Template:Sublevel technical

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Used to describe the technical aspects of a cave's sublevel. This data can be found in /user/Mukki/mapunits/caveinfo.


Parameter Mandatory Default Detailed description
2p No If it's a 2-Player Battle cave, give this a value, like "y".
cave Yes Internal name of the cave it's on.
enemymax Yes Maximum number of enemies. This is property {f002} (敵最大数).
itemmax Yes Maximum number of items. This is property {f003} (アイテム最大数).
gatemax Yes Maximum number of gates. This is property {f004} (ゲート最大数).
capmax Yes Maximum number of dead ends (caps). This is property {f014} (キャップ最大数).
rooms Yes Number of rooms. This is property {f005} (ルーム数).
geyser Yes Does it have an escape geyser? Write "Yes" or "No". This is property {f007} (帰還噴水(1=あり)).
unitfile Yes Unit definition file, with the ".txt". This is property {f008} (使用ユニット).
lightfile Yes Lighting definition file, with the ".ini". This is property {f009} (使用ライト).
bg No Background model file. If none, omit it. This is property {f00A} (VRBOX).
clog Yes Is the next sublevel's hole clogged? Write "Yes" or "No". This is property {f010} (階段を壊す岩で隠す(0=オフ 1=オン)).
hiddenfloor Yes Hidden floor? This is not shown on the table. This is property {f013} (隠し床).
units Yes List of cave units. Use {{sublevel units}} for this.


This template includes two templates for {{sublevel units}} in the correct place.

{{sublevel technical
|2p          = 
|cave        = 
|enemymax    = 
|itemmax     = 
|gatemax     = 
|capmax      = 
|rooms       = 
|geyser      = 
|unitfile    = 
|lightfile   = 
|bg          = 
|clog        = 
|hiddenfloor = 
|units       = 
 {{sublevel units
 {{sublevel units