Pikipedia:Featured image nominations

Revision as of 20:01, August 15, 2022 by Soprano (talk | contribs) (Slightly changed the nomination process, following Espyo's feedback.)

Pikipedia has a featured image system, where selected high-quality images are shown on the Main Page, similar to featured articles. The image shown changes automatically each day, based on the list of images in Template:Featured image.

Anyone can nominate an image to be added to the featured image list. To do this, edit this page and add a link to the image you'd like to nominate, providing a short reason why you think it's high-quality if you'd like to. A staff member can then add the image to the template if they agree that it's high-quality. Images can be removed from the featured image list in the same way. Copying and pasting this skeleton may help:

[[File:<file name and extension>|thumb|<caption>]]
* <your signature and reason for nominating (optional)>

Nominate images here

No nominations yet...

See also