Gender Non-Binary
Pikmin (game) icon.png No
Wiki icon to represent Pikmin 1 (Nintendo Switch). No
Pikmin 2 icon.png Own
Wiki icon to represent Pikmin 2 (Nintendo Switch). No
Pikmin 3 icon.png 100% completion
Icon for Pikmin 3 Deluxe. This uses File:Pikmin 3 icon.png and applies a rescaled "D" from the official logo. 94.7
Game icon for Pikmin 4 articles, from the September 13th, 2022 Nintendo Direct. Own
This icon represents Hey! Pikmin on Pikipedia. It is based off of the game's logo. No
Wiki icon to represent Pikmin Bloom. Made by giving the official app icon a transparent background and scaling it down. No
Pikmin Adventure icon.png Own
This user can capture GameCube footage.
This user can capture long Nintendo Switch footage.
This user can handle the following languages: English.
edit This user has 72 total edits on this wiki.