User talk:Snakeboss14
All content pages have been moved (if I didn't miss any), along with their histories, straight from the original to this wiki. GP
Got too big, so click here to see the old page. Ahhh, the memories!
CL won the admin election, by 2 votes when I last checked. But look at the bright side, because you were 2nd place you will probally be the first Pikipedia picks to be a new admin :-) RWAR! ~JOSHAZILLA!!!~ AND IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!
- Yeah, it was a tough fight and he won in the end. And yes, for the next election more people will know me and I'll be older.
LOL, then I was one vote away. I was actually surprised to be supported by so many. Snakeboss14
You as bored as me? I'm ~LonelyTurret~ And I approve this message.
Yup, nothing to do... Snakeboss14
really cool.--Pikmin fan 101
- Didn't I just ban you, oh, wait I undid that... errr... ignore that. THIS IS A DISTRACTION!!!! OMGZ A ..ERRR... DISTRACTION! I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
? --Pikmin fan 101
Wait, I was banned? I had to go yesterday(after our "fight"), and i didn't go back here till now. ---Pikmin fan 101
Eh, forget it.--Pikmin fan 101
About my seems like if it's "broken"(like mine yesterday), my PC makes it look "normal". I didn't notice that it was broken untill now(i'm using my brother's old PC). Anyways, I'm sorry about yesterday. I've realised i've been a Dumass ever since i joined(really). I guess you really deserve to be admin...---Pikmin fan 101
Yes, I always knew CL deserved that. I was actually going to vote for him, but I got too greedy as soon as I posted myself. Snakeboss14
- Same with me, I was gonna vote for you but didn't want to lose '-.-' I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
You guys made the right choice not to vote. If you did, we would be in a whole different situation(Ex. people could still be voting Ex.2 it could be a tie).--Pikmin fan 101
Hey, do you mind if you make me a new sig?!? I'm tired of looking at my old one...--I'm the one, the only, ~PikminFan~101
Just reminding you that the (Pokemon) movie goes on 7:00 eastern tonight. Come and chat at the channel (Forum:Livestream). IAMAHIPO_ocolor 13:43, October 31, 2009 (UTC)
You mean today Saturday 31? Happy Haloween everyone! Snakeboss14
Do you have Wifi conection for your DS and do you have Platinum?--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
You're lucky you have Wi-fi for your DS, it doesn't seem to work for me...Anyways, did you know that they're giving out Darkrai through Wi-fi connection, ut you need to have the National Dex.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- You obtain the N. Dex once you've captured or seen all 200 something Pokemon in Sinnoh. The best way to achieve this is by just trading Pokemon from other games.--FREAK ~Game
Hey, did you ever happen to play the Shadow Pokémon games? Snakeboss14
Yeah, only Pokemon XD.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- Platinum, Pearl, Both Shadow. RWAR! ~JOSHAFile:Gozira.PNGZILLA!!!~ AND IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!
- Red, Leafgreen, Firered, Gold, Channel, Colleseam, XD, Pearl, Platinum, Ruby, Mystery: Blue/Time, Snap and Stadium 2. Zelda is my fav series. RWAR! ~JOSHAFile:Gozira.PNGZILLA!!!~ AND IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!
OH! And I forgot Battle Revolution. And I have played Stadium and Snap, too. Metroid is my favorite series. Snakeboss14
wanna brawl 2morrow? i'll give u the code once u say yes --pikmin fan 101--
Just to inform you, I think Snakeboss14 has started school. High schools start earlier than middle schools. About 3 weeks earlier I think--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
school, school, school! Well, lucky for me, i don't have school till Sept. 8, which gives me one mor month to relax and play wii all day.--I'm the one, the only, ~PikminFan~101
- I'd Brawl with you if you game me your code. However, I probably won't have time unless we brawl on a weekend, because as Game said, I already started school, and in the afternoons I have the homework and literary creation class on Tuesdays.
OH NO!!! I've just remembered I let my cousin borrow my Brawl, so, unfortunately, I won't be able to Brawl until he returns it. Snakeboss14
>_<*smacks head*––FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
What is Project ITA?--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- Project Improving Treasure Articles. BTW, Metroid Prime Trilogy is out tomorrow!!!! Can't wait. Have you watched the trailer? It's awesome!
Yup, I've seen the trailer. I'm gonna get it, are you? *remembers school* CRAP!--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Of course! I don't have any of the games, but I've played 1 and 3 and my friend says Echoes is awesome! Asd for school, I'm sure I'll find the time for playing. Snakeboss14
My freaking history teacher already has a presentation projet planned out for us, but I'll still find the time to play it.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Hey! Guess what? I have finally convinced my mom to let me use her credit card and buy the Trilogy on Gamestop! Snakeboss14
I got it 2 days ago. When we have a chance I'll exhange Friend credits with you.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Mm, you haven;'t been on in a while Snake, so I think that you're probably playing Metroid Triology. I am almost done ith Prime, it is hard but fun.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- I wonder if they'll release other games as trilogy sets... like Pikmin... I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
um.... im just wondering but on the pikminn 3 page it says "pikmin was hinted to be a trigolgy" does that mean after pikmin 3 no more pikmin?*aims shotgun at shigy*
R to the P to theWyb
- How would we know? That just means the creators originally planned 3 games... I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
then go spy in the nintendo place and find out!!!!R to the P to theWyb
It isn't something to get a heart attack over, even though a trequel is overdue right now. Let'shpe they announce it at E3 2010.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
if they dont soeone going to have a shotgun pointed at them...R to the P to theWyb
- And Kirbii (Kirby Wii)... and... Well, I don't Know, Y'know? I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
if only someones dad was in nintendoR to the P to theWyb
Sorry, guys. Couldn't be here for a while. I went playing Age of Mythology with my friends on Friday, on Saturday I didn't have time and today I went with my grandma to cele rate her birthday. I'll probably buy Trilogy this week. Snakeboss14
Okay, me plays Triology so I might not be here for a few years days. I'll check in every other day though.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Today! I'm buying it today! Snakeboss14
I beat Metroid Prime with all items and log book entries. You get somehing cool, but I won't spoil it for you.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
T.T I bet not on Triology though...or have you.>_> <_<--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- I was kidding, and I've only beaten the original version... for the GC... I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
OK, I already bought it, so I'll tell ya when I get it so I know what Game's talking about. Snakeboss14
Confirmed! It arrives on Monday, though I'm still angry at the 30 dollar tax for shipping. >:( Anyways, have you been wondering why I've not been here lately? My friend lent me his Twilight Princess. Snakeboss14
That game's fun, I beat it not to long ago. If you need help, I'm your guy.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Wait, if you haven't got the trilogy yet, how have you been editing Metroid Prime articles at Wikitroid?GP
I borrowed it from my friend last year. That's how I got into the Metroid series in the first place. Snakeboss14
And by the way, the Trilogy arrives to Mexico on Monday.
Have you gotteen Trilogy yet?--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
NO! *stomps fist on desk* Had to pay about 30 dollars more when it got to Mexico. I was going to get it on Monday, but I don't know now. :( Snakeboss14
That sux. Hope you get it soon.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Do not worry, my fair friend, I got it now! Next is the Flaagrah! Snakeboss14
- Eegah! ...That was an MST3K refrences, for you nerds like me out there. I'm ~Lonely
Turret~ And I approve this message.
OK, absolutely didn't get that reference. Anyways, I'm close to finishing Prime 1. Has any of you tried the multiplayer? Snakeboss14
Yeah, its kinda...well...meh?--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- Do you know if you get Friend Vouchers in the first two games? Why don't you give me your code?
Hey, your Pikmin ideas are incredible! You should put them at Pikmin Fanon, where all ideas for pikmin fans are spread. I'm ~Peanut64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.
Wait, multiplayer in Prime 1, or are you just referring to Echoes' multiplayer? Or did they implement some cross-game multiplayer?GP
I think he's referring to the Echoes multiplayer.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Yes, Echoes' (which I have already started). And to Peanut:Yeah, maybe I'll post them in Pikmin Fanon soon! Snakeboss14
Hey Snake, about Metroid, I found Prime 1 to be the most entertaining while Prime 2 was the most boring. Corruption was alright, but I really didn't get the story and the final boss was kinda awkward.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- Yeah, most people consider Prime 1 the best game in the Trilogy, maybe because it captures the most Metroid feeling. From Corruption and 1, I prefer the first one, too,and the final boss in Corruption is easy and weird, because there's no energy bar. I'll tell you which one I liked the best when I finish Echoes. I already beat the Power Bomb Guardian.
- Yeah, most people consider Prime 1 the best game in the Trilogy, maybe because it captures the most Metroid feeling. From Corruption and 1, I prefer the first one, too,and the final boss in Corruption is easy and weird, because there's no energy bar. I'll tell you which one I liked the best when I finish Echoes. I already beat the Power Bomb Guardian.
- I finished Echoes. I definitely liked Prime 1 the best, as most people do, but then Echoes. I liked the Dark Aether concept.
- I agree, Prime 1 is the best 3-D Metroid they've made yet. I also liked the concept of Dark Aether, just not the execution. SirPikmin,The Knight of Legend!Contributions
why is all this under pokemon? lolR to the P to theWyb.HELP ME PLZ ]
I rest my case.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Do yant my MKWii friend code? Look here if you do:[1].--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
I'll add you soon. Do you have your Wii back? Maybe I can send you some Friend Vouchers for Trilgogy. Snakeboss14
Only one? I got 21! Anyways, I wanted to ask you something. I'm damn lost in the Flab Zone in M&L 3. I got the jump helmet or whatever it's colled, but I don't know what to do now. Do I leave? Where's Peach? Snakeboss14
You are in the Flab zone? Heh. I beat the game a few days ago. ( Stuck on Bowser X though. :( )--File:IdlePikmin.jpgFile:Images.ijpg the master--MewFan128 Mew! 23:24, October 7, 2009 (UTC)
Pikmin 3
Everyone has more edits in talk pages than anything else. When Pikmin 3 is released we will hav more articles.Ridly Roar! 01:21, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah, most users have more edits on talk pages. Only a few don't. And by the way, you're the first one in a very long time to start a new headline.
XXX] Um me too!R to the P to theWyb.
OMG! You should start editing! Snakeboss14
I know, but what is ther to edit on??? You have done all the treasures, i have looked at some enimies and i didn't see anything. i lost pikmin 1. what can i do??? the sad thing is i have been here longer then you...R to the P to theWyb.
LOL, GameFreak75! Heh Also: In the absence of Pik3 I have used myself as an example to show what people do when all articles are nearly completed-Small talk. I say we search for bad and obscure pages. Ridly Roar! 00:59, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
I think I will attack Kirby articles to boost my post count.Ridly Roar! 21:52, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
- Well, my Project ITA is nearly finished, and I don't know what I'll do next. At least I can edit like mad at Wikitroid.
Congratulations on finishing project ITA :-). Prime 1 is my personal favourite, and to the "what to do next" thing, what about improving enemy and character pages? RWAR! ~JOSHAZILLA!!!~ AND IMAFIRINMAHLAZOR!!!
Thanks, Josh, it's good to see you back here. Project ITA kept me busy for a while. I think I'll follow your advice. And CL:I finished two days ago, I think. Snakeboss14
I was wondering why it had taken people so long to notice that I'm here....I actually have some good ideas for Pikmin 3, but since it's probably going to be made already, I decided to make it Pikmin 4, Pikmin Adventure. I hope that Pikmin 3 comes out soon!-Legend Link
- Yeah, you had almost a week here :P. And yes, I got some ideas for both Pikmin 3 and 4. They will probably become all Pikmin 4 sometime.
Jeez! Ok, they're all for Pikmin 3. Snakeboss14
Creature Improvement Association! I'm ~LonelyTurret~ And I approve this message.
Dude, your Pikmin 3 ideas are awesome! You should turn that into a fan game at Pikmin Fanon Wiki! Nice pics, they would fit right in at Pikmin Fanon, cuz we love new additions to the creative fan projects.The one and only,Peanut64.
- Holidays are comming soon. If I remember, I may transfer that information to Pikmin fanon. Thanks!
titan dweevils are still dangerous without weapons!!!
i was playing on my friends game cube and he beat the titan dweevil yet i fought it and it PICKED UP MY PIKMIN AND ATE IT,so i threw a pikmin to it(white)and it picked it up and THREW,that means titan dweevil have natural weapons.AND i was playing it a while back and the titan dweevil SPRAYED FIRE so it seems it may be a hybrid/mixture of all the dweevils.
I have a theory!maybe when it picked up the weapons,it was studying them,then what happened to me(it sprayed fire)maybe it learned how to use its body to match the weapons.OR,since the weapons were on its body it picked up traits and since dweevil mimic things,it learned how to mimic elemental hazards(water,fire,electricity and poison
- That makes sense, but, are you sure? I have never seen the Titan Dweevil attack after you take off its weapons. Why don't you keep trying? Maybe you can get more results.
How come you delete every post I post?
am I doing something wrong?
- Well, could you give me an example? I don't know who posted what. And please sign by using four tildes (~)
I decided to make you an admin. You are a great user and you are what we need to further pikipedia. Welcome aboard! --Revan 01:29, March 8, 2010 (UTC)
It makes me feel stupid, but can you help me downsize the image on y sig? Rpwyb
Is it your birthday already? Happy 16th birthday, dude. Sorry for the lateness or earliness.--FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
Happy B-day. I think i'm the youngest here R to the P to theWyb.
Friend Code
Snakeboss, my Wii broke, so I had to get a new one and a new friend code. My new Brawl friend code is: 0131-4862-2247. --FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- Yeah, fortunately, most of my data was saved because of the SD card I had. I only lost my Brawl, MKWii and Animal Crossing data. Also, about the Pokemon thing, I was doing the exact same thing except with the same 493 pPokemon, but new leaders and a new area. --FREAK ~Game
- I made the leaders and Elite Four on paint, if you wanna see them, I could probably send them to you in a file, just gimme your email. The grass type looks the coolest while the fire type looks the lamest. I'm going for the water-type nontheless (I hope there are no electric gyms though)--FREAK ~Game
- I made the leaders and Elite Four on paint, if you wanna see them, I could probably send them to you in a file, just gimme your email. The grass type looks the coolest while the fire type looks the lamest. I'm going for the water-type nontheless (I hope there are no electric gyms though)--FREAK ~Game
new enemy
hi, can you make like a lunging snitchbug (grabs captain and pikmin) please? heres a picture.
??? 22:00, May 23, 2010 (UTC)wooferwoof1??? 22:00, May 23, 2010 (UTC)
New Enemy
you can make your own if you want.
You kidding, the Kirby game looks amazing. Definitely a first day buy for me. Can't wait for the new Zelda and Kid Icarus game and the DK game too. --FREAK ~Game Freak~OUT!
- I only watch soccer during the World Cup. But man, Mexico destroyed France. I think France's goalie was a little too cocky. I hope Mexico, Brazil, or Germany wins. --FREAK ~Game
hi again im going to make a pikmin 3 ideas page of my own and im asking if i can use your quisksand and black pikmin idea,
AND im going to use my lunging snitchbug idea.
AND (omg it's coming!) im going to use somrhing like your zoo tykoon idea with YOUR permission, izianistac. (lol)
Tell me that's not your signature Vol (Talk)
New Enemy
to volitile dweevil (talk): thats not my sig., this is! john says, "wooferwoof1 is good for your health!" 21:40, July 8, 2010 (UTC)
to SnakeBoss: 1: i dont mind if you make a few... flibflabwhatawhat changes. 2:the purple thing is a spike thats just for looks.
A fAvOr
PlEaSe I nEeD a FaVoR
Go tO DeAdRiSiNg WiKi
gO tO DeAtHsCuLleR'S talk PAGE
delete everything there.
Type "Please archive this" and
You did it? Sorry. I left after asking you. Urgent.
Anyway, the favor was because i was banned and needed some1 to tell them to archive my page and say i was sorry since i was just pissed at the time because they said i was achievement farming.
THANK YOU! I promise that in 2073, when pikmin 3 is released, i will edit this wiki. Pikmin is my life. Ask anyone who knows me. I simply do not edit here because it is dead. The last game came out 2004. BUT... thanx anyways man. Deathsculler 06:03, July 21, 2010 (UTC)
Hmmm.... Well, okay then.
I was looking at the recent edits when I saw that Yoshord had made a bunch of edits on the Deutsch version of this wiki. The map was the featured image.
I got the map from here Vol (Talk)
Hello! I really like your Pikmin 3 ideas. Lunging Snitchbugs would suck. (Not the idea, but fighting them) Anyway, I started stalki- I mean, following you. Could I use your images?
Until next time, Pikman14 17:18, June 8, 2012 (UTC)