Hey! Pikmin

Music in Hey! Pikmin

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Almost all moments of Hey! Pikmin have some accompanying music to set the mood of the situation, from the cutscene the player is watching to the area they are navigating on.


Title screen
Title screen
External links
Internal name BGM_02_title.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sector selection
Sector selection
External links
Internal name BGM_04_world_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Brilliant Garden area selection
Brilliant Garden area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_05_W1_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Verdant Waterfront area selection
Verdant Waterfront area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_06_W2_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparkling Labyrinth area selection
Sparkling Labyrinth area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_07_W3_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Ravaged Rustworks area selection
Ravaged Rustworks area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_08__4_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Leafswirl Lagoon area selection
Leafswirl Lagoon area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_09__5_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sweltering Parchlands area selection
Sweltering Parchlands area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_10__6_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Snowfall Field area selection
Snowfall Field area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_11__7_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
Lushlife Murk area selection
Lushlife Murk area selection
External links
Internal name BGM_12__8_course_select.dspadpcm.bcstm
External links
Internal name BGM_43_result.dspadpcm.bcstm
External links
Internal name BGM_69_zukan_kyotu.dspadpcm.bcstm
Pikmin Park
Pikmin Park
External links
Internal name BGM_79_pikmin_hiroba.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparklium Springs results
Sparklium Springs results
External links
Internal name BGM_78_kirakira_no_izumi_result.dspadpcm.bcstm
Game over
Game over
External links
Internal name BGM_67_game_over.dspadpcm.bcstm
Secret Spot game over
Secret Spot game over
External links
Internal name BGM_87_minigame_failure_result.dspadpcm.bcstm
External links
Internal name BGM_82_option.dspadpcm.bcstm


Prologue - space
Prologue - space
External links
Internal name ev_op.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Prologue - crash landing
Prologue - crash landing
External links
Internal name ev_prologue.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Inside the S.S. Dolphin II - news
Inside the S.S. Dolphin II - news
External links
Internal name BGM_62_million_kira_clear.dspadpcm.bcstm
Inside the S.S. Dolphin II - boss found
Inside the S.S. Dolphin II - boss found
External links
Internal name BGM_90_ev_battle.dspadpcm.bcstm
Red Bulborb introduction
Red Bulborb introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_01.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Long Water Dumple introduction
Long Water Dumple introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_02.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Armurk introduction
Armurk introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_03.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Electric Cottonade introduction
Electric Cottonade introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_04.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Queen Shearwig introduction
Queen Shearwig introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_05.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Fiery Blowhog introduction
Fiery Blowhog introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_06.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Luring Slurker introduction
Luring Slurker introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_07.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Emperor Bulblax introduction
Emperor Bulblax introduction
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_08.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Berserk Leech Hydroe buried form
Berserk Leech Hydroe buried form
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_09_appear.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Berserk Leech Hydroe quadruped form
Berserk Leech Hydroe quadruped form
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_09_1_2.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Berserk Leech Hydroe winged form
Berserk Leech Hydroe winged form
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_09_2_3.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Berserk Leech Hydroe defeated
Berserk Leech Hydroe defeated
External links
Internal name se_ev_boss_09_gekiha.dspadpcm.bcstm

To do: Get a YouTube video.
Care to do so?

Epilogue - goodbye
Epilogue - goodbye
External links
Internal name ev_ed.dspadpcm.bcstm
Epilogue - space
Epilogue - space
External links
Internal name ev_epilogue.dspadpcm.bcstm
Staff roll
Staff roll
External links
Internal name BGM_27_staffroll.dspadpcm.bcstm


Brilliant Garden area
Brilliant Garden area
External links
Internal name BGM_14_W1_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Brilliant Garden area - back side
Brilliant Garden area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_15_dungeon_a.dspadpcm.bcstm
Verdant Waterfront area
Verdant Waterfront area
External links
Internal name BGM_16_W2_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Verdant Waterfront area - back side
Verdant Waterfront area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_17_W2_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparkling Labyrinth area
Sparkling Labyrinth area
External links
Internal name BGM_18_W3_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparkling Labyrinth area - back side
Sparkling Labyrinth area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_19_W3_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Ravaged Rustworks area
Ravaged Rustworks area
External links
Internal name BGM_20_W4_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Ravaged Rustworks area - back side
Ravaged Rustworks area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_21_W4_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Leafswirl Lagoon area
Leafswirl Lagoon area
External links
Internal name BGM_22__5_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Leafswirl Lagoon area - back side
Leafswirl Lagoon area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_23__5_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sweltering Parchlands area
Sweltering Parchlands area
External links
Internal name BGM_24_W6_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sweltering Parchlands area - back side
Sweltering Parchlands area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_25_W6_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Snowfall Field area
Snowfall Field area
External links
Internal name BGM_26_W7_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Snowfall Field area - back side
Snowfall Field area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_27_W7_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Lushlife Murk area
Lushlife Murk area
External links
Internal name BGM_28__8_course_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Lushlife Murk area - back side
Lushlife Murk area - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_29__8_course_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Special area 1
Special area 1
External links
Internal name BGM_30_special_course_1_head.dspadpcm.bcstm

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Hey! Pikmin.
Particularly: Get a more descriptive name.

Special area 1 - back side
Special area 1 - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_31_special_course_1_back.dspadpcm.bcstm

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Hey! Pikmin.
Particularly: Get a more descriptive name.

Special area 2
Special area 2
External links
Internal name BGM_32_special_course_2_head.dspadpcm.bcstm

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Hey! Pikmin.
Particularly: Get a more descriptive name.

Special area 2 - back side
Special area 2 - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_33_special_course_2_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Special area 3
Special area 3
External links
Internal name BGM_34_special_course_3_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Special area 3 - back side
Special area 3 - back side
External links
Internal name BGM_35_special_course_3_back.dspadpcm.bcstm
Over Wintry Mountains
Over Wintry Mountains
External links
Internal name BGM_36_special_course_4_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Olimar's Madcap Ride
Olimar's Madcap Ride
External links
Internal name BGM_38_special_course_5_head.dspadpcm.bcstm
Before a boss battle
Before a boss battle
External links
Internal name BGM_44_boss_before.dspadpcm.bcstm
Secret Spot
Secret Spot
External links
Internal name BGM_72_amiibo_minigame_kyotsu.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparklium Springs
Sparklium Springs
External links
Internal name BGM_76_kirakira_no_izumi_kyotsu.dspadpcm.bcstm

Boss battles

Red Bulborb
Red Bulborb
External links
Internal name BGM_46_boss_stg1.dspadpcm.bcstm
Long Water Dumple
Long Water Dumple
External links
Internal name BGM_89_boss_stg2.dspadpcm.bcstm
External links
Internal name BGM_90_boss_stg3.dspadpcm.bcstm
Electric Cottonade
Electric Cottonade
External links
Internal name BGM_103_boss_stg4.dspadpcm.bcstm
Queen Shearwig
Queen Shearwig
External links
Internal name BGM_104_boss_stg5.dspadpcm.bcstm
Fiery Blowhog
Fiery Blowhog
External links
Internal name BGM_105_boss_stg6.dspadpcm.bcstm
Luring Slurker
Luring Slurker
External links
Internal name BGM_106_boss_stg7.dspadpcm.bcstm
Emperor Bulblax
Emperor Bulblax
External links
Internal name BGM_107_boss_stg8.dspadpcm.bcstm
Berserk Leech Hydroe - buried form
Berserk Leech Hydroe - buried form
External links
Internal name BGM_108_boss_stg9_1.dspadpcm.bcstm
Berserk Leech Hydroe - quadruped form
Berserk Leech Hydroe - quadruped form
External links
Internal name BGM_109_boss_stg9_2.dspadpcm.bcstm
Berserk Leech Hydroe - winged form
Berserk Leech Hydroe - winged form
External links
Internal name BGM_110_boss_stg9_3.dspadpcm.bcstm

Minor jingles

Home Menu jingle
Home Menu jingle
External links
Internal name BGM_68_homemenu_title.dspadpcm.bcstm
Area start
Area start
External links
Internal name BGM_13_course_start.dspadpcm.bcstm
Area clear
Area clear
External links
Internal name BGM_41_jingle_goal.dspadpcm.bcstm
Boss defeated
Boss defeated
External links
Internal name BGM_49_boss_defeat.dspadpcm.bcstm
Emperor Bulblax defeated
Emperor Bulblax defeated
External links
Internal name BGM_81_boss_8_clear.dspadpcm.bcstm
Olimar is down
Olimar is down
External links
Internal name BGM_66_miss.dspadpcm.bcstm
Log category complete
Log category complete
External links
Internal name BGM_70_zukan_complete.dspadpcm.bcstm
Secret Spot start
Secret Spot start
External links
Internal name BGM_71_amiibo_minigame_start.dspadpcm.bcstm
Secret Spot cleared
Secret Spot cleared
External links
Internal name BGM_73_amiibo_minigame_clear.dspadpcm.bcstm
Secret Spot failure
Secret Spot failure
External links
Internal name BGM_74_amiibo_minigame_failure.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparklium Springs start
Sparklium Springs start
External links
Internal name BGM_75_kirakira_no_izumi_start.dspadpcm.bcstm
Sparklium Springs cleared
Sparklium Springs cleared
External links
Internal name BGM_77_kirakira_no_izumi_end.dspadpcm.bcstm

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Hey! Pikmin.
Particularly: Understand how this and the next are triggered, and name them accordingly.

Sparklium Springs cleared 2
Sparklium Springs cleared 2
External links
Internal name BGM_83_kirakira_no_izumi_after.dspadpcm.bcstm

The following article or section is in need of assistance from someone who plays Hey! Pikmin.
Particularly: Understand how this and the previous are triggered, and name them accordingly.

Pikmin Park Sparklium
Pikmin Park Sparklium
External links
Internal name BGM_85_jingle_kira_get.dspadpcm.bcstm
Pikmin Park treasure
Pikmin Park treasure
External links
Internal name BGM_86_jingle_otakara_get.dspadpcm.bcstm

See also