ok so i just took off for the night in preplexing pool and i got to the point where the enemies attack the ship, the usual blowhog, wollywog and bulbears (4 to be exact) but the bulbears were acting strange, they seemed to be shaking their heads, twice as fast... Captain Ludwig 20:58, 3 October 2008 (UTC)

The adult bulbear seems to continously try too walk through the shuttle, until it departs...Nin10dude

IMA CONFUSED I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

I've just discovered Dwarf Bulbears appear in the Distant Spring only after day 15. I killed the tree bulbears, amazed by the fact that the dwarf ones never appeared. On day 16, there were only this guys. Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png

Same thing happened to me!--Gamefreak75 22:35, 29 June 2009 (UTC)