File:My Body Is Ready Song (For more than 4 hours)
This is what Kirby is listening to. His body is always ready
Music of Kirby.gif

Why the flip are you reading this? (for future reference, I say "flip" a lot)

my name comes from a mix of 3 words: "Stupid," "Super," and "Star." I am stupid, and Kirby Super Star is one of may favorite games, so it fits.

So, about me... I'm a human being and I live on Earth. I hang around a bunch of different sites, so you could possibly see me in some other place. However, this is the only place where I use StuperStar as a username, so you'd have to ask the person you think is me...

I'm a big Nintendo fan and geek in general, but I'll mostly edit things around here.

Anyways, a little about me:

~Favorite video game:

Super Mario World

~Favorite Pikmin: 

Pikmin Series: Purple 
Super Smash Bros Series: White

~Favorite Pikmin level: 

Final Trial

~Favorite Pikmin song:

Bublax Kingdom

~Favorite enemy:

Things I've Notice

Coherence. That's key for a wiki to look nice. And so things in the wiki break coherence. If you see anything in this wiki that breaks any of the following, please change them so they do:

  • Italicize games. For example, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 3. This is a biggy.
  • Calling Pikmin "Pikmin 1" isn't something I like. It's kind of more like a pet peeve, but that's not the games name. By taking off the "1" and italicizing the game name, that should be enough to tell people it is a game, while keeping it's official title. For example, in the Kirby Wikia, they don't call Kirby's Dream Land "Kirby's Dream Land 1" even though the series also has Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3.
  • For Note headers, use "Heading 3." like, in Pikmin 2, enemies have "Olimar's Notes" and "Louie's Notes." Those exact words (the header of the passage) should be set to Header 3. However, this is kind of just a "me" thing, so if you're thinking I'm being overly dictative about this wiki, you don't absolutely have to do this. 
  • Order to passages:
    • Enemy: Main thing (includes infobox, summary, etc.), Notes, Killing Strategy, Gallery, Trivia
    • Ship Parts and Treasures: Main Thing, How to get it (although many treasures just put ths in the main thing), Notes, Trivia.
  • (I'll add more if need be)

Pikmin Records and Conflictions about them

Everyone here has them.... I would go check because I don't have most of my record memorizes (in fact, I'm not 100% on any of them). And if you're wondering "Why the heck don't you go check?", I have an answer. I only have the Wii version of both games (I've played the GCN ones, and I find the Wii's control scheme more natural to me), and currently, my Wii doesn't seem to want to play games. It can't read a single one. so I can't check/play them AT ALL until it's fixed, or I get a Wii U (which I want so flipping badly, but I'm still a young teen-14 eyars old-so I don't have a regular job yet and my parents sure as heck don't want to pay $300, or even $250...). I've triend fixing my Wii on my own, but if it did anything, it made it worse (made the eject noise all funky).

So, that's my story...

But my estimated records are only the days spent (remember, I seriously don't remember the exact days, so it's a guess)...

Pikmin 2: 13 days

Pikmin 2: Somwhere between 13 and 16 days. I didn't pay attention to days on Pikmin 2 as much (since there wasn't a limit), so my mind is more foggy on that one. It's also more foggy since I never really tried to perfect it. I was more interested in a 0 death run (which I accomplished in Pikmin 2).

Olimar is allergic to bee stings


My Ideas Wiki (who knows when I'll do anything on it)