
Hello, Palvo1420, and welcome to Pikipedia! If you need ideas on how to help, please see the helping out page. For a beginner's guide on how to edit pages, check out the quick start guide. Finally, if you'd like to chat with other editors, there's a Discord server. Thanks for joining, and we hope you enjoy your stay! Bossclips (talk) 20:05, October 4, 2023 (EDT)

  • Heyaa!! Thanks for the welcoming :DD. I'm currently focusing on helping on the Xeno Series Wiki since there's a lot to do. But if I get the opportunity to help here too with little things, I'll gladly help! Palvo1420 (talk) 15:31, October 10, 2023 (EDT)

Please do not continue adding your images

Hello there! We see that you've been uploading fansparecy for Bloom.

This is not needed when we have access to much higher quality pngs.

Also please note that we only put Bloom content when it is live ingame, not when it is announced. This is due to Niantic being Niantic.

  • Oh okay, I did not know this, for the next time I'll have it in mind. Thanks for letting me now and it won't happen again!