Scientific Name Rhythimus Hocotatia
Family Hocotatigrimps
Areas Hocotate
Underground Areas Boredom Hole
Carry Weight 5
Max. Carriers 8
Seed Worth 10 seeds
Treasure Value 10 pokos
Attacks Stone kick


I joined this wiki sometime this year, due to my love of Pikmin. ONE DAY THEY WILL RULE THE EARTH!. I have LOADS of images, especially concept art, promotional and screenshots. My sig is on the left. I love RPG, music and strategy games. I also enjoy adventure and action. I'm a boy-so no mistakes! I live in St.Helens, UK.If ypu would like an image, leave a message, with a description of what you want and I'll try and find a close match. PUFFSTOOL ROCKS YER SOCKS OFF!

Oh, how I want Rhythm Tengoku...this minigame is COOL!