you might find Pikmin.


Captain Olimar! I found a new area for you to explore!

If you ever get tired of expeditions in the current area, the answer is simple.

Just bring up the pause menu and select "Go to the Next Area"!


I have detected some Sparklium in that hidden area. Let's check it out!


Wait just a moment, Captain Olimar! That thing had _ Sparklium!

We should keep an eye out for any other treasures like this one.


Captain Olimar, I'm sensing a large amount of Sparklium from that object. Throw some Pikmin up to retrieve it!


Aren't you going to take it with you?

You'll need a lot of Sparklium to get back to Hocotate. There's no sense leaving any behind.

Were you not sure how to reach it? Don't worry about that! The Pikmin can do it for you if you throw them!


Captain Olimar... This may sound strange, but this object contains Sparklium. Well done!

It must have been meant for us! Let's harvest its Sparklium at once!


There's something valuable there, but I don't see how you can get to it.

You might be able to figure out a way, though. Take your time and think carefully.


That hole there... I estimate you can get to it with your jetpack.

But your Pikmin won't be able to follow you up. Mind the little guys!


This is incredible, Captain Olimar! There's more Sparklium here than I know what to do with!

Collect as much as you can in the time that you have!


Hmmm... Is that what I think it is?

It certainly seems to be a pellet. If you take this back to the Onion, you can make more Pikmin!

What do you say, Captain Olimar? We can always use more Pikmin at work in the Park.